
International Journal Paper

  1. 1. Sebastien Tremblay, Leah Acker, Arash Afraz, Daniel L Albaugh, Hidetoshi Amita, Ariana R Andrei, Alessandra Angelucci, Amir Aschner, Puiu F Balan, Michele A Basso, Giacomo Benvenuti, Martin O Bohlen, Michael J Caiola, Roberto Calcedo, James Cavanaugh, Yuzhi Chen, Spencer Chen, Mykyta M Chernov, Andrew M Clark, Ji Dai, Samantha R Debes, Karl Deisseroth, Robert Desimone, Valentin Dragoi, Seth W Egger, Mark AG Eldridge, Hala G El-Nahal, Francesco Fabbrini, Frederick Federer, Christopher R Fetsch, Michal G Fortuna, Robert M Friedman, Naotaka Fujii, Alexander Gail, Adriana Galvan, Supriya Ghosh, Marc Alwin Gieselmann, Roberto A Gulli, Okihide Hikosaka, Eghbal A Hosseini, Xing Hu, Janina Huer, Ken-Ichi Inoue, Roger Janz, Mehrdad Jazayeri, Rundong Jiang, Niansheng Ju, Kohitij Kar, Carsten Klein, Adam Kohn, Misako Komatsu, Kazutaka Maeda, Julio C Martinez-Trujillo, Masayuki Matsumoto, John HR Maunsell, Diego Mendoza-Halliday, Ilya E Monosov, Ross S Muers, Lauri Nurminen, Michael Ortiz-Rios, Daniel J O’Shea, Stephane Palfi, Christopher I Petkov, Sorin Pojoga, Rishi Rajalingham, Charu Ramakrishnan, Evan D Remington, Cambria Revsine, Anna W Roe, Philip N Sabes, Richard C Saunders, Hansjorg Scherberger, Michael C Schmid, Wolfram Schultz, Eyal Seidemann, Yann-Suhan Senova, Michael N Shadlen, David L Sheinberg, Caitlin Siu, Yoland Smith, Selina S Solomon, Marc A Sommer, John L Spudich, William R Stauffer, Masahiko Takada, Shiming Tang, Alexander Thiele, Stefan Treue, Wim Vanduffel, Rufin Vogels, Matthew P Whitmire, Thomas Wichmann, Robert H Wurtz, Haoran Xu, Azadeh Yazdan-Shahmorad, Krishna V Shenoy, James J DiCarlo, Michael L Platt, An open resource for non-human primate optogenetics, Neuron, 2020, 108, 6, 1075-1090, reviewed BibTeX
  2. 2. Tsutsui-Kimura I, Matsumoto H, Akiti K, Yamada MM, Uchida N, *Watabe-Uchida M, Distinct temporal difference error signals in dopamine axons in three regions of the striatum in a decision-making task., Elife, 2020, 9, e62390, reviewed BibTeX
  3. 3. *Arslanova I, Wang K, Gomi H, Haggard P, Somatosensory evoked potentials that index lateral inhibition are modulated according to the mode of perceptual processing: comparing or combining multi-digit tactile motion., Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020, 2020 BibTeX
  4. 4. *Sugiyama M, Tsuda K, Nakahara H, Sample Space Truncation on Boltzmann Machines, NeurIPS 2020 Workshop: Deep Learning through Information Geometry, 2020, 1-9, reviewd, & BibTeX
  5. 5. Kato A, Kunisato Y, Katahira K, Okimura T, *Yamashita Y, Computational Psychiatry Research Map (CPSYMAP): A New Database for Visualizing Research Papers, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020, 11, 578706, reviewed& BibTeX
  6. 6. Yatsuka H, Hada K, Shiraishi H, Umeda R, Morisaki I, Urushibata H, Shimizu N, Sebastian WA, Hikida T, Ishitani T, Hanada R, Shimada T, Kimoto K, Kubota T, Hanada T, Exosc2 deficiency leads to developmental disorders by causing a nucleotide pool imbalance in zebrafish, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020, 533, 4, 1470-1476, reviewed BibTeX
  7. 7. *Tatsuya Matsushima, Naruya Kondo, Yusuke Iwasawa, Kaoru Nasuno, Yutaka Matsuo, Modeling Task Uncertainty for Safe Meta-imitation Learning, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2020, 7, 189, reviewed BibTeX
  8. 8. *Tomoki Kurikawa, Kenji Mizuseki, Tomoki Fukai, Oscillation-Driven Memory Encoding, Maintenance, and Recall in an Entorhinal-Hippocampal Circuit Model., Cerebral Cortex, 2020, 31, bhaa343, reviewed BibTeX
  9. 9. *Kurikawa T, Mizuseki K, Fukai T, Oscillation-Driven Memory Encoding, Maintenance, and Recall in an Entorhinal-Hippocampal Circuit Model., Cerebral Cortex, 2020, 31, bhaa343, reviewed BibTeX
  10. 10. Shiwaku H, Doi S, Miyajima M, Matsumoto Y, Fujino J, Hirai N, Jitoku D, Takagi S, Tamura T, Maruo T, Shidei Y, Kobayashi N, Ichihashi M, Noguchi S, Oohashi K, Takeuchi T, Sugihara G, Okada T, Fujiwara T, *Takahashi H., Novel brief screening scale, Tokyo Metropolitan Distress Scale for Pandemic (TMDP), for assessing mental and social stress of medical personnel in COVID-19 pandemic, Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2020, 75, 24-25, reviewed BibTeX
  11. 11. *Yohei Oseki, Alec Marantz, Modeling human morphological competence, Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11, 513740, reviewed& BibTeX
  12. 12. *Fujii K, Yoshihara Y, Matsumoto Y, Tose K, Takeuchi H, Isobe M, Mizuta H, Maniwa D, Okamura T, Murai T, Kawahara Y, Takahashi H., Cognition and interpersonal coordination of patients with schizophrenia who have sports habits, PLoS One, 2020, 15, e0241863, reviewed& BibTeX
  13. 13. Briones Jeric, Kubo Takatomi, Ikeda Kazushi, Extraction of Hierarchical Behavior Patterns Using a Non-parametric Bayesian Approach, Frontiers in Computer Science, 2020, 2, reviewed BibTeX
  14. 14. Yamasaki S, Aso T, Miyata J, Sugihara G, Hazama M, Nemoto K, Yoshihara Y, Matsumoto Y, Okada T, Togashi K, Murai T, Takahashi H, *Suwa T, Early and late effects of electroconvulsive therapy associated with different temporal lobe structures, Transl Psychiatry, 2020, 10, 344, reviewed BibTeX
  15. 15. Kunitomo, H., and *Iino, Y., Caenorhabditis elegans che-5 is allelic to gcy-22., MicroPubl Biol, 2020, 313, reviewed BibTeX
  16. 16. Murakami R, Tanaka H, Shinotsuka H, Nagata K, Shouno H, Yoshikawa H*, Development of multiple core-level XPS spectra decomposition method based on the Bayesian information criterion, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2020, 245, 147003, reviewed& BibTeX
  17. 17. *Tatsuya Teramae, Takamitsu Matsubara, Tomoyuki Noda, Jun Morimoto, Quaternion-based trajectory optimization of human postures for inducing target muscle activation patterns, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020, 5, 4, 6607-6614, reviewed BibTeX
  18. 18. *Briones, J., Kubo, T., & Ikeda, K., Extraction of Hierarchical Behavior Patterns Using a Non-parametric Bayesian Approach, Frontiers in Computer Science, 2020, 2, reviewed BibTeX
  19. 19. *Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Tetsunari Inamura, Spatial Concept-Based Navigation with Human Speech Instructions via Probabilistic Inference on Bayesian Generative Model, Advanced Robotics, 2020, 34, 19, 1213-1228, reviewed BibTeX
  20. 20. Morioka H, Calhoun V, *Hyvärinen A, Nonlinear ICA of fMRI reveals primitive temporal structures linked to rest, task, and behavioral traits, NeuroImage, 2020, 218, 116989, reviewed BibTeX
  21. 21. *Misako Komatsu, Noritaka Ichinohe, Effects of Ketamine Administration on Auditory Information Processing in the Neocortex of Nonhuman Primates, Frontiers in psychiatry, 2020, 11, 826, reviewed BibTeX
  22. 22. Idei H, Murata S, *Yamashita Y, *Ogata T, Homogeneous Intrinsic Neuronal Excitability Induces Overfitting to Sensory Noise: A Robot Model of Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020, 11, 762, reviewed& BibTeX
  23. 23. *De Havas J, Ito S, Gomi H, On Stopping Voluntary Muscle Relaxations and Contractions: Evidence for Shared Control Mechanisms and Muscle State-Specific Active Breaking, The Journal of Neuroscience., 2020, 2020, 40, 31 BibTeX
  24. 24. *Masaaki Sato, Kotaro Mizuta, Tanvir Islam, Masako Kawano, Yukiko Sekine, Takashi Takekawa, Daniel Gomez-Dominguez, Alexander Schmidt, Fred Wolf, Karam Kim, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Masamichi Ohkura, Min Goo Lee, Tomoki Fukai, Junichi Nakai and *Yasunori Hayashi, Distinct mechanisms of over-representation of landmarks and rewards in the hippocampus., Cell Reports, 2020, 32, 107864, reviewed BibTeX
  25. 25. *Sato M, Mizuta K, Islam T, Kawano M, Sekine Y, Takekawa T, Gomez-Dominguez D, Schmidt A, Wolf F, Kim K, Yamakawa H, Ohkura M, Lee MG, Fukai T, Nakai J *Hayashi Y, Distinct mechanisms of over-representation of landmarks and rewards in the hippocampus., Cell Reports, 2020, 32, 107864, reviewed BibTeX
  26. 26. Shinotsuka H+, Nagata K, *Yoshikawa H, Mototake Y, Shouno H, Okada M, Development of spectral decomposition based on Bayesian information criterion with estimation of confidence interval, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2020, 21, 1, 402-419, reviewed& BibTeX
  27. 27. Yun M, Kawai T, Nejime M, Yamada H, *Matsumoto M, Signal dynamics of midbrain dopamine neurons during economic decision-making in monkeys, Science Advances, 2020, 6, eaba4962, reviewed BibTeX
  28. 28. Saito N, Tainaka K, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Yamaguchi S, Sasaoka T, Neurotransmission through dopamine D1 receptor is required for aversive memory formation and Arc activation in the cerebral cortex, Neuroscience Research, 2020, 156, 58-65, reviewed BibTeX
  29. 29. Mariko Tada, Kenji Kirihara, Daisuke Koshiyama, Mao Fujioka, Kaori Usui, Takanori Uka, Misako Komatsu, Naoto Kunii, Tsuyoshi Araki, Kiyoto Kasai, Gamma-Band Auditory Steady-State Response as a Neurophysiological Marker for Excitation and Inhibition Balance: A Review for Understanding Schizophrenia and Other Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 2020, 51, 4, 234-243, reviewed BibTeX
  30. 30. Nishioka T, Hamaguchi K, Yawata S, Hikida T, *Watanabe D, Chemogenetic Suppression of the Subthalamic Nucleus Induces Attentional Deficits and Impulsive Action in a Five-Choice Serial Reaction Time Task in Mice, Frontiers in System Neuroscience, 2020, 14, 38, reviewed BibTeX
  31. 31. Megumi Takasago, Naoto Kunii, Misako Komatsu, Mariko Tada, Kenji Kirihara, Takanori Uka, Yohei Ishishita, Seijiro Shimada, Kiyoto Kasai, Nobuhito Saito, Spatiotemporal Differentiation of MMN From N1 Adaptation: A Human ECoG Study, Frontiers in psychiatry, 2020, 11, 586, reviewed BibTeX
  32. 32. Takeuchi H, Tsurumi K, Murao T, Mizuta H, Kawada R, Murai T, *Takahashi H., Framing effects on financial and health problems in gambling disorder., Addict Behav., 2020, 110, 106502, reviewed& BibTeX
  33. 33. Nishioka T, Hamaguchi K, Yawata S, Hikida T, Watanabe D, Chemogenetic suppression of the subthalamic nucleus induces attentional deficits and impulsive action in a five-choice serial reaction time task in mice, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 2020, 14, 38, reviewed BibTeX
  34. 34. *Akira Kinose, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Integration of imitation learning using GAIL and reinforcement learning using task-achievement rewards via probabilistic graphical model, Advanced Robotics, 2020, 34, 16, 1055-1067, reviewed BibTeX
  35. 35. *Katahira K, Kunisato Y, Okimura T, Yamashita Y, Retrospective surprise: A computational component for active inference, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2020, 96, 202347~102347, reviewed& BibTeX
  36. 36. *Koizumi A, Hori T, Maniscalco B, Hayase M, Mishima R, Kawashima T, Miyata J, Aso T, Lau H, Takahashi H, Amano K., Atypical spatial frequency dependence of visual metacognition among schizophrenia patients, Neuroimage Clin, 2020, 27, 102296, reviewed BibTeX
  37. 37. *Yohei Oseki, Masayuki Asahara, Design of BCCWJ-EEG: Balanced corpus with human clectroencephalography, Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2020, Short Paper, 189-194, reviewed& BibTeX
  38. 38. Anan M, Higa R, Shikano K, Shide M, Soda A, Carrasco Apolinaro ME, Mori K, Shin T, Miyazato M, Mimata H, Hikida T, Hanada T, Nakao K, Kangawa K, Hanada R, Cocaine has some effect on Neuromedin U expressing neurons related to the brain reward system, Heliyon, 2020, 6, 5, e03947, reviewed# BibTeX
  39. 39. Raman Rajani, *Hosoya Haruo, Convolutional neural networks explain tuning properties of anterior, but not middle, face- processing areas in macaque inferotemporal cortex, Communications Biology, 2020, 3, 1–15, reviewed& BibTeX
  40. 40. Guilherme Maeda, Okan Koc, *Jun Morimoto, Phase portraits as movement primitives for fast humanoid robot control, Neural Networks, 2020, 129, 109-122, reviewed& BibTeX
  41. 41. Yoshihara Y, Lisi G, Yahata N, Fujino J, Matsumoto Y, Miyata J, Sugihara GI, Urayama SI, Kubota M, Yamashita M, Hashimoto R, Ichikawa N, Cahn W, van Haren NEM, Mori S, Okamoto Y, Kasai K, Kato N, Imamizu H, Kahn RS, Sawa A, Kawato M, Murai T, Morimoto J, *Takahashi H., Overlapping but Asymmetrical Relationships Between Schizophrenia and Autism Revealed by Brain Connectivit, Schizophr Bull, 2020, 46, 1210-8, reviewed& BibTeX
  42. 42. *Rok Pahic, Barry Ridge, Andrej Gams, Jun Morimoto, Ales Ude, Training of deep neural networks for the generation of dynamics movement primitives, Neural Networks, 2020, 127, 121-131, reviewed& BibTeX
  43. 43. Wang Q, Shimizu K, Maehata K, Pan Y, Sakurai K, Hikida T, Fukada Y, Takao T, Lithium ion adduction enables UPLC-MS/MS–based analysis of multi-class, 3-hydroxyl group–containing keto-steroids, The Journal of Lipid Research, 2020, 61, 4, 570-579, reviewed BibTeX
  44. 44. *Atsushi Masumori, Lana Sinapayen, Norihiro Maruyama, Takeshi Mita, Douglas Bakkum, Urs Frey, Hirokazu Takahashi, Takashi Ikegami, Neural Autopoiesis: Organizing Self-Boundaries by Stimulus Avoidance in Biological and Artificial Neural Networks., Artificial life, 2020, 26, 130-151, reviewed BibTeX
  45. 45. Kumar, A., Baruah, A., Tomioka, M., Iino, Y., Kalita, M.C., and *Khan, M., Caenorhabditis elegans: a model to understand host-microbe interactions., Cell Mol Life Sci, 2020, 77, 7, 1229-1249, reviewed BibTeX
  46. 46. Sho Ito, Hiroaki Gomi, Visually-updated hand state estimates modulate the proprioceptive reflex independently of motor task requirements, eLife, 2020, 9, open access: BibTeX
  47. 47. Yuji Nagai, Naohisa Miyakawa, Hiroyuki Takuwa, Yukiko Hori, Kei Oyama, Bin Ji, Manami Takahashi, Xi-Ping Huang, Samuel T Slocum, Jeffrey F DiBerto, Yan Xiong, Takuya Urushihata, Toshiyuki Hirabayashi, Atsushi Fujimoto, Koki Mimura, Justin G English, Jing Liu, Ken-ichi Inoue, Katsushi Kumata, Chie Seki, Maiko Ono, Masafumi Shimojo, Ming-Rong Zhang, Yutaka Tomita, Jin Nakahara, Tetsuya Suhara, Masahiko Takada, Makoto Higuchi, Jian Jin, Bryan L Roth, Takafumi Minamimoto*, Deschloroclozapine, a potent and selective chemogenetic actuator enables rapid neuronal and behavioral modulations in mice and monkeys, Nature Neuroscience, 2020, 23, 1157-1167, reviewed& BibTeX
  48. 48. Toshitake Asabuki and *Tomoki Fukai, Somatodendritic consistency check for temporal feature segmentation., Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 1554, reviewed BibTeX
  49. 49. Asabuki T, *Fukai T, Somatodendritic consistency check for temporal feature segmentation, Nat Commun, 2020, 11, 1554, 1-13, reviewed# BibTeX
  50. 50. Toyoshima, Y., Wu, S., Kanamori, M., Sato, H., Jang, M.S., Oe, S., Murakami, Y., Teramoto, T., Park, C., Iwasaki, Y., Ishihara, T., Yoshida, R., *Iino, Y., Neuron ID dataset facilitates neuronal annotation for whole-brain activity imaging of C. elegans, BMC Biol, 2020, 18, 1, 30, reviewed BibTeX
  51. 51. Nishimoto T, Higashi H, Morioka H, *Ishii S, EEG-based personal identification method using unsupervised feature extraction and its robustness against intra-subject variability, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2020, 17, 2, 26007, reviewed BibTeX
  52. 52. *Shinsuke Suzuki, John P. O’Doherty, Breaking human social decision making into multiple components and then putting them together again, Cortex, 2020, 127, 221-230, reviewed BibTeX
  53. 53. *Takashi Hayakawa and Tomoki Fukai, Spontaneous and stimulus-induced coherent states of critically balanced neuronal networks., Physical Review Research, 2020, 2, 13253, reviewed BibTeX
  54. 54. *Hayakawa T, *Fukai T, Spontaneous and stimulus-induced coherent states of critically balanced neuronal networks, Phys. Rev. Research, 2020, 2, 013253, reviewed# BibTeX
  55. 55. *Kentaro Katahira, Yoshihiko Kunisato, Yuichi Yamashita, *Shinsuke Suzuki, Commentary: A robust data-driven approach identifies four personality types across four large data sets, Frontiers in Big Data, 2020, 3, 8, reviewed& BibTeX
  56. 56. *Katahira K, Kunisato Y, Yamashita Y, Suzuki S, Commentary: A robust data-driven approach identifies four personality types across four large data sets, Frontiers in Big Data, 2020, 3, 8, reviewed& BibTeX
  57. 57. *Lu X, Inoue K, Ohmae S, Uchida Y, New Cerebello-Cortical Pathway Involved in Higher-Order Oculomotor Control., Cerebellum, 2020, 19, 401-408, reviewed BibTeX
  58. 58. *Lu X, Inoue K, Ohmae S, Uchida Y, New Cerebello-Cortical Pathway Involved in Higher-Order Oculomotor Control., Cerebellum, 2020, 19, 401-408, reviewed BibTeX
  59. 59. Tei S, Kauppi JP, Jankowski KF, Fujino J, Monti RP, Tohka J, Abe N, Murai T, *Takahashi H, Hari R., Brain and behavioral alterations in subjects with social anxiety dominated by empathic embarrassment, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2020, 117, 4385-4391, reviewed& BibTeX
  60. 60. *Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Tetsunari Inamura, Improved and scalable online learning of spatial concepts and language models with mapping, Autonomous Robots, 2020, 44, 6, 927-946, reviewed BibTeX
  61. 61. *Lehky SR, Phan AH, Cichocki A, Tanaka K, Face representations via tensorfaces of various complexities, Neural Computation, 2020, 32, 2, 281-329, reviewed BibTeX
  62. 62. *Hikida T,Morita M, Kuroiwa M, Macpherson T, Shuto T, Sotogaku N, Niwa M, Sawa A, Nishi A *, Adolescent psychosocial stress enhances sensitization to cocaine exposure in genetically vulnerable mice, Neuroscience Research, 2020, 151, 38-45, reviewed# BibTeX
  63. 63. *Hikida T, Yao S, Macpherson T, Fukakusa A, Morita M, Kimura H, Hirai K, Ando T, Toyoshiba H, Sawa A, Nucleus accumbens pathways control cell-specific gene expression in the medial prefrontal cortex, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 1, 1838, reviewed# BibTeX
  64. 64. Lanillos P, Oliva D, Philippsen A, Yamashita Y, Nagai Y, *Cheng G, A Review on Neural Network Models of Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neural Networks, 2020, 112, 338-363, reviewed& BibTeX
  65. 65. *Tadahiro Taniguchi, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahiro Suzuki, Ryo Kuniyasu, Kaede Hayashi, Akira Taniguchi, Takato Horii, Takayuki Nagai, Neuro-serket: development of integrative cognitive system through the composition of deep probabilistic generative models, New Generation Computing, 2020, 84, 23-48, reviewed& BibTeX
  66. 66. *Shirasuna, M., Honda, H., Matsuka, T., & Ueda, K., Familiarity-matching: an ecologically rational heuristic for the relationships-comparison task, Cognitive Science, 2020, 44, 2, e12806, reviewed BibTeX
  67. 67. *Lana Sinapayen, Atsushi Masumori, Takashi Ikegami, Reactive, Proactive, and Inductive Agents: An Evolutionary Path for Biological and Artificial Spiking Networks, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2020, 13, reviewed BibTeX
  68. 68. Yuuki Tada, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Hiroki Tanaka, *Tadahiro Taniguchi, Robust understanding of robot-directed speech commands using sequence to sequence with noise injection, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2020, 6, 144, 1-12, reviewed BibTeX
  69. 69. *Yohei Oseki, Alec Marantz, Modeling morphological processing in human magnetoencephalography, Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL), 2020, Long Paper, 209-219, reviewed& BibTeX