
International Journal Paper

  1. 1. Taylor JE, Ogawa A*, Sakagami M , Reward value enhances post-decision error-related activity in the cingulate cortex , Neuroscience research, 2016, 107, 38-46, reviewed BibTeX
  2. 2. Takeuchi H, Kawada R, Tsurumi K, Yokoyama N, Takemura A, Murao T, Murai T, *Takahashi H., Heterogeneity of Loss Aversion in Pathological Gambling., J Gambl Stud, 2016, 32, 4, 1143-1154, reviewed# BibTeX
  3. 3. *Cheng K, What we have learned about human primary visual cortex from high resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging, Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences, 2016, 15, 1, 1-10, reviewed BibTeX
  4. 4. Jaaro-Peled H, Altimus C, LeGates T, Cash-Padgett T, Zoubovsky S, Hikida T, Ishizuka K, Hattar S, Mongrain V, Sawa A, Abnormal wake/sleep pattern in a novel gain-of-function model of DISC1, Neuroscience Research, 2016, 112, 63-69, reviewed BibTeX
  5. 5. Aotani D, Son C, Shimizu Y, Nomura H, Hikida T, Kusakabe T, Tanaka T, Miyazawa T, Hosoda K, Nakao K, Reevaluation of anti-obesity action of mazindol and elucidation of its effect on the reward system, Neuroscience Letters, 2016, 633, 141-145, reviewed# BibTeX
  6. 6. Morita M, Wang Y, Sasaoka T, Okada K, Niwa M, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Dopamine D2L receptor is required for visual discrimination and reversal learning, Molecular Neuropsychiatry, 2016, 2, 3, 124-132, reviewd# BibTeX
  7. 7. Fujino J, Hirose K, Tei S, Kawada R, Tsurumi K, Matsukawa N, Miyata J, Sugihara G, Yoshihara Y, Ideno T, Aso T, Takemura K, Fukuyama H, Murai T, *Takahashi H., Ambiguity aversion in schizophrenia: An fMRI study of decision-making under risk and ambiguity., Schizophr Res, 2016, 178, 1-3, 94-101, reviewed&# BibTeX
  8. 8. Fujino J, Fujimoto S, Kodaka F, Camerer CF, Kawada R, Tsurumi K, Tei S, Isobe M, Miyata J, Sugihara G, Yamada M, Fukuyama H, Murai T, *Takahashi H., Neural mechanisms and personality correlates of the sunk cost effect., Sci Rep, 2016, 6, 33171, reviewed&# BibTeX
  9. 9. Wan X, Cheng K, *Tanaka K, The neural system of postdecision evaluation in rostral frontal cortex during problem-solving tasks, eNeuro, 2016, 3, 4, 0188-16, reviewed BibTeX
  10. 10. Kameda T*, Inukai K, Higuchi S, Ogawa A, Kim H, Matsuda T, Sakagami M , Rawlsian maximin rule operates as a common cognitive anchor in distributive justice and risky decisions , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  , 2016, 113, 42, 11817-11822, reviewed& BibTeX
  11. 11. Macpherson T, Morita M, Wang Y, Sasaoka T, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Nucleus accumbens dopamine D2-receptor expressing neurons control behavioral flexibility in a place discrimination task in the IntelliCage, Learning & Memory, 2016, 23, 7, 359-364, reviewd BibTeX
  12. 12. *Hikida T, Morita M, Macpherson T, Neural mechanism of the nucleus accumbens circuit in reward and aversive learning, Neuroscience Research, 2016, 108, 1-5, reviewed BibTeX
  13. 13. Fujimoto A, *Takahashi H., Flexible modulation of risk attitude during decision-making under quota, Neuroimage, 2016, 139, 304-312, reviewed&# BibTeX
  14. 14. Zhang Y, Pan X*, Wang R, Sakagami M , Functional connectivity between prefrontal cortex and striatum estimated by phase locking value , Cognitive neurodynamics, 2016, 10, 3, 245-254, reviewed& BibTeX
  15. 15. Yahata N, Morimoto J, Hashimoto R, Lisi G, Shibata K, Kawakubo Y, Kuwabara H, Kuroda M, Yamada T, Megumi F, Imamizu H, Náñez JE Sr, Takahashi H, Okamoto Y, Kasai K, Kato N, Sasaki Y, Watanabe T, *Kawato M., A small number of abnormal brain connections predicts adult autism spectrum disorder., Nat Commun, 2016, 7, 11254, reviewed BibTeX
  16. 16. *Lehky SR, Tanaka K, Neural representation for object recognition in inferotemporal cortexurrent Opinion in Neurobiology, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2016, 37, 23-35, reviewed BibTeX
  17. 17. Yamada H, Inokawa H, Hori Y, Pan X, Matsuzaki R, Nakamura K, Samejima K, Shidara M, Kimura M, Sakagami M, Minamimoto T* , Characteristics of fast-spiking neurons in the striatum of behaving monkeys , Neuroscience research, 2016, 105, 2-18, reviewed BibTeX

Domestic Journal Paper

  1. 1. 田中慎吾、小口峰樹、坂上雅道, 前頭連合野の認知機能 推移的推論と前頭前野外側部, BRAIN and NEVER,医学書院, 2016, 68, 11, 1263-1270, reviewed BibTeX
  2. 2. *疋田貴俊, 大脳基底核神経回路からみた薬物依存症の病態, 精神科臨床Legato, 2016, 2, 4, 190-192, invited BibTeX
  3. 3. *中山浩太郎, 松尾豊, GeSdA – GPU上でのAutoencoder処理並列化による高速Deep Learningの実装, 情報処理学会論文誌, 2016, 9, 2, 46-54 BibTeX

International Conference

  1. 1. *Koji Ishihara,Jun Morimoto, A hierarchical model predictive control approach to generate biped robot movements in real-time, IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots(SIMPAR2016) Workshop, 2016, San Francisco, USA, reviewed# BibTeX
  2. 2. *Nakahara H, Neural computations for making decisions with others’ choice and reward, Workshop “Arrowhead 10 years on: what have we learned and what is there still to learn about the neural bases of decision-making?, 2016, Sydney, Australia, oral, invited BibTeX
  3. 3. Masamichi Sakagami, Signal interaction between primate prefrontal cortex and striatum in an asymmetric reward task, Neural Basis for Decision Making Conference 2016, 2016, Sydney BibTeX
  4. 4. Hidehiko Takahashi, Flexible modulation of risk attitude during decision-making under quota and its disorder, Arrowhead 10 years on: What have we learned and what is there still to learn about the neural bases of decision-making?, 2016, Sydney, Australia, invited BibTeX
  5. 5. *Hikida T, Yao S, Fukakusa A, Morita M, Kimura H, Hirai K, Ando T, Toyoshiba H, Sawa A, Expression changes in prefrontal cortex after neurotransmission blocking of the nucleus accumbens pathways, 55th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016, poster BibTeX
  6. 6. Masamichi Sakagami, Decoding the value of juice from electrocorticographic signals in monkey prefrontal cortices and its modulation through the decoded neurofeedback, ANS 2016 HOBART Australasian Neuroscience Society 36th Annual Scientific Meeting, 2016, Australia BibTeX
  7. 7. Mineki Oguchi and Masamichi Sakagami, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Chemogenetic Double Virus Vector Infection, NHP Chemogenetics workshop 2016, 2016, Bethesda, invited BibTeX
  8. 8. *Hikida T, Activity in dopamine D2-receptor-expressing nucleus accumbens is necessary for behavioral flexibility in an IntelliCage place discrimination task, International Symposium “Wiring and Functional Principles of Neural Circuits, 2016, poster BibTeX
  9. 9. Ma N, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms for deciding with predicting others, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (sfn 2016), 2016, San Diego, USA., poster BibTeX
  10. 10. Fukuda H, Ma N, Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms and computation that mediates value by others’ reward for decision making, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (sfn 2016), 2016, San Diego, USA., poster BibTeX
  11. 11. Mineki Oguchi, Shingo Tanaka, Xiaochuan Pan, Takefumi Kikusui, Shigeki Kato, Kazuto Kobayashi, and Masamichi Sakagami, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Double Virus Vector Infection , Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience 2016, 2016, San Diego BibTeX
  12. 12. *Hikida T, Yao S, Fukakusa A, Morita M, Kimura H, Hirai K, Ando T, Toyoshiba H, Sawa A, Expression changes in prefrontal cortex after neurotransmission blocking of the nucleus accumbens pathways, Neuroscience 2016, 2016, poster BibTeX
  13. 13. Morita M, Macpherson T, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Learning deficits involving nucleus accumbens D2-receptor expressing neurons in a DISC1 mouse model, Neuroscience 2016, 2016, poster BibTeX
  14. 14. Itakura M, Kubo T, Kaneshige A, Azuma Y, Hikida T, Takeuchi T, *Nakajima H, A novel therapeutic target for stroke by inhibition of GAPDH aggregation, Neuroscience 2016, 2016, poster BibTeX
  15. 15. Macpherson T, Morita M, Wang Y, Sasaoka T, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Activity in dopamine D2-receptor-expressing nucleus accumbens is necessary for behavioral flexibility in an IntelliCage place discrimination task, Neuroscience 2016, 2016, invited BibTeX
  16. 16. Akira Taniguchi, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Angelo Cangelosi, Multiple categorization by icub: learning relationships between multiple modalities and words, IROS Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics, 2016, Daejeon,Korea, reviewed BibTeX
  17. 17. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Nonparametric Bayesian Word Discovery for Symbol Emergence in Robotics, Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics 2016 ML-HLCR2016, in IROS2016, 2016, Daejeon, Korea, invited BibTeX
  18. 18. HaiLong Liu, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Kazuhito Takenaka, Yuusuke Tanaka, and Takashi Bando, Reducing the negative effect of defective data on driving behavior segmentation via a deep sparse autoencoder, IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2016, Kyoto Japan, reviewed BibTeX
  19. 19. *Ales Ude,Rok VugaA,Bojan Nemec,Jun Morimoto, Trajectory representation by nonlinear scaling of dynamic movement primitives, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2016), 2016, Daejeon, Korea, reviewed# BibTeX
  20. 20. *Masashi Hamaya, Takamitsu Matsubara, Tomoyuki Noda, Tatsuya Teramae, Jun Morimoto, Learning assistive strategies from a few user-robot interactions: Model-based reinforcement learning approac, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2016), 2016, Daejeon, Korea, reviewed# BibTeX
  21. 21. Masamichi Sakagami, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Double Virus Vector Infection, Rochester Conte Center Symposium, 2016, Rochester, invited BibTeX
  22. 22. *Tanaka K, Brain Mechanisms of intuitive problem solving in experts, 2016, Invited symposium BibTeX
  23. 23. T. Taniguchi, Symbol emergence in robotics for long-term human-robot collaboration, IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, 2016, Kyoto Japan, reviewed BibTeX
  24. 24. M. Sakagami, Signal Interaction between Primate Prefrontal Cortex and Striatum in Asymmetric Reward Task , The third Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics , 2016, China, invited BibTeX
  25. 25. Ma N, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms for decision-making with predicting others: human fMRI, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2016, Kanagawa, Japan, poster BibTeX
  26. 26. Fukuda H, Ma N, Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural computation underlying value-based decisions including rewards to others, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2016, Kanagawa, Japan, poster BibTeX
  27. 27. Macpherson T, Morita M, Wang Y, Sasaoka T, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Nucleus accumbens dopamine D2-receptor expressing neurons control behavioural flexibility in a place learning task in the IntelliCage, 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, 2016, poster BibTeX
  28. 28. Tanaka S, Oguchi M, Sakagami M, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Virus Vector Infection, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2016, Yokohama BibTeX
  29. 29. Mineki Oguchi, Shingo Tanaka, Xiaochuan Pan, Takefumi Kikusui, Shigeki Kato, Kazuto Kobayashi, and Masamichi Sakagami, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Double Virus Vector Infection, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2016, Yokohama BibTeX
  30. 30. *Waggoner RA, Tanskanen T, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Enhancement of event-related fMRI studies of the human visual system using multi-band EPI, 2016, reviewed poster BibTeX

Domestic Conference

  1. 1. *中原裕之, Basal ganglia, reinforcement learning and beyond, 京都大学医学研究科 神経科学教育コースセミナー, 2016 BibTeX
  2. 2. *小口峰樹, 動物における実践的推論とモーガンの公準, 日本科学哲学会第49回年次大会, 2016 BibTeX
  3. 3. *疋田貴俊,林勇一郎,澤明, 変異型DISC1トランスジェニックマウスは場所選好試験において海馬CA1場所細胞の報酬関連活動の低下を示す, 日本生理学会第109回近畿生理学談話会, 2016 BibTeX
  4. 4. Macpherson T, Morita M, Wang Y, Sasaoka T, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Activity in dopamine D2-receptor-expressing nucleus accumbens neurons is necessary for behavioral flexibility in an IntelliCage place discrimination task, 日本生理学会第109回近畿生理学談話会, 2016 BibTeX
  5. 5. 坂上雅道, 脳と心の接点を探る研究の最前線日本理論心理学会第62回大会シンポジウム, 2016年日本理論心理学会第62回大会シンポジウム 科学としての心理学理論にとって信憑性のあるデータが必須である。, 2016 BibTeX
  6. 6. 中原裕之, 脳科学のデータ同化展望:モデルベースドfMRIを起点に, 理研データ同化ワークショップ, 2016 BibTeX
  7. 7. *疋田貴俊, ドパミンによる大脳基底核神経回路の制御機構, 平成28年度日本アルコール・アディクション医学会学術総会, 2016 BibTeX
  8. 8. *白砂大・松香敏彦, 問題文と選択肢の双方の熟知量に基づく推論, 日本認知科学会, 2016 BibTeX
  9. 9. *林楓,中島諒,長坂翔吾,谷口忠大, 階層ディリクレ過程隠れ言語モデルと 深層学習を用いた語彙獲得過程の計算論, 日本認知科学会第33回大会, 2016 BibTeX
  10. 10. *Waggoner RA, Tanskanen T, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Serial autocorrelations and multiband fMRI, 第44回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2016 BibTeX
  11. 11. *Gupta S, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Effect of load size and load position on coupling between the elements of an array coil, 第44回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2016 BibTeX
  12. 12. *疋田貴俊, 神経回路から精神疾患病態へ, 第38回日本生物学的精神医学会、第59回日本神経化学会大会合同年会, 2016 BibTeX
  13. 13. *森本淳, ヒューマノイドロボットの運動学習, 第16回Kフォーラム ざっくばらんフォーラム「情報学からの価値創造」(2016/8/29-31), 2016 BibTeX
  14. 14. *疋田貴俊, 認知学習における大脳基底核神経回路機構, 第61回 脳の医学・生物学研究会, 2016 BibTeX
  15. 15. *Tanskanen T, Kao CH, Waggoner RA, Ueno K, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Columnar scale representation of faces in the human inferotemporal cortex, 第39回日本神経科学大会, 2016 BibTeX
  16. 16. *Kao CH, Tanskanen T, Ueno K, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Cheng, K, Columnar organization of face orientation procession I human occipital face area, 第39回日本神経科学大会, 2016 BibTeX
  17. 17. *田中啓治, エキスパートの直観を司る神経ネットワーク, 第39回日本神経科学大会, 2016 BibTeX
  18. 18. `Gerard-Mercier F, Tanaka K, Synchronous beta oscillations in the fronto-striatal loop for behavioral rule switching in macaque monkeys, 第39回日本神経科学大会, 2016 BibTeX
  19. 19. *Mansouri FA, Tanaka K, The role of frontal pole cortex in primate goal-directed behaviour, 第39回日本神経科学大会, 2016 BibTeX


  1. 1. 森本淳,杉本徳和, モリモトジュン、スギモトノリカズ, 高次元・実環境における強化学習, 森北出版, 2016, # 招待 BibTeX


  1. 1. HaiLong Liu, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Kazuhito Takenaka, Yuusuke Tanaka, and Takashi Bando, Reducing the negative effect of defective data on driving behavior segmentation via a deep sparse autoencoder, IEEE GCCE 2016 Outstanding Paper Award, 2016 BibTeX
  2. 2. 疋田貴俊, 日本生物学的精神医学会若手研究者育成プログラム最優秀奨励賞, 日本生物学的精神医学会, 2016 BibTeX
  3. 3. 森田真規子, 日本生物学的精神医学会国際学会発表奨励賞, 日本生物学的精神医学会, 2016 BibTeX
  4. 4. Macpherson T, JNS-SfN exchange travel award, 日本神経科学学会, 2016 BibTeX
  5. 5. 松本正幸, 日本学術振興会賞, 2016 BibTeX
  6. 6. 五味裕章, フェロー称号(情報・システム) , 電子情報通信学会, 2016 BibTeX

Press Release

  1. No data available.


  1. 1. 谷口忠大, 人工知能と記号創発ロボティクス ~情報の意味とコミュニケーションについて考える~, INFOSTA, 2016, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX
  2. 2. 中原裕之, 意思決定する脳 〜人のこころの予測と脳の計算〜, 理研BSI 脳科学研究者と異分野プロフェッショナルの対談イベント 第3回代官山蔦屋書店で脳科学∞つながる, 2016, 代官山蔦屋書店、代官山, 一般向け講演会 BibTeX
  3. 3. 谷口忠大, 「初めての 人工知能( AI )入門」及び「初めての 機械学習・ディープラーニング入門セミナー」, 情報機構セミナー, 2016, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX
  4. 4. 谷口忠大, ハイタレント研修「情報通信工学」内「機械学習」, 2016, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX
  5. 5. 谷口忠大, ノンパラメトリックベイズと深層学習に基づく音声データからの教師なし語彙獲得 ─記号創発ロボティクスによる知能と言語へのアプローチ─, AIチャレンジ研究会,人工知能学会合同研究会 2016, 2016, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX
  6. 6. 田中啓治, エキスパートの直感を司る神経回路, 2016, 駒場ファカルティハウス、渋谷区、東京都, 一般向け講演会 BibTeX
  7. 7. 谷口忠大, ノンパラメトリックベイズに基づく教師なし語彙獲得, 2016年10月度音声研究会, 2016, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX
  8. 8. 森本淳, ヒューマノイドロボットの運動学習, 第16回Kフォーラムざっくばらんフォーラム「情報学からの価値創造」, 2016, 岐阜県, Invited# BibTeX
  9. 9. Macpherson T, どうやって行動で学ぶ?, 日本学術振興会サイエンス・ダイアログ, 2016, 香川県立観音寺第一高等学校, 高校生向け授業 BibTeX
  10. 10. 田中啓治, 将棋棋士やサッカー選手の直観思考の仕組み, 2016, グランフロント大阪、大阪市、大阪府, 一般向け講演会 BibTeX
  11. 11. 中原裕之, 脳を語ろう、過去・現在・未来 ~脳とこころ~, サイエンス・カフェ, 理学研究所, 2016, 理化学研究所、和光, 一般向け講演会 BibTeX