
International Conference

  1. 1. Takashi Ikegami, machine learning and consciousness, mini symposium at the Barbican center London, 2019, London, UK, invited BibTeX
  2. 2. Han, Dongqi, Doya, Kenji and Tani, Jun, Variational recurrent models for solving partially observable control tasks, Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2020), 2020, online, Poster BibTeX
  3. 3. Ota S, Doya K, Intrinsic motivation in creative activity: A human behavioral experiment for identifying the factors that influence intrinsic motivation., WIML, NeurIPS, 2019, 2019/12/8-12/14, Vancouver, CANADA, oral BibTeX
  4. 4. Doya K, Toward whole-brain multi-scale modeling, New Balance Nationals Indoor (NBNI2019), 2019, 2019/11/22-11/24, Chongqing, China, oral BibTeX
  5. 5. Miyazaki KW, Miyazaki K, Yamanaka A, Tanaka KF, Doya K, Stimulation of serotonergic terminals in the orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal cortices differentially affects waiting for the future rewards, Society for Neuroscience(SfN 2019), 2019, 2019/10/19-10/23, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  6. 6. Ota S, Doya K, Intrinsic motivation in play: Preliminary experiment for analyzing how learning environmental condition influences intrinsic motivation, International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS 2019), 2019, 2019/8/22-8/24, Seuol, KOREA, poster BibTeX
  7. 7. Doya K, Neural circuits for reinforcement learning and mental simulation, 5th Coreto Core International Symposium “3D LabExchange Program”, 2019, 2019/2/25-2/27, OIST, invited BibTeX
  8. 8. Yamane Y, Ito J, Joana C, Fujita I, Tamura H, Maldonado P, Doya K, Grun S, Representation of fixated objects by multiple single unit activity in visual cortices of freely viewing macaque monkeys, 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, 2018, 2018/7/7-7/11, Berlin, Germany, Poster BibTeX
  9. 9. Yoshiko Kawabata, Toshihiko Matsuka, Aizuchi as a sign of internal information processing and its interpretations by listeners, 2021 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), 2021, Tokyo, Japan, ISBN: 978-988147689-0, BibTeX
  10. 10. Kuangzhe Xu, Noriko Nagata, Toshihiko Matsuka, Modeling the dynamics of observational behaviors base on observers’ personality traits using hidden Markov Models, 2021 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2021, 2021, Tokyo, Japan, ISBN: 978-988147689-0, BibTeX
  11. 11. Rikunari Sagara, *Ryo Taguchi, Akira Taniguchi, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Simultaneous Learning of Relative and Absolute Spatial Concepts Without Any Prior Distinction, IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2021, Kyoto, Japan BibTeX
  12. 12. Thomas F Burns and Tomoki Fukai, Simplicial Hopfield networks, The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR2023), 2023, Kigali, Ruwanda, poster BibTeX
  13. 13. Miyazaki K, Serotonin mechanism for regulating reward waiting behavior, The 100th Anniversary Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, 2023, 京都府、日本, Oral Presentation BibTeX
  14. 14. *Hamaguchi K, Prospective value representation in mouse frontal cortex supports predictive choice behavior, Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan, 2023, Kyoto, Japan, poster BibTeX
  15. 15. Yohei Oseki, Building machines that process natural language like humans, Princeton University NLP Group, 2023, Princeton, USA, invited BibTeX
  16. 16. Doya K, Neural Circuits for Reinforcement Learning and Mental Simulation, The Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting (TSCN), 2023, Taiwan, Invited Speaker BibTeX
  17. 17. Yohei Oseki, Building machines that process natural language like humans, Michigan State University Colloquium, 2023, Zoom, Online, invited BibTeX
  18. 18. *Kazutoshi Shinoda, Yuki Takezawa, Masahiro Suzuki, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Improving the Robustness to Variations of Objects and Instructions with A Neuro-Symbolic Approach for Interactive Instruction Following., the 29th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, 2023, Bergen, Norway, reviewed BibTeX
  19. 19. *Ozawa T, Umemoto K, Nakamura M, Iwamoto R, Matsumoto Y, Shibata T, Oyama Y, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Analysis of dopamine dynamics in cortex, striatum, and amygdala during differential auditory fear conditioning in mice, IRCN-iPlasticity International Symposium, 2023, Tokyo, Japan, poster BibTeX
  20. 20. *Li Y, Doya K, Neural connectivity among different layers changes at different brain states, Workshop on the Mechanism of Brain and Mind, 2023, 北海道 ルスツ, poster BibTeX
  21. 21. *Desforges M, Flotho P, Kuhn B,Doya K, Two-photon imaging of extracellular neuromodulator activity reveals spatiotemporal, Workshop on Mechanism of Brain and Mind, 2023, 北海道 ルスツ, poster BibTeX
  22. 22. *Matsumoto H, Mizuseki K. , Dopamine neurons convey distinct motivational signals in a self-paced decision-making task, Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan., 2023 BibTeX
  23. 23. *Hikida T, Aomine Y, Sakurai K, Macpherson T, Ozawa T, Miyamoto Y, Yoneda Y, Oka M, Motivational increase and brain network variation based on functional connectivity in Importin α3 (KPNA3) deficient mice, 61st Annual Meeting of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2022, online, poster BibTeX
  24. 24. Doya K, What is takes to create a humanoid, Humanoids2022, 2022, 沖縄県、日本, Invited Speaker BibTeX
  25. 25. *Macpherson T, Striatal mechanisms of discrimination learning and their dysfunction in schizophrenia model mice, Neuroscience 2022, 2022, San Diego, USA, invited BibTeX
  26. 26. *Sakurai K, Kasahara E, Ozawa T, Macpherson T, Miyamoto Y, Yoneda Y, Sekiyama A, Oka M, Hikida T, Effects of Importin α1(KPNA1) depletion and adolescent social stress on psychiatric disorder-associated behaviors in mice, Neuroscience 2022, 2022, San Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  27. 27. *Aomine Y, Sakurai K, Macpherson T, Ozawa T, Miyamoto Y, Yoneda Y, Oka M, Hikida T, Motivational increase and brain network variation based on functional connectivity in Importin α3 (KPNA3) deficient mice, Neuroscience 2022, 2022, San Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  28. 28. *Desforges M, Flotho P, Kuhn B, Doya K, Simultaneous recording of neuromodulator and calcium spatiotemporal activity reveals, Societyn for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 2022, San Diego, poster BibTeX
  29. 29. *Macpherson T, Hikida T, Cell type-specific control of reward learning in the brain, Effects of Importin α1(KPNA1) depletion and adolescent social stress on psychiatric disorder-associated behaviors in mice.E13, 2022, Kanazawa, Japan, oral BibTeX
  30. 30. *Lalande F, Doya K, Numerical data imputation: choose kNN over deep learning, SISAP 2022, 2022, Bologna, Italy, Oral Presentation + poster BibTeX
  31. 31. *Hikida T, Nishioka T, Macpherson T, Hamaguchi K, Neural mechanisms for the strategy to avoid a choice that leads to negative outcome in visual discrimination learning, 4th International Touchscreen Symposium, 2022, online, invited BibTeX
  32. 32. *Macpherson T, Attachaipanich S, Nishioka T, Hikida T, Nucleus accumbens subpopulations cooperatively signal reward and aversion, 4th Japan-UK Neuroscience Symposium 2022, 2022, Karuizawa, Japan, poster BibTeX
  33. 33. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Metropolis-Hasting naming game for symbol emergence, 3rd SMILES WORKSHOP, satellite ICDL 2022,, 2022, London, UK, oral BibTeX
  34. 34. *Akira Taniguchi, Maoko Muro, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Brain-inspired probabilistic generative model for double articulation analysis of spoken language, IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL 2022), 2022, London, UK BibTeX
  35. 35. Doya K, Data-Driven and Theory-Driven Approaches in Neuroscience, 2nd Taiwan Society for Neuroscience Meeting, 2022, online, Invited Speaker BibTeX
  36. 36. *Ayaka Matsumoto, Chenqi Zhang, Akihiro Isozaki, Keisuke Goda, Yu Toyoshima, Yuichi Iino, Investigating how worms integrate sensory and motor information in salt klinotaxis, CeNeuro2022 (C. elegans Topic Meeting: Neuronal Development, Synaptic Function and Behavior), 2022, Vienna, Austria BibTeX
  37. 37. Shingo Hiroki, Hirofumi Sato, Yu Toyoshima, Llian Mabardi, Hikari Yoshitane, Hinako Mitsui, Manami Kanamori, Chie Umatani, Shinji Kanda, Mashiro Tomoioka, Koichi Hashimoto, Hirofumi Kunitomo, Yoshitaka Fukada, Takeshi Ishihara & *Yuichi Iino, Molecules and neural network underlying salt preference, CeNeuro2022 (C. elegans Topic Meeting: Neuronal Development, Synaptic Function and Behavior), 2022, Vienna, Austria BibTeX
  38. 38. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Consciousness and Symbol Emergence Systems, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science 2022, 2022, Okinawa, Japan, invited BibTeX
  39. 39. *Macpherson T, Neural circuit mechanisms in behavioral flexibility, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science 2022, 2022, Okinawa, Japan, invited BibTeX
  40. 40. *Li Y, Doya K, Dual Bayesian PCA for Factor Analysis on Calcium imaging data., The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuron 2022), 2022, 沖縄県、日本, poster BibTeX
  41. 41. Doya K, Serotonin and model-based decision making, the Reward and Decision-Making meeting, 2022, Lake Arrowhead, USA, Invited Speaker BibTeX
  42. 42. *Han D, Kozuno T, Luo X, Chen Z, Doya K, Yang Y, Li D, Variational oracle guiding for reinforcement learning, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR2022), 2022, online, poster BibTeX
  43. 43. *Hiroki Furuta, Yutaka Matsuo, and Shixiang Shane Gu, Generalized Decision Transformer for Offline Hindsight Information Matching, International Conference on Learning Representations 2021, 2022, Rwanda, reviewed BibTeX
  44. 44. Yohei Oseki, Building machines that process natural language like humans, Rutgers University Colloquium, 2022, Zoom, Online, invited BibTeX
  45. 45. Doya K, Embodied agents for survival, reproduction, and prediction, International Conference on Embodied Intelligence, 2022, online BibTeX
  46. 46. Doya K, Canonical Cortical Circuits and the Duality of Inference and Control, 43rd Annual Meeting, National Institute of Neuroscience, 2022, online, Invited lecture BibTeX
  47. 47. Doya K, Context-dependent interaction of dopamine and serotonin, COSYNE2022 Neuromodulation Workshop, 2022, online, Invited lecture BibTeX
  48. 48. Taira M, Serotonergic Control of Model-based Decision Making, COSYNE2022, 2022, online, Poster presentation BibTeX
  49. 49. *Hamaguchi K, From retrospective to prospective: integrated value representation in frontal cortex for predictive choice behavior, International Symposium on Development and Plasticity of Neural Systems, 2022, Online, poster BibTeX
  50. 50. Doya K, Neural Circuits for Mental Simulation, 8th Annual Conference of Cognitive Science, 2022, online, Invited lecture BibTeX
  51. 51. *Jing Wang, Lotfi El Hafi, Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, and Tadahiro Taniguchi, Extending HoloGAN by Embedding Image Content into Latent Vectors for Novel View Synthesis, IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2022), 2022, Narvik, Norway (Virtual) BibTeX
  52. 52. *Matsumoto H, Pathway-specific signals of midbrain dopamine neurons in reward-based decisions, The NIPS Research Meeting, 2022, invited BibTeX
  53. 53. Yohei Oseki, Human language processing in comparative computational psycholinguistics, Dongguk University Colloquium, 2022, Zoom, Online, invited BibTeX
  54. 54. Nishioka T, Macpherson T, Hamaguchi K, *Hikida T, Distinct Roles of Dopamine D1 and D2 Receptor-expressing Neurons in the Nucleus Accumbens for a Strategy Dependent Decision Making, 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2021, online, reviewed poster BibTeX
  55. 55. Doya K, Natural and artificial reinforcement learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, NeurIPS2021, 2021, online, Invited lecture BibTeX
  56. 56. *Hiroki Furuta, Tadashi Kozuno, Tatsuya Matsushima, Yutaka Matsuo, and Shixiang Shane Gu, Co-Adaptation of Algorithmic and Implementational Innovations in Inference-based Deep Reinforcement Learning, Neural Information Processing Systems 2021, 2021, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  57. 57. *Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Test-Time Classifier Adjustment Module for Model-Agnostic Domain Generalization, Neural Information Processing Systems 2021, 2021, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  58. 58. Yihao Wu, Jun Izawa, The regret motivated reinforcement learning, 2021 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMehatronics and Human Science (MHS), 2021, Nagoya,Japan, reviewed BibTeX
  59. 59. *Asuka Moritani, Ryo Ozaki, Shoki Sakamoto, Hirokazu Kameoka, Tadahiro Taniguchi, StarGAN-based Emotional Voice Conversion for Japanese Phrases, Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA 2021), 2021, Tokyo, Japan BibTeX
  60. 60. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Generative Models for Symbol Emergence based on Real-World Sensory-motor Information and Communication, The 15th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR 2021), 2021, Online, keynote BibTeX
  61. 61. Abekawa N, Gomi H, Static and dynamic gaze states are separately linked with motor learning of reaching movements, Neuroscience 2021, 2021, online BibTeX
  62. 62. De Havas J, Ito S, Bestmann S, Gomi H, Parietal contributions to illusory tactile pulling sensations, Neuroscience 2021, 2021, online BibTeX
  63. 63. Gomi H, Abekawa N, Doya K, Bayesian visuomotor-reflex modulation by remote state instabilities, Neuroscience 2021, 2021, online BibTeX
  64. 64. *Nishioka T, Macpherson T, Hamaguchi K, Hikida T, Distinct Roles of Dopamine D1 and D2 Receptor-expressing Neurons in the Nucleus Accumbens for a Strategy Dependent Decision Making, Neuroscience 2021, 50th Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 2021, online, reviewed poster BibTeX
  65. 65. Doya K, The duality of inference and control as a key to understanding canonical cortical circuits, RIKEN-OIST symposium, 2021, online, Invited lecture BibTeX
  66. 66. *Rikunari Sagara, Ryo Taguchi, Akira Taniguchi, and Tadahiro Taniguchi, Simultaneous Learning of Relative and Absolute Spatial Concepts Without Any Prior Distinction, IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021), 2021, Online, BibTeX
  67. 67. *Li Y, Doya K, Investigation of information flow and temporal-spatial organization of neurons across cortical layers from multi-depth two-photon imaging data, JNNS2021, 2021, online, Poster presentation BibTeX
  68. 68. *Shoki Sakamoto, Akira Taniguchi, Tadahiro Taniguchi, and Hirokazu Kameoka, StarGAN-VC+ASR: StarGAN-based Non-Parallel Voice Conversion Regularized by Automatic Speech Recognition, INTERSPEECH 2021, 2021, Online BibTeX
  69. 69. Yohei Oseki, Human language processing in comparative computational psycholinguistics, Issues in Japanese Psycholinguistics from Comparative Perspectives (IJPCP), 2021, Zoom, Online, invited BibTeX
  70. 70. Doya K, The duality of control and inference as a clue for cracking the codes of frontal and sensory cortical architectures, CJK Symposium 17, Theoretical Brain, The 44th annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2021, online, Invited lecture BibTeX
  71. 71. Taira M, The effect of photoinhibition of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons on stationary waiting and sustained motor actions for future rewards, The 44th annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2021, Kobe Convention Center BibTeX
  72. 72. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics: Probabilistic Generative Models for Realizing Real-world Cognition, Fifth International Workshop on Symbolic-Neural Learning (SNL-2021), 2021, Online, invited BibTeX
  73. 73. Hamaguchi K, Aoki-Takahashi H, *Watanabe D, Prospective action selection and inferred value in mouse frontal cortex, The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2021, Kobe, Japan, poster BibTeX
  74. 74. *Tadahiro Taniguchi, Lotfi El Hafi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Akira Taniguchi, Nobutaka Shimada, and Takanobu Nishiura, Development of Semiotically Adaptive Cognition For Realizing Remotely Operated Service Robots in New Normal Society, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 2021, Online BibTeX
  75. 75. *Shingo Hiroki, Hikari Yoshitane, Yoshitaka Fukada, Masahiro Tomioka, Muneki Ikeda, Ikue Mori, Yuichi Iino, Molecular Encoding and Synaptic Decoding of Memory of Chemical Concentration in C. elegans, 23rd International C. elegans Conference, 2021, Online BibTeX
  76. 76. Yohei Oseki, Reverse-engineering human language processing, Joint Workshop on Linguistics & Language Processing (JWLLP), 2021, Zoom, Online, invited BibTeX
  77. 77. Doya K, Duality of control and inference and the cortical circuit architecture, SBDM 2021, 2021, online, Invited lecture BibTeX
  78. 78. *Kei Akuzawa, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Estimating Disentangled Belief about Hidden State and Hidden Task for Meta-Reinforcement Learning, Learning for Dynamics and Control, 2021, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  79. 79. *Mimura K, Unsupervised temporal segmentation of marmoset goal-directed behavior, 10th International Symposium on Biology of Decision-Making, 2021, Paris, France, invited / oral BibTeX
  80. 80. Doya K, What can we learn from the brain for future AI?, Brain2AI Workshop, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021), 2021, online, Invited lecture BibTeX
  81. 81. *Haruo Hosoya, CIGMO: Learning categorical invariant deep generative models from grouped data, ICLR Workshop on Weakly Supervised Learning, 2021, online, reviewed poster BibTeX
  82. 82. *Tatsuya Matsushima, Hiroki Furuta, Yutaka Matsuo, Ofir Nachum, and Shixiang Shane Gu, Deployment-Efficient Reinforcement Learning via Model-Based Offline Optimization, International Conference on Learning Representations 2021, 2021, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  83. 83. *Uchida Y, Hikida T, Yamashita Y, Oral perceptions as expected changes in internal states: computational modeling of altered nutrient intake in psychiatric disorders and proposal of a possible treatment strategy, Society of Biological Psychiatry 2021 virtual meeting, 2021, online, reviewed poster BibTeX
  84. 84. *Gomi H, Abekawa N, Postural instability context implicitly enhances visually-induced reflexive reaching control without explicit assistance of voluntary action., Neural Control of Movement 2021 (NCM2021), 2021, online, poster BibTeX
  85. 85. Morioka H, Hermanni H, Hyvärinen A, Independent Innovation Analysis for Nonlinear Vector Autoregressive Process, 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2021), 2021, Online, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  86. 86. Takashi Ikegami, Offloaded Mind: the experiments of dyadic humanoid/human interaction, 2021 International Workshop on Embodied Intelligence, 2021, online, keynote BibTeX
  87. 87. *Hiroki Furuta, Tatsuya Matsushima, Tadashi Kozuno, Yutaka Matsuo, Sergey Levine, Ofir Nachum, and Shixiang Shane Gu, Policy Information Capacity: Information-Theoretic Measure for Task Complexity in Deep Reinforcement Learning, International Conference on Machine Learning 2021, 2021, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  88. 88. Kasahara, Kazumi, Nakamura, Tatsuhiro, Uehara, Kazumasa, Ogata, Yusuke, Doya, Kenji and Hanakawa, Takashi, Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation in brain-computer interface, 2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on life science and technology (LifeTech 2021), 2021, online, Poster BibTeX
  89. 89. *Edison Marrese-Taylor, Machel Reid and Yutaka Matsuo, Variational Inference for Learning Representations of Natural Language Edits, The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  90. 90. Kawashima T, Shouno H, *Hino H, Bayesian Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Variational Matrix Factorization, 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’21), 2021, reviewed, poster BibTeX
  91. 91. Doya, Kenji, Neural circuit for mental simulation, China-Japan Expert Symposium on Brain Science, 2021, online, invited BibTeX
  92. 92. *Yusuke Iwasawa, Kei Akuzawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Stabilizing Adversarial Invariance Induction from Divergence Minimization Perspective, the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  93. 93. Kaede Hayashi, Wenru Zheng, Lotfi El Hafi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, and Tadahiro Taniguchi, Bidirectional Generation of Object Images and Positionsusing Deep Generative Models for Service Robotics Applications, IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2021), 2021, Iwate, Japan (virtual), reviewed BibTeX
  94. 94. Ryo Yoshino, Toshiaki Takano, Hiroki Tanaka, and Tadahiro Taniguchi, Active Exploration for Unsupervised Object Categorization Based on Multimodal Hierarchical Dirichlet Process, 2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2021), 2021, Iwate, Japan (virtual), reviewed BibTeX
  95. 95. Negrete SB, Labuguen R, Matsumoto J, Go Y, Inoue K, Shibata T, Multiple Monkey Pose Estimation Using OpenPose, 25th INternational Conference on Pattern recognition (IPCR 2021), 2021, Milano, Italy, poster BibTeX
  96. 96. *Matsumoto H, Mizuseki K, athway-specific roles of midbrain dopamine neurons in reward-based decisions, The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2021 BibTeX
  97. 97. Yohei Oseki, Towards computational cognitive neuroscience of language, What is the role of next generation of cognitive robotics?, 2020, Zoom, Online, invited BibTeX
  98. 98. *Sugiyama M, Tsuda K, Nakahara H, Sample Space Truncation on Boltzmann Machines, NeurIPS 2020 Workshop: Deep Learning through Information Geometry, 2020, online, reviewed, poster BibTeX
  99. 99. Vieillard, Nino, Kozuno, Tadashi, Scherrer, Bruno, Pietquin, Olivier, Munos, Remi and Geist, Matthieu, Leverage the average: an analysis of KL regularization in reinforcement learning, Neural Information Processing Systems Online Conference 2020 (NeurIPS 2020), 2020, online, oral BibTeX
  100. 100. Shimizu, Yu, Yoshimoto, Junichiro, Takamura, Masahiro, Okada, Go, Matsumoto, Tomoya, Fuchikami, Manabu, Okada, Satoshi, Morinobu, Shigeru, Okamoto, Yasumasa, Yamawaki, Shigeto and Doya, Kenji, Maximum credibility voting (MCV): An integrative approach for accurate diagnosis of major depressive disorder from clinically readily available data, APSIPA 2020 online, 2020, online, oral BibTeX
  101. 101. *Hikida T, Kim J, Macpherson T, Nucleus accumbens D2-receptor-expressing neurons regulate reversal learning in the Attentional Set Shifting Test, 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacolog, 2020, poster BibTeX
  102. 102. Sugiura, Iori, Irei, Tsukasa, Doya, Kenji, Kurata, Koji and Miyata, Ryota, Effects of the neural activity in basal ganglia on the choice behavior in rats, The 30th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2020), 2020, online, oral BibTeX
  103. 103. Doya, Kenji, AI and brain science, 2020 IEEE CIS Summer School on Emerging Research Trends in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  104. 104. Tomoki Fukai, Rate and temporal coding perspectives of motor processing in cortical microcircuits, Online Workshop Series Neural Control: From data to machines, 2020, online, oral, invited BibTeX
  105. 105. Tomoki Fukai, Rate and temporal coding perspectives of motor processing in cortical microcircuits, Online Workshop Series Neural Control: From data to machines, 2020, online, oral, invited BibTeX
  106. 106. Li, Yuzhe and Doya, Kenji, Extracting information flow across cortical layers from multi-depth two-photon imaging data, 第63回自動制御連合講演会, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  107. 107. Hamano Y, *Shouno H, Analysis of Texture Representation in Convolution Neural Network Using Wavelet Based Joint Statistics., The 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2020), 2020, 1, Bangkok, Thai, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  108. 108. Doya, Kenji, Communication and Self-organization of Intelligent Agents, NOLTA 2020, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  109. 109. Yohei Oseki, Building machines that process and learn natural language like people, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS), 2020, Zoom, Online, invited BibTeX
  110. 110. Yuki Katsumata, Akira Taniguchi, Lotfi El Hafi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, and Tadahiro Taniguchi, SpCoMapGAN: Spatial Concept Formation-based Semantic Mapping with Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020, Las Vegas, USA (virtual), reviewed BibTeX
  111. 111. Uchibe E, Latent brain dynamics estimation and deep generative imitation learning, 31st U.S.-Japan Technology Forum, 2020, online, oral, invited BibTeX
  112. 112. Doya, Kenji, Toward the society of AI agents: what should we learn from the brain and human society, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  113. 113. Hidehiko Takahashi, Interface between AI and schizophrenia research, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, invited BibTeX
  114. 114. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics: Pursuing Integrative Cognitive Architecture using Probabilistic Generative Models for Real-world Language Acquisition, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, Online, Japan, invited BibTeX
  115. 115. *Nakahara H, Neural Computations for Making Decisions with Others’ Rewards and Decisions, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, online, oral, invited BibTeX
  116. 116. Nishioka T, Hikida T, Choose a good option or avoid a bad option: D2-MSN in the NAc selectively contributes to the strategy to avoid a bad option under decision, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, poster BibTeX
  117. 117. Uchibe E, Parallel deep reinforcement learning with model-free and model-based methods, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, online, poster BibTeX
  118. 118. *Makoto Kawano, Wataru Kumagai, Akiyoshi Sannai, Yusuke Iwasawa, and Yutaka Matsuo, Group Equivariant Conditional Neural Processes, International Conference on Learning Representations 2021, 2020, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  119. 119. Li, Yuzhe and Doya, Kenji, Neuron hubs distributed differently in deep layers and superficial layers in different brain states, The 1st Asia-Pacific Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience Conference. (2020 AP-CCN), 2020, online, Poster BibTeX
  120. 120. Doya, Kenji, What can we further learn from the brain for artificial intelligence?, Neurotheory Forum, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  121. 121. Doya, Kenji, How to let robots learn, develop, communicate and evolve, Latin American Summer School on Cognitive Robotics (LACORO), 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  122. 122. Inoue K, Pathway-selective activity manipulation in the primate brain by means of modified viral vectors, 7th ESI Systems Neuroscience Conference 2020 (ESI SyNC 2020), 2020, Online, invited BibTeX
  123. 123. *Gupta S, Tanaka K, Waggoner RA, Brain Mechanisms of intuitive problem solving in experts, Validation of RF induced temperature increase in phantom and in living human tissue: a comparison study, 2020, reviewed oral BibTeX
  124. 124. *Waggoner RA, Feiweier T, Tanaka K, Enhancement of event-related fMRI studies of the human visual system using multi-band EPI, The use of stimulated-echo EPI to obtain high b-value DTI data at short TEs on a clinical scanner, 2020, reviewed posterl BibTeX
  125. 125. Komatsu M, Hierarchical predictions in the marmoset cerebral cortex, the 43th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020, Online, symposium BibTeX
  126. 126. *大村優,岩見謙太郎,笹森瞳,杉浦千瑛,Youcef Bouchekioua, 西谷直也,吉岡充弘, 背側縫線核セロトニン神経活動の抑制はモデルベース的意思決定を抑制する, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020, Online, psoter BibTeX
  127. 127. Doya, Kenji, What can we further learn from the brain for artificial intelligence, Neuroscience2020, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  128. 128. Hikishima-Kasahara, Kazumi and Doya, Kenji, Changes in the basal ganglia-thalamic functional connectivity induced by longitudinal motor training in mice, Neuroscience 2020, 2020, online, oral BibTeX
  129. 129. Mineki Oguchi, Jiang Jiasen, Toshihide W Yoshioka, Yasuhiro Tanaka, Kenichi Inoue, Masahiko Takada, Takefumi Kikusui, Kensaku Nomoto, Masamichi Sakagami, Endomicroscopic Calcium Imaging from the Macaque Primary Visual Cortex, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020, web, poster BibTeX
  130. 130. Li, Yuzhe and Doya, Kenji, Investigation of temporal and spatial origination of neural network in sensory cortex., The 30th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2020), 2020, online, Poster BibTeX
  131. 131. *Miyawaki H, Mizuseki K, Dynamics of inter-regional cellular interactions during slow-wave sleep., The Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020, On line, oral BibTeX
  132. 132. Ichigozaki S, Kawashima T, *Shouno H, Bayesian Sparse Covariance Structure Analysis for Correlated Count Data, The 26th Int’l Conf on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA20), 2020, Las Vegas, USA, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  133. 133. Kobayashi G, *Shouno H, Interpretation of ResNet by Visualization of Preferred Stimulus in Receptive Fields, The 26th Int’l Conf on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA20), 2020, Las Vegas, USA, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  134. 134. Honda, H., Matsuka, T., Ueda, K., The effect of context on decisions: Decision by sampling based on probabilistic beliefs., Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (COGSCI 2020) (2020/7/26-29), 2020, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  135. 135. Gu, Y., Honda, H., Matsuka, T., Ueda, K., The rational side of decision “bias” based on verbal probabilities., Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (COGSCI 2020) (2020/7/26-30), 2020, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  136. 136. *Haruo Hosoya, A deep generative model explaining tuning properties of monkey face processing patches, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020, online, reviewed oral BibTeX
  137. 137. Doya, Kenji, Toward multi-scale brain data assimilation, CNS*2020 Workshop: Machine learning and mechanistic modeling for understanding brain in health and disease, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  138. 138. *Milena Menezes Carvalho, Tomoki Fukai, Self-supervision mechanism of multiple dendritic compartments for temporal feature learning, 29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2020), 2020, online, poster BibTeX
  139. 139. *Milena Menezes Carvalho, Tomoki Fukai, Self-supervision mechanism of multiple dendritic compartments for temporal feature learning, 29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2020), 2020, online, poster BibTeX
  140. 140. *De Havas J, Ito S, Gomi H, Brain responses to tactile oddballs are modulated by illusory pulling direction., Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Forum (FEN2020), 2020, online, poster BibTeX
  141. 141. *Koji Ishihara, Jun Morimoto, MPC for fumanoid control, Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS2020)Workshop (2020/7/12-16), 2020, Online, reviewed BibTeX
  142. 142. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics: Integrative Probabilistic Generative Models for Developmental Human-Robot Communication in the Real-world Environment, IEEE Ubiquitous Robots 2020, 2020, Online, Japan, keynote BibTeX
  143. 143. Doya K, How Can the Brain Connect Predictors and Actors on the Fly?, Workshop on Learning for flexible, context-sensitive behavior, 2020, 2020/3/12-3/13, Bielfeld, GERMANY, invited BibTeX
  144. 144. *Tatsuya Haga, Tomoki Fukai, Multiscale associative memory recall by modulation of inhibitory circuits, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2020, 2020, Denver, USA, poster BibTeX
  145. 145. *Tatsuya Haga, Tomoki Fukai, Multiscale associative memory recall by modulation of inhibitory circuits, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2020, 2020, Denver, USA, poster BibTeX
  146. 146. *Hikida T, The role of the parallel pathways in the nucleus accumbens for reward and aversive learning, MACS International Symposium: COMPUTATIONAL PRINCIPLES IN ACTIVE PERCEPTION AND REINFORCEMENT LEARNING IN THE BRAIN, 2020, invited BibTeX
  147. 147. Rahman F, Doya K, Mickheyev A, Identifying the Evolutionary Conditions for the Emergence of Alternative Reproductive Tactics in Simulated Robot Colonies, AROB 25th 2020, 2020, 2020/1/22-1/24, Beppu, Oita and ONLINE, oral BibTeX
  148. 148. Macpherson T, Yao S, Fukakusa A, Morita M, Kimura H, Hirai K, Ando T, Toyoshiba H, Sawa A, Hikida T, Altered medial prefrontal cortex gene expression following nucleus accumbens pathway neurotransmission blocking, The 10th Takeda Science Foundation Symposium on PharmaSciences – Mental Illness: Human Biology and Preclinical Modeling for Translation, 2020, poster BibTeX
  149. 149. Doya K, What can we further learn from the brain for artificial intelligence?, The 20th winter workshop Mechanism of Brain and Mind, 2020, 2020/1/8-1/10, Rusutsu, HOKKAIDO, invited BibTeX
  150. 150. Tomoki Fukai, Cognition through neural circuit dynamics, Toyama Forum for Academic Summit on “Dynamic Brain”, 2019, Toyama, Japan, oral, invited BibTeX
  151. 151. Tomoki Fukai, Cognition through neural circuit dynamics, Toyama Forum for Academic Summit on “Dynamic Brain”, 2019, Toyama, Japan, oral, invited BibTeX
  152. 152. Parmas P, Sugiyama M, A unified view of likelihood ratio and reparameterization gradients and an optimal importance sampling scheme, Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, NeurIPS, 2019, Vancouver, CANADA, oral BibTeX
  153. 153. Takeshi D. Itoh, Takatomi Kubo, Kiyoka Ikeda, Yuki Maruno, Yoshiharu Ikutani, Hideaki Hata, Kenichi Matsumoto, Kazushi Ikeda, Towards generation of visual attention map for source code, 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019) Workshop of Context and Compositionality in Biological and Artificial Neural Systems, 2019, Vancouver, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  154. 154. Terada H+, *Shouno H, B-DCGAN: Evaluation of Binarized DCGAN for FPGA, The 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2019), 2019, 2, Sydney, Australia, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  155. 155. *Tamano R, Ogawa T, Hiroe N, Hirayama J, Kawanabe M, Predicting schizophrenia-related functional connectivity from EEG using SPLICE filter: a statistical analysis with resting-state EEG-fMRI data, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN2019), 2019, Maastricht, the Netherlands, reviewed poster BibTeX
  156. 156. *Yuma Kajihara, Takashi Ikegami, Kenji Doya, Model-based empowerment computation for dynamical agents, 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2019, Xiamen, China, poster BibTeX
  157. 157. *Atsushi Masumori, Lana Sinapayen, Takashi Ikegami, Predictive Coding as Stimulus Avoidance in Spiking Neural Networks, 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2019, Xiamen, China, oral BibTeX
  158. 158. Osanai M, Ohkawa N, Iguchi Y, Yokose J, Nakayama S, Inokuchi K, Kobayashi K, Haga Y, Mushiake, H, Development and application of the multimodal ultra-thin endoscope for analyzing neuronal circuits in the deep brain region, Neural Oscillation Conference 2019 (2019/11/17-19), 2019, Shirankaikan, Kyoto, Japan, poster BibTeX
  159. 159. Hidehiko Takahashi, Altered decision-making as endophenotypes to bridge the gap between phenomenology and neurobiology, Personalized Value: Interdisciplinary Approach, 2019, Kyoto, Japan, invited BibTeX
  160. 160. Morioka H, Nonlinear spatial ICA of resting-state fMRI via space-contrastive learning, Brainstorming on Primate Connectome 2019, 2019, Invited, oral BibTeX
  161. 161. *Masayuki Matsumoto, Value-to-choice signal transformation in midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal neurons during economic decision-making in monkeys, Fourth Quadrennial Meeting on OFC Function, 2019, Paris, France, invited BibTeX
  162. 162. Doya K, Patience, Confidence and Serotonin, Blue Brain Seminar, 2019, Genova, ITARY, invited BibTeX
  163. 163. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol emergence in robotics: towards developmental artificial embodied intelligence, NII Shonan Meetings on “From natural to artificial embodied intelligence: is Deep Learning the solution”, 2019, Kanagawa, Japan, invited BibTeX
  164. 164. Doya K, What Can We Further Learn from the Brain for Cognitive Robotics?, IROS 2019 Workshop: Deep Probabilistic Generative Models for Cognitive Architecture in Robotics, 2019, 2019/11/4-11/8, MACAU, CHINA, oral BibTeX
  165. 165. *Tatsuya Matsushima, Naruya Kondo, Yusuke Iwasawa, Kaoru Nasuno, Yutaka Matsuo, Measuring Task Uncertainty in Meta-Imitation Learning, Proceedings of the workshop on Deep Probabilistic Generative Models for Cognitive Architecture in Robotics at IROS2019, 2019, Maca, China, reviewed BibTeX
  166. 166. Doya K, Systems Biology of Reinforcement Learning, International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2019), 2019, 2019/11/1-11/5, OIST, Plenary speaker BibTeX
  167. 167. Yu Toyoshima, Stephen Wu, Manami Kanamori, Hirofumi Sato, Moon Sun Jang, Yuko Murakami, Suzu Oe, Terumasa Tokunaga, Osamu Hirose, Sayuri Kuge, Takayuki Teramoto, Yuishi Iwasaki, Ryo Yoshida, Takeshi Ishihara, Yuichi Iino, A pipeline of bio-image informatics for whole-brain imaging of C. elegans and analysis of the neural activity, The 20th International Conference of Systems Biology, 2019, Onna, Okinawa, Japan, poster BibTeX
  168. 168. Yuki Katsumata, Lotfi El Hafi, Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, and Tadahiro Taniguchi, Integrating Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Map Completion Using Generative Adversarial Networks, IROS 2019 Workshop on Deep Probabilistic Generative Models for Cognitive Architecture in Robotics, 2019, Las Vegas, USA (virtual), reviewed BibTeX
  169. 169. Doya K, Reinforcement Learning in Machines and the Brain, Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2019), 2019, 2019/10/30-11/1, Osaka, JAPAN, invited(Keynote) BibTeX
  170. 170. Ma N, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neuro – computational process for deciding with predicting others’ decision, The 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (sfn 2019), 2019, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  171. 171. Mineki Oguchi, Shingo Tanaka, Xiaochuan Pan, Takefumi Kikusui, Keiko Moriya-Ito, Shigeki Kato, Kazuto Kobayashi, Masamichi Sakagami, Chemogenetic Inactivation Using Double Virus Vector Infection Reveals the Inhibitory Function of the Prefronto-striatal Pathway in the Macaque Brain, Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience 2019 (SfN2019), 2019, Chicago, America, poster BibTeX
  172. 172. *Tatsuya Haga, Tomoki Fukai, Extended associative memory by inhibitory modulation, Neuroscience 2019 (SfN’s 49th annual meeting), 2019, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  173. 173. *Tatsuya Haga, Tomoki Fukai, Extended associative memory by inhibitory modulation, Neuroscience 2019 (SfN’s 49th annual meeting), 2019, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  174. 174. *Nobuhiko Wagatsuma, Sou Nobukawa, Tomoki Fukai, Top-down modulations of bottom-up signal processing in a microcircuit model involving PV, SOM and VIP inhibitory interneurons, Neuroscience 2019 (SfN’s 49th annual meeting), 2019, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  175. 175. *Nobuhiko Wagatsuma, Sou Nobukawa, Tomoki Fukai, Top-down modulations of bottom-up signal processing in a microcircuit model involving PV, SOM and VIP inhibitory interneurons, Neuroscience 2019 (SfN’s 49th annual meeting), 2019, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  176. 176. Kimura K, Nagai Y, Tanabe S, Zheng A, Fujiwara M, Nakano M, Minamimoto T, Inoue K, Takada M, The modified adeno associated virus vectors enable neuron specific efficient gene transduction in the primate brain, Neuroscience 2019, 2019, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  177. 177. K. Taneko, M. Komatsu, N. Ichinohe, H. Okano, Cerebral information dynamics from visual input to motor output with a whole-hemisphere electrocorticography (ECoG), Neuroscience 2019, 2019, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  178. 178. *Abekawa N, Gomi H, Learning and retrieving motor memories depending on gaze-reach coordination., Neuroscience2019 (SfN2019), 2019, Chicago, poster BibTeX
  179. 179. *Gomi H, Nakamura D, Synthetic modeling of human visual motion analysis for generating quick ocular and manual responses., Neuroscience2019 (SfN2019), 2019, Chicago, poster BibTeX
  180. 180. *Ito S, Gomi H, Online modulation of proprioceptive reflex gain depending on uncertainty in multisensory state estimation., Neuroscience2019 (SfN2019), 2019, Chicago, poster BibTeX
  181. 181. *Ueda H, Abekawa N, Ito S, Gomi H, Distinct temporal frequency-dependent modulations of direct and indirect visual motion effects on reaching adjustments., Neuroscience2019 (SfN2019), 2019, Chicago, poster BibTeX
  182. 182. Mengxi Yun, Takashi Kawai, Masafumi Nejime, Hiroshi Yamada, *Masayuki Matsumto, Signal dynamics corresponding to value-to-choice transformation in midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal neurons during economic decision-making in monkeys, Society for Neuroscience, 2019, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  183. 183. ABDOLRAHMANI M, + LYAMZIN D. R., AOKI R * BENUCCI A, Cognitive modulation of interacting corollary discharges in the visual cortex, Neuroscience 2019, 2019, Chicago, Poster presentations BibTeX
  184. 184. Orlandi J.G, Abdolrahmani M, Aoki R, Lyamzin D.R, *Benucci A, Revealing causal and non-causal network interactions during perceptual decision making from wide-field cortical imaging in mice, Neuroscience 2019, 2019, Chicago, Poster presentations BibTeX
  185. 185. M. Komatsu, T. Yamada, T. Kaneko, H. Okano, T. Yamamori, N. Ichinohe, Y. Yamashita, Resting state networks on electrocorticograms reveal global and local cortical functional structures, Neuroscience 2019, 2019, Chicago, USA, nano symposium BibTeX
  186. 186. *Miyawaki H, Mizuseki K, Evolution of fear memory representation in local and global circuits., The Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2019, Chicago, USA, poster BibTeX
  187. 187. K. Mimura, J. Matsumoto, C. Sato, K. Kimura, Y. Hori, Y. Nagai, KI. Inoue, I. Aoki, H. Nishijo, T. Suhara, M. Takada, N. Yahata, T. Minamimoto, A chemogenetic toolbox with multimodal imaging and motion tracking for free marmoset behavior, 2019 Marmoset Bioscience symposium, 2019, Chicago, US, reviewed / poster BibTeX
  188. 188. *Abekawa N, Ito S, Gomi H, Different learning and generalization for reaching movements in foveal and peripheral vision., Motor Learning and Motor Control 2019 (MLMC 2019), 2019, Chicago, oral BibTeX
  189. 189. Yohei Oseki, Construction and evaluation of neurocomputational models of natural language, Theory towards Brains, Machines and Minds, 2019, Saitama, Japan, invited BibTeX
  190. 190. Iino Y, Molecular and neural network mechanisms for the alteration in taste evaluation of C. elegans, The 48th Naito conference, 2019, Sapporo, Japan, invited oral BibTeX
  191. 191. Hirofumi Kunitomo, Hirofumi Sato, Hinako Mitsui, Yuichi Iino, Molecular and neural mechanisms of salt concentration memory-dependent chemotaxis of Caenorhabditis elegans, The 48th Naito conference, 2019, Sapporo, Japan, poster BibTeX
  192. 192. Masamichi Sakagami, Enhancement of the reward prediction error signal of midbrain dopamine neuron by the cost of obtaining the reward, Society for Neuro Economics, 2019, Dublin, Ireland, poster BibTeX
  193. 193. *Hirayama J, Interpretable multivariate analysis of individual variability in whole-brain functional connectivity, International Workshop on Neurotechnology & AI, 2019, 東京, invited BibTeX
  194. 194. Masamichi Sakagami, The enhancement of the reward prediction error signal in the midbrain dopamine neuron by the cost paid for the reward, ICCN 2019, 2019, Alghero, Italy BibTeX
  195. 195. *Masayuki Matsumoto, The diversity of dopamine signals in macaque monkeys, German Physiological Society, 2019, Ulm, Germany, invited BibTeX
  196. 196. Masamichi Sakagami, Enhancement of the reward prediction error signal of midbrain dopamine neuron by the cost of obtaining the reward, ICCN 2019, 2019, Alghero, Italy, invited,poster BibTeX
  197. 197. Doya K, Neural Circuits for Reinforcement Learning and Mental Simulation, IBRO 2019 Symposium: Valence and Reward Encoding, 2019, 2019/9/21-9/25, Deagu, KOREA, invited BibTeX
  198. 198. *Li N, Cheng K, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Changes in deoxygenation level of bloods and cortical tissues following neuronal activity changes as the bases for intrinsic optical recordings and fMRI, Lateral orbitofrontal cortex is associated with human cognitive dynamics in the congruency sequence effect, 2019, poster BibTeX
  199. 199. *Tanskanen T, Waggoner RA, Ueno K, Cheng K, Tanaka K, Variation of RF-induced temperature increase in a phantom: comparison of numerical simulatitons, MR thermometry and measurements from temperature sensors, Columnar scale representation of faces in the human inferotemporal cortex, 2019, poster BibTeX
  200. 200. *Gupta S, Tanaka K, Waggoner RA, High-resolution fMRI of the visual system at 3T using zoomed excitation via Tx-SENSE, Validation of RF-induced temperature increase in living human tissue, 2019, reviewed poster BibTeX
  201. 201. Takashi Ikegami, Offloaded Agency, SIGEF, 2019, 東京, invited BibTeX
  202. 202. *Benucci A., Attention Demixes the Dynamics of Sensory and Motor Responses in the Mouse Visual cortex, invited talk, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy, 2019, Trieste, Invited talk BibTeX
  203. 203. *Gomi H, Abekawa N, Decomposition of manual and ocular following responses into the direct and interaction components., Europian Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2019), 2019, Leuven, poster BibTeX
  204. 204. Inagaki M, Inoue K, Takada M, Fujita I, Fast subcortical processing of emotional faces: evidence from physiology and anatomy in macaque monkeys, 42nd edition of the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2019), 2019, Leuven, Belgium, poster BibTeX
  205. 205. Doya K, Neural circuits for mental simulation, International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2019), 2019, 2019/8/22-8/24, Seuol, KOREA, invited BibTeX
  206. 206. Doya K, What can we further learn from the brain for AI and robotics?, Global AI Summit: Cognitive AI: Cognitive AI, 2019, 2019/8/21, Seuol, KOREA, invited BibTeX
  207. 207. Doya K, Big Data Challenges in Neuroscience, IEEE CIS Summer School: Big Data Analytics and Stream Processing, 2019, 2019/8/10-8/14, Allahabad, INDIA, invited BibTeX
  208. 208. Raman RAJANI, Haruo HOSOYA, Evaluating CNNs as a model of face processing network of the macaque, 第42回日本神経科学大会, 2019, Niigata, reviewed oral BibTeX
  209. 209. Hamaguchi K, *Watanabe D, Neural representation of internal model guided decision making in mouse frontal cortex., The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2019, Niigata, Japan, poster BibTeX
  210. 210. Keitaro Obara, Teppei Ebina, Yoshito Masamizu, Shin-Ichiro Terada, Takanori Uka, Misako Komatsu, Noritaka Ichinohe, Akiya Watakabe, Hiroaki Mizukami, Tetsuo Yamamori, Kiyoto Kasai, Masanori Matsuzaki, Calcium imaging of the auditory mismatch negativity (aMMN) responses in common marmosets, The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2019, Niigata, poster BibTeX
  211. 211. Takaaki Kaneko, Misako Komatsu, Noritaka Ichinohe, Hideyuki Okano, Information dynamics of natural vision investigated by electrocorticographic (ECoG) signal covering the entire hemisphere of a none-human primate, The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2019, Niigata, poster BibTeX
  212. 212. Onuki, Y., Honda, H., Matsuka, T., & Ueda, K., Shift of probability weighting by joint and separate evaluations: analyses of cognitive processes based on behavioral experiment and cognitive modeling, the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019, Montreal, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  213. 213. Masatoshi Yoshida, Takaaki Kaneko, Misako Komatsu, Hideyuki Okano, Noritaka Ichinohe, Visual mismatch negativity measured from whole-cortical electrocorticograhic arrays in common marmosets, The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2019, Niigata, poster BibTeX
  214. 214. Yuki Nakagami, Akiya Watakabe, Misako Komatsu, Masafumi Takaji, Hiroaki Mizukami, Junichi Hata, Hideyuki Okano, Ken Nakae, Shin Ishii, Noritaka Ichinohe, Tetsuo Yamamori, Local knockdown of CRTC1 gene expression in marmoset V1 triggers epilepsy-like neural activities, The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2019, Niigata, poster BibTeX
  215. 215. Kawashima T, *Shouno H, Fast Bayesian Restoration of Poisson Corrupted Images with INLA, The 25th Int’l Conf on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA19), 2019, Las Vegas, USA, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  216. 216. Wataru Suzuki, Misako Komatsu, Takaaki Kaneko, Yuri Shinomoto, Hideyuki Okano, Noritaka Ichinohe, Information processing of other’s action in the STS of common marmoset revealed by whole-cortical recordings, The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2019, Niigata, poster BibTeX
  217. 217. *Miyawaki H, Mizuseki K, Global and local neuronal dynamics underlying fear memory., The Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2019, Niigata, Japan, poster BibTeX
  218. 218. Doya K, Possible roles of dopamine in model-free and model-based decision and learning, CNS*2019, Dopaminergic Signaling Workshop, 2019, 2019/7/13-7/16, Barcelona, SPAIN, invited BibTeX
  219. 219. Doya K, Neural Circuits for Mental Simulation, CNS*2019, 28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, 2019, 2019/7/13-7/16, Barcelona, SPAIN, invited BibTeX
  220. 220. *Waggoner RA, Object recognition in inferotemporal cortex: from visual features to semantics, fMRI Studies of Cortical Columns in Humans, 2019, invited oral BibTeX
  221. 221. Doya K, Ethologically Grounded Motivation and Neural Implementation of Mental Simulation, The 4th International Workshop on Intrinsically Motivated Open-ended Learning (IMOL2019), 2019, 2019/7/1-7/3, Frankfurt, Germany, invited BibTeX
  222. 222. Yu Toyoshima, Stephen Wu, Manami Kanamori, Hirofumi Sato, Moon Sun Jang, Yuko Murakami, Suzu Oe, Terumasa Tokunaga, Osamu Hirose, Sayuri Kuge, Takayuki Teramoto, Yuishi Iwasaki, Ryo Yoshida, Takeshi Ishihara, Yuichi Iino, Bio-image informatics for whole-brain activity imaging of C. elegans, 22th International C. elegans Meeting, 2019, Los Angeles, USA, invited, workshop, oral BibTeX
  223. 223. Moonsun Jang and Yuichi Iino, Two distinct sets of chemosensory neurons involved in food-related navigation., 22th International C. elegans Meeting, 2019, Los Angeles, USA, oral BibTeX
  224. 224. H. Sato, H. Kunitomo, X. Fei, K. Hashimoto, Y. Iino, Neural dynamics for bidirectional regulation of experience-dependent gustatory behavior., 22th International C. elegans Meeting, 2019, Los Angeles, USA, oral BibTeX
  225. 225. Ayaka Matsumoto, Yu Toyoshima, Yuichi Iino, Integration of Detected Salt Concentrations with Motor State Mediated by a Single Interneuron in C. elgans, 22th International C. elegans Meeting, 2019, Los Angeles, USA, poster BibTeX
  226. 226. *Barry Ridge, Rok Pahic, Ales Ude, Jun Morimoto, Convolutional encoder-decoder networks for robust image-to-motion prediction, 28th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region(RAAD2019) (2019/6/19-21), 2019, Kaiserslautern, Germany, reviewed BibTeX
  227. 227. Hidehiko Takahashi, Neuroimaging of gambling disorder, International Conference on Behavioral Addictions, 2019, Yokohama, Japan, invited BibTeX
  228. 228. *Ogawa T, Moriya H, Hiroe N, Yamada T, Kawanabe M, Hirayama J, Network extraction method using hierarchical ICA-based approach: a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study, Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM2019), 2019, Rome, Italy, reviewed poster BibTeX
  229. 229. Tomoki Fukai, Temporal feature analysis in brain-inspired neural systems, Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop 2019, 2019, Kyoto, Japan, oral, invited BibTeX
  230. 230. Tomoki Fukai, Temporal feature analysis in brain-inspired neural systems, Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop 2019, 2019, Kyoto, Japan, oral, invited BibTeX
  231. 231. *Masayuki Matsumoto, Dynamics of dopamine neuron activity represents value-to-choice transformation in monkeys performing an economic decisionmaking task, International Symposium on Biology of Decision Making, 2019, Oxford, UK, invited BibTeX
  232. 232. Y. Ikutani, N. Koganti, H. Hata, T. Kubo, and K. Matsumoto, Toward imitating visual attention of experts in software development tasks, 6th International Workshop on Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP 2019), 2019, Montreal, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  233. 233. *Nakahara H, Neural computations underlying social decision-making, NII Shonan Meeting “Language as Goal-Directed Sequential Behavior: Computational Theories, Brain Mechanisms, Evolutionary Roots”, 2019, Kanagawa, Japan, oral, invited BibTeX
  234. 234. *Barry Ridge, Rok Pahic, Ales Ude, Jun Morimoto, Learning to write anywhere with spatial transformer image-to-motion encoder-decoder networks, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2019)(2019/5/20-24), 2019, Montreal, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  235. 235. *Masashi Hamaya, Takamitsu Matsubara, Jun-ichiro Furukawa, Yuting Sun, Satoshi Yagi, Tatsuya Teramae, Tomoyuki Noda, Jun Morimoto, Exploiting human and robot muscle synergies for human-in-the-loop optimization of EMG-based assistive strategies, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2019)(2019/5/20-24), 2019, Montreal, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  236. 236. Labuguen R, Bardeloza DK, Blanco SN, Matsumoto J, Inoue K, Shibata T, Primate Markerless Pose Estimation and Movement Analysis Using DeepLabCut, Joint 2019 8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) & 3rd International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (IVPR), 2019, Washington, USA, poster BibTeX
  237. 237. *Suzuki C, Waggoner RA, Haruhana K, Tanaka K, Ueno K, Object recognition in inferotemporal cortex: from visual features to semantics, Improving k-space physiological noise correction with motion correction in fMRI studies, 2019, reviewed poster BibTeX
  238. 238. *Benucci A., Stability and Plasticity of Visual Representations in the Mouse Cortex, Brain Networks Workshop, 2019, Pohang, Korea, Invited talk BibTeX
  239. 239. Mineki Oguchi, Shingo Tanaka, Xiaochuan Pan, Takefumi Kikusui, Shigeki Kato, Kazuto Kobayashi, and Masamichi Sakagami, Chemogenetic Inactivation Using Double Virus Vector Infection Reveals the Inhibitory Function of the Prefronto-striatal Pathway in the Macaque Brain, The International Basal Ganglia Society, 2019, Biarritz,France, poster BibTeX
  240. 240. *Abekawa N, Gomi H, Multiple motor memories depending on foveal and peripheral reaching., Neural Control of Movement 2019 (NCM2019), 2019, Toyama, poster BibTeX
  241. 241. *De Havas J, Ito S, Gomi H, The inhibition of voluntary muscle relaxations depends on similar mechanisms to the inhibition of muscle contractions., Neural Control of Movement 2019 (NCM2019), 2019, Toyama, poster BibTeX
  242. 242. Nakamura D, *Gomi H, Spatiotemporal tuning of ocular following response can be acquired by statistical machine learning of visual images during daily self-movements., Neural Control of Movement 2019 (NCM2019), 2019, Toyama, poster BibTeX
  243. 243. *Takamuku S, Ohta H, Kanai C, Gomi H, Visual feedback of object motion improves grip control but disrupts arm control in adults with ASC., Neural Control of Movement 2019 (NCM2019), 2019, Toyama, poster BibTeX
  244. 244. *Gomi H, Predictive setup of implicit sensorimotor processing according to tasks and environments, Neural Control of Movement 2019 (NCM2019), 2019, Toyama, oral BibTeX
  245. 245. Takashi Ikegami, AI からALIFE へ : 生命原理のロボットを考える, AI/SUM, 2019, 東京, invited BibTeX
  246. 246. *Kozuno T, Uchibe E, Doya K, Theoretical analysis of efficiency and robustness of softmax and gap-increasing operators in reinforcement learning, 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2019), 2019, Okinawa, Japan, reviewed, poster BibTeX
  247. 247. *Jun Morimoto, Motor learning algorithms, Skolkovo Robotics 2019, 2019, Moscow, Russia, invited, Keynote BibTeX
  248. 248. Tomoki Fukai, Temporal feature analysis by self-supervising dendritic neurons, 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Dendrites: Molecules, Structure and Function, 2019, Ventura, USA, oral, invited BibTeX
  249. 249. Tomoki Fukai, Temporal feature analysis by self-supervising dendritic neurons, 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Dendrites: Molecules, Structure and Function, 2019, Ventura, USA, oral, invited BibTeX
  250. 250. Inoue K, Pathway-selective optogenetics for elucidating neural network function in primates, DFG-AMED joint Workshop “New Direction in Systems Neuroscience”, 2019, Tuebingen, Germany, invited BibTeX
  251. 251. Masamichi Sakagami, Chemogenetic Inactivation Using Double Virus Vector Infection Revealed the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Pathway in the Macaque Brain, HangZhou Forum on “Cognitive Neuroscience and Intelligent Application”, 2019, China BibTeX
  252. 252. Tomoki Fukai, Learning information streams in brain-inspired neural network models, HangZhou Forum on Cognitive Neuroscience and Intelligent Application 2019, 2019, Hangzhou, China, oral, invited BibTeX
  253. 253. Tomoki Fukai, Learning information streams in brain-inspired neural network models, HangZhou Forum on Cognitive Neuroscience and Intelligent Application 2019, 2019, Hangzhou, China, oral, invited BibTeX
  254. 254. *Uchibe E, Imitation learning under entropy regularization, Reinforcement Learning & Biological Intelligence, 2019, Tokyo, Japan, oral, invited BibTeX
  255. 255. Doya K, Patience and beyond, COSYNE 2019 Workshop -Advances and Convergences in 5-HT Research, 2019, 2019/3/4-2019/3/5, Lisbon, Portugal, invited BibTeX
  256. 256. Tomoki Fukai, Implications of symmetric STDP, replay and inhibitory engrams in sequence learning, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2019 Workshop, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, oral, invited BibTeX
  257. 257. Tomoki Fukai, Implications of symmetric STDP, replay and inhibitory engrams in sequence learning, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2019 Workshop, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, oral, invited BibTeX
  258. 258. Doya K, Neural circuit for mental simulation, Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2019 (COSYNE2019), 2019, 2019/2/28-2019/3/2, Lisbon, Portugal, invited BibTeX
  259. 259. Takumi Ege*, Yoshikazu Ando, Ryosuke Tanno, Wataru Shimoda and Keiji Yanai, Image-Based Estimation of Real Food Size for Accurate Food Calorie Estimation, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), 2019, San Jose, USA, reviewed BibTeX
  260. 260. Tetsuya Nagano*, Takumi Ege, Wataru Shimoda and Keiji Yanai, A Large-scale Analysis of Regional Tendency of Twitter Photos Using Only Image Features, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), 2019, San Jose, USA, reviewed BibTeX
  261. 261. *Zoccolan D., Benucci A., Studying visual processing in rodents: where a decade of research has taken us and what is waiting ahead, CoSyNe 2019, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, Workshop organizer and presenter, invited BibTeX
  262. 262. *Benucci A., Local and global contribution to hemodynamic activity in the mouse cortex, Neurovascular Unit Workshop, 2019, Tokyo, Invited talk BibTeX
  263. 263. Hidehiko Takahashi, Neuroimaging of gambling disorder, The 2nd International Behavioral Addiction Forum, 2019, Yokohama, Japan, Keynote BibTeX
  264. 264. *Matsumoto H, High-resolution Opto-Electrophysiology: a new tool for analyzing brain functions, 2019 BibTeX
  265. 265. *Matsumoto H, Mizuseki K, Information processing of the ventral tegmental area neurons in reward-based adaptive decision-making, 次世代脳プロジェクト 冬のシンポジウム, 2019 BibTeX
  266. 266. *Matsumoto H, Mizuseki K, Information processing of the ventral tegmental area neurons in reward-based decision-making, The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society., 2019 BibTeX
  267. 267. Mineki Oguchi , Masamichi Sakagami, Chemogenetic Inactivation Using Double Virus Vector Infection Reveals the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Pathway in the Macaque Brain, NHP Chemogenetics workshop 2018, 2018, Bethesda BibTeX
  268. 268. Inoue K, Development of viral vectors for delivering functional molecules into nonhuman primate brains., Genetic technologies for systems neurosciences in non-human primates, 2018, Bethesda, USA, invited BibTeX
  269. 269. *Hikida T, Macpherson T, Mizoguchi H, Yamanaka A, 57th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2018, poster BibTeX
  270. 270. Jeric Briones, Takatomi Kubo and Kazushi Ikeda, Detecting switching causal interactions using hierarchical segmentation approach, NeurIPS 2018 Workshop on Causal Learning, 2018, Montreal, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  271. 271. Paramas P, Total stochastic gradient algorithms and applications in reinforcement learning, The 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS2018), 2018, 2018/12/2-12/8, Montreal, CANADA, poster BibTeX
  272. 272. *Tanaka K, Coding of faces by tensor components, Neural substrates of intuition in shogi and soccer experts, 2018, invited lecture BibTeX
  273. 273. *Tanaka K, Energization of cognitive modes by the medial prefrontal cortex (area 9m) in Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), 2018, invited plenary lecture BibTeX
  274. 274. *Gomi H, Contribution of internal models on sensorimotor control, The 75th Fujihara Seminar “The Cerebellum as a CNS hub; from its evolution to therapeutic strategies”, 2018, Tokyo, Invited talk BibTeX
  275. 275. Wataru Shimoda*, Atsushi Narusawa, and Keiji Yanai, Font Style Transfer Using Deep Neural Networks, International Display Workshop (IDW), 2018, Nagoya, Japan, invited BibTeX
  276. 276. Yuki Izumi*, Daichi Horita, Ryosuke Tanno and Keiji Yanai, Real-Time Image Classification and Transformation Apps on iOS by “Chainer2MPSNNGraph”, NIPS 2018 Workshop on Machine Learning on the Phone and other Consumer Devices (MLPCD), 2018, Montreal, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  277. 277. Asato Matsumoto* and Keiji Yanai, Continual Learning for an Encoder-Decoder CNN Using “Piggyback”, NIPS2018 Continual Learning Workshop, 2018, Montreal, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  278. 278. Shu Naritmo*, Ryosuke Tanno, Takumi Ege and Keiji Yanai, FoodChangeLens: CNN-based Food Transformation on HoloLens, International Workshop on Interface and Experience Design with AI for VR/AR (DAIVAR), 2018, Taichung, Taiwan, reviewed BibTeX
  279. 279. Yu Sugiyama* and Keiji Yanai, Word-Conditioned Image Style Transfer, ACCV Workshop on AI Aesthetics in Art and Media (AIAM), 2018, Perth, Australia, reviewed BibTeX
  280. 280. Atsushi Narusawa*, Wataru Shimoda and Keiji Yanai, Font Style Transfer Using Neural Style Transfer and Unsupervised Cross-domain Transfer, ACCV Workshop on AI Aesthetics in Art and Media, 2018, Perth, Australia, reviewed BibTeX
  281. 281. Fukai T, Cortical network models from small scales to large scales for cognition, Orchestrating Networks, 2018, Juelich, Germany, oral, invited BibTeX
  282. 282. Fukai T, Exploring a bridge between the brain and AI, Global Leaders Forum 2018, 2018, Seoul, Korea, oral, invited BibTeX
  283. 283. Yuza, J., Okubo, M., Komura, Y., & Kajiwara, R*, Contribution of nucleus accumbens to impulsive choice behavior based on the last reward experience, Society for Neuroscience meeting, 2018, San Diego, USA BibTeX
  284. 284. Misako Komatsu, Noritaka Ichinohe, Predictive coding on auditory processing: spatio-temporal structure of signal flow in whole-cortical electrocorticograms, Neuroscience 2018, 2018, Sun Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  285. 285. Ma N, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neuro-computational mechanisms for deciding with predicting others, The 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (sfn 2018), 2018, San Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  286. 286. Fukuda H, Ma N, Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanism underlying value conversion of others’ reward to decision, The 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (sfn 2018), 2018, San Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  287. 287. Kiyohiko Nakamura, Misako Komatsu, Neural mechanism for information seeking in monkey prefrontal cortex, Neuroscience 2018, 2018, Sun Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  288. 288. *Asabuki T, Fukai T, Analysis of complex temporal information streams by dendritic neuron model, Neuroscience 2018 (SfN’s 48th annual meeting), 2018, San Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  289. 289. *Haga T, Fukai T, Learning efficient search for reward by CA3 recurrent network model, Neuroscience 2018 (SfN’s 48th annual meeting), 2018, San Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  290. 290. *Abekawa N, Gomi H, Different eye-hand coordination forms distinct motor memories in visuomotor adaptation, Neuroscience2018 (SfN2018), 2018, San Diego, poster BibTeX
  291. 291. *De Havas J, Ito S, Gomi H, The inhibition of voluntary muscle relaxations depends on similar mechanisms to the inhibition of muscle contractions., Neuroscience2018 (SfN2018), 2018, San Diego, poster BibTeX
  292. 292. Mengxi Yun, Takashi Kawai, Masafumi Nejime, Hiroshi Yamada, *Masayuki Matsumoto, Dynamics of neuronal signals in primate midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal cortex neurons during value-to-decision transformation, Society for Neuroscience, 2018, San Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  293. 293. Macpherson T, Mizoguchi H, Yamanaka A, Hikida T, Ventral pallidum neurons control aversive learning, The 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. (2018/11/3-7), 2018, poster BibTeX
  294. 294. Macpherson T, Mizoguchi H, Yamanaka A, Hikida T, Ventral pallidum neurons control aversive learning, The 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2018 BibTeX
  295. 295. Takaaki Kaneko, Misako Komatsu, Noritaka Ichinohe, Hideyuki Okano, Neural dynamics of recurrent active vision, Neuroscience 2018, 2018, Sun Diego, USA, poster BibTeX
  296. 296. Aoki, R., *Benucci, A., In vivo quantification of single-cell targeted optogenetic stimulation with a digital micro-mirror device, Neuroscience 2018, 2018, San Diego, Poster presentations BibTeX
  297. 297. *Suzuki S, Katahira K, Yamashita Y, Reinforcement learning is impaired with obsessive-compulsive and schizotypal traits, 48th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 2018, Sandiego, USA, poster BibTeX
  298. 298. Daichi Horita*, Jaehyeong Cho, Takumi Ege and Keiji Yanai, CNN-based Photo Transformation for Improving Attractiveness of Ramen Photos, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2018, Tokyo, Japan, reviewed BibTeX
  299. 299. Ryosuke Tanno*, Takumi Ege and Keiji Yanai, AR DeepCalorieCam V2: Food Calorie Estimation with CNN and AR-based Actual Size Estimation, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2018, Tokyo, Japan, reviewed BibTeX
  300. 300. *Guilherme Maeda, Okan Koc, Jun Morimoto, Reinforcement learning of phase oscillators for fast adaptation to moving targets, Conference on Robot Learning(CoRL2018)/Proceedings of Machine Learning Research(Web) (2018/10/29-31), 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, reviewed BibTeX
  301. 301. Kozuno T, Doya K, Theoretical analysis of Non-exact retrace algorithm, The 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2018 ), 2018, 2018/10/24-2018/10/27, OIST, Poster BibTeX
  302. 302. Fukai T, Unsupervised learning of information streams in networks of dendritic neurons, Champalimaud Research Symposium 2018, 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, oral, invited BibTeX
  303. 303. *Nakahara H, Neural computations underlying social decision-making, KAIST Bio-IT Healthcare Initiative II Half-day workshop on brain-inspired AI:Neural Basis of Intelligence, 2018, Daejeon, Korea, oral, invited BibTeX
  304. 304. *Abekawa N, Gomi H, Difference in eye-hand coordination forms distinct motor memories in implicit visuomotor adaptation. In: JNNS Satellite Workshop, Joint workshop “Analysis and Synthesis for Human/Artificial Cognition and Behaviour” (JNNS2018 satellite), 2018, okinawa, poster BibTeX
  305. 305. *De Havas J, Ito S, Gomi H, Does the inhibition of voluntary muscle relaxations depend on similar mechanisms to the inhibition of muscle contractions?, Joint workshop “Analysis and Synthesis for Human/Artificial Cognition and Behaviour” (JNNS2018 satellite), 2018, Okinawa, poster BibTeX
  306. 306. *Ito S, Gomi H, Multimodal contribution to body state representation for generating proprioceptive reflexes., Joint workshop “Analysis and Synthesis for Human/Artificial Cognition and Behaviour” (JNNS2018 satellite), 2018, Okinawa, poster BibTeX
  307. 307. *Nakamura D, Gomi H, Statistical analysis of optic flow induced by body motion characterizing OFR and MFR., Joint workshop “Analysis and Synthesis for Human/Artificial Cognition and Behaviour” (JNNS2018 satellite), 2018, Okinawa, poster BibTeX
  308. 308. *Takamuku S, Gomi H, Low sensitivities of walking speed adjustment and self‐motion velocity perception to dense optic flow, Joint workshop “Analysis and Synthesis for Human/Artificial Cognition and Behaviour” (JNNS2018 satellite), 2018, Okinawa, poster BibTeX
  309. 309. *Jun-ichiro Furukawa, Jun Morimoto, A data-driven approach for estimating human behavior with collaborative filtering, Joint workshop of UCL-ICN, NTT, UCL-Gatsby, and AIBS (2018/10/22-23), 2018, Okinawa, Japan BibTeX
  310. 310. *Jun Morimoto, Humanoid motor learning from observed human behaviors, Joint workshop of UCL-ICN, NTT, UCL-Gatsby, and AIBS (2018/10/22-23), 2018, OISTシーサイドハウス(沖縄県), invited BibTeX
  311. 311. *Yamashita Y, Okimura T, Maeda T, Aberrant sense of agency induced by delayed prediction signal in schizophrenia: a computational modeling study, International Consortium on Hallucination Research (ICHR) 2018, 2018, Kyoto, Japan, poster BibTeX
  312. 312. Idei H, Murata S, Yamashita Y, *Ogata T, Altered self-nonself discrimination simulated on humanoid robot with a hierarchical neural network model, International Consortium on Hallucination Research (ICHR) 2018, 2018, Kyoto, Japan, poster BibTeX
  313. 313. Fukai T, Sequence learning by symmetric STDP and inhibitory engram, 18th China-Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Neurobiology and Neuroinformatics (NBNI2018), 2018, Jeju Island, Korea, oral, invited BibTeX
  314. 314. *Nakahara H, Neural computations underlying social decision-making, 18th China-Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Neurobiology and Neuroinformatics, 2018, Jeju Island, Korea, oral, invited BibTeX
  315. 315. *Benucci A., Stability and Plasticity of Visual Representations in the Mouse Cortex, Invited talk, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, 2018, Zurich, Invited talk BibTeX
  316. 316. Rikunari Sagara, Ryo Taguchi, Akira Taniguchi, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Koosuke Hattori, Masahiro Hoguro, and Taizo Umezaki, Mutual learning of relative spatial concepts and phoneme sequences using spoken user utterances, IROS2018 Workshop on Language and Robotics, 2018, Madrid, Spain, reviewed BibTeX
  317. 317. Ryosuke Tanno*, Daichi Horita, Wataru Shimoda and Keiji Yanai, Magical Rice Bowl: Real-time Food Category Changer, ACM Multimedia, 2018, Seoul, Korea, reviewed BibTeX
  318. 318. Inoue K, Manipulation of primate neural networks by means of modified viral vectors, International Conference “Viral Manipuration in Monkey”, 2018, Paris, France, invited BibTeX
  319. 319. Ryo Ozaki, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Accelerated nonparametric bayesian double articulation analyzer for unsupervised word discovery, The 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics 2018, 2018, Tokyo, Japan, reviewed BibTeX
  320. 320. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Yuta Fukusako, Toshiaki Takano, Bayesian noisy word clustering via sampling prototypical words, The 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics 2018, 2018, Tokyo, Japan BibTeX
  321. 321. *Uchibe E, Cooperative and competitive reinforcement and imitation learning, 8th Joint IEEE International Conferene on Developmental Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob 2018), 2018, Tokyo, Japan, reviewed, poster BibTeX
  322. 322. *Wang J, Elfwing S, Uchibe E, Deep reinforcement learning by parallelizing reward and punishment using MaxPain architecture, 8th Joint IEEE International Conferene on Developmental Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob 2018), 2018, Tokyo, Japan, reviewed, poster BibTeX
  323. 323. *Kei Akuzawa, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Expressive Speech Synthesis via Modeling Expressions with Variational Autoencoder, Interspeech, 2018, 2018, Hyderabad, India, reviewed BibTeX
  324. 324. *Ogawa T, Moriya H, Hiroe N, Yamada T, Kawanabe M, Hirayama J, Extraction of EEG network components by using stacked pooling and linear components estimation, The 21st International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2018), 2018, Philadelphia, USA, reviewed poster BibTeX
  325. 325. *Daniel F.N. Gordon, Takamitsu Matsubara, Tomoyuki Noda, Tatsuya Teramae, Jun Morimoto, Sethu Vijayakumar, Bayesian optimisation of exoskeleton design parameters, 7th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics(BioRob 2018)(2018/8/26-29), 2018, Enschede, the Netherlands, reviewed BibTeX
  326. 326. Masamichi Sakagami, Decoding value-related signal represented in multiple areas of the prefrontal cortex using ECoG electrodes, The 4th Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2018, China BibTeX
  327. 327. Noritaka Ichinohe, Misako Komatsu, Mismatch negativity as a translatable biomarker bridging a gap between animal model and human disease, The 41nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2018, Kobe, symposium BibTeX
  328. 328. Kiyohiko Nakamura, Misako Komatsu, The value of information encoded by neural populations of prefrontal cortex during information seeking, The 41nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2018, Kobe, poster BibTeX
  329. 329. Hamaguchi K, *Watanabe D, HDBCellSCAN: hierarchical density-based clustering approach for ROI detection in Calcium imaging data, The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2018, Kobe, Japan, poster BibTeX
  330. 330. Masamichi Sakagami, Value Decoding from ElectroCorticoGraphic Signals in Monkey Prefrontal Cortices and its Modulation by Decorded Neurofeedback, The 41th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2018, Kobe BibTeX
  331. 331. Misako Komatsu, Noritaka Ichinohe, Effects of ketamine administrations on frequency and duration mismatch activity in common marmosets, The 41nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2018, Kobe, poster BibTeX
  332. 332. *Gomi H, Nakamura D, Specificities of manual and ocular following responses and natural statistics of optic flow induced by body movements., The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2018, 2018, Kobe, poster BibTeX
  333. 333. Masamichi Sakagami, Introduction of Japan-U.S.Brain Reserch Cooperative Program (BRCP), The 41th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2018, Kobe BibTeX
  334. 334. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Constructive Approach towards Symbol Emergence Systems with Cognitive Robotics and Machine Learning, EVOSLACE (Workshop on the emergence and evolution of social learning, communication, language and culture in natural and artificial agents in ALIFE 2018), 2018, Tokyo, Japan, invited BibTeX
  335. 335. *Atsushi Masumori, Lana Sinapayen, Norihiro Maruyama, Takeshi Mita, Douglas Bakkum, Urs Frey, Hirokazu Takahashi, Takashi Ikegami, Autonomous Regulation of Self and Non-Self by Stimulation Avoidance in Embodied Neural Networks, Artificial Life Conference 2018, 2018, Tokyo, Japan, oral BibTeX
  336. 336. *Uchibe E, Efficient sample reuse in policy search by multiple importance sampling, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2018), 2018, Kyoto, Japan, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  337. 337. *Elfwing S, Uchibe E, Doya K, Online meta-learning by parallel algorithm competition, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2018), 2018, Kyoto, Japan, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  338. 338. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics: Towards Architecture for Embodied Developmental General Artificial Intelligence, AEGAP 2018 Architectures and Evaluation for Generality, Autonomy & Progress in AI, 15th July, 2018, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, 1ST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH IJCAI-ECAI 2018, AAMAS 2018 AND ICML 2018, 2018, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, invited BibTeX
  339. 339. Hayakawa T, Fukai T, The mean-field theory of dynamically balanced neuronal networks, 27th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2018), 2018, Seattle, USA BibTeX
  340. 340. Parmas P, Rasmussen Carl E, Peters Jan, Doya, Kenji, PIPPS: Flexible model-based policy search robust to the curse of chaos, The 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2018), 2018, 2018/7/10-7/15, Stockholm, SWEDEN, reviewed poster BibTeX
  341. 341. Hidehiko Takahashi, Development of theranostic biomarkers for schizophrenia, Pan-Asia Symposium on the Genetics of Brain Disorders, 2018, Shanghai, China, invited BibTeX
  342. 342. Yuza, J. Okubo, M., Komura, Y., & Kajiwara, R., The role of nucleus accumbens for tolerance to delayed reward using two-choice maze in rats, The 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, 2018, Berlin, Germany BibTeX
  343. 343. Macpherson T, Mizoguchi H, Yamanaka A, Hikida T, Ventral pallidum neurons control aversive learning, The 11th Meeting of the Federation for European Neuroscience Society, 2018, poster BibTeX
  344. 344. Honda, H., Shirasuna, M., Matsuka, T., & Ueda, K., Speakers’ choice of frame based on reference point: with explicit reason or affected by irrelevant prime?, the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2018, Madison, USA, reviewed BibTeX
  345. 345. Takumi Ege* and Keiji Yanai, Multi-task Learning of Dish Detection and Calorie Estimation, International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management (MADIMA), 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, reviewed BibTeX
  346. 346. Daichi Horita*, Ryosuke Tanno, Wataru Shimoda and Keiji Yanai, Food Category Transfer with Conditional Cycle GAN and a Large-scale Food Image Dataset, International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management (MADIMA), 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, reviewed BibTeX
  347. 347. Yoshifumi Ito*, Wataru Shimoda and Keiji Yanai, Food Image Generation using A Large Amount of Food Images with Conditional GAN: RamenGAN and RecipeGAN, International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management (MADIMA), 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, reviewed BibTeX
  348. 348. *Waggoner RA, Ueno K, Kuribayshi H, Tanaka K, In-Plane Signal Leakage (L- factor) Maps from TGRAPPA, 2018, reviewed poster BibTeX
  349. 349. Komatsu M, Effects of ketamine administrations on frequency and duration mismatch activity in common marmosets with whole-cortical electrocorticograms, the 8th Mismatch Negativity conference, 2018, Helsinki, invited BibTeX
  350. 350. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics Towards Unsupervised Language Acquisition by Robots, Doing Digital Methods: Interdisciplinary Interventions, 2018, Kyoto, Japan, invited BibTeX
  351. 351. Doya K, Introductory talk: Building autonomous robots to understand what brains do, Satellite workshop of The 8th International Symposium on Biology of Decision Making (SBDM2018), 2018, 2018/5/21-5/23, Paris, France, oral BibTeX
  352. 352. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Unsupervised Language Acquisition by Robots with Hierarchical Bayesian Models, SBDM2018 Satellite-Workshop on interfaces between Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2018, Paris, France, invited BibTeX
  353. 353. *Shinsuke Suzuki, Food value computation in the human orbitofrontal cortex, Eighth International Symposium on Biology of Decision Making, 2018, Paris, France, invited BibTeX
  354. 354. *Rok Pahic, Andrej Gams, Ales Ude, Jun Morimoto, Deep Encoder-Decoder Networks for Mapping Raw Images to Movement Primitives, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2018), 2018, Brisbane, Australia, reviewed# BibTeX
  355. 355. *Waggoner RA, MR Physics Demands of High-Resolution fMRI, 2018, invited oral BibTeX
  356. 356. Doya K, Neural circuits for reinforcement learning and mental simulation, Canonical Computaiton in Brains and Machines Symposium, 2018, 2018.3.18, New York University, USA, oral BibTeX
  357. 357. Doya K, Neural circuits for reinforcement learning and mental simulation, Seminar, 2018, 2018.3.19, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA, seminar BibTeX
  358. 358. So Fujimoto, Mao Noguchi, Akihiko Nikkuni, Yutaka Komura*, Neurobiology and statistics for reflective minds in primates, International symposium for cognitive neuroscience, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan BibTeX
  359. 359. *Yoshizawa T, Ito M, Doya K, Cell-type specific calcium imaging of striatal neurons in the striosome compartments during an odor-conditioning task, Gordon Research Conference, 2018, 2018.3.15, Four Points Sheraton/Holiday Inn Express, Ventura, CA, US, Poster BibTeX
  360. 360. Doya K, How does the brain wire up itself on the fly?, Seminar, 2018, 2018.3.14, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA, invited BibTeX
  361. 361. Doya K, Neural Circuit for Mental Simulation, The Neuroscience and Social Decision Making Talk Series, 2018, Princeton Neuroscience Institute, USA, Seminar BibTeX
  362. 362. Doya K, Imaging the neural circuit for mental simulation, COSYNE 2018 Workshop Session: Concepts, attention, and consciousness in (reinforcement) learning, 2018, 2018.3.5, Denver City, USA, oral BibTeX
  363. 363. *Benucci A., Sussillo, D., RNNs: What are we doing and why?, CoSyNe 2018 (2018/3/5-3/6), 2018, Denver, Colorado, Workshop organizer and presenter, invited BibTeX
  364. 364. Hamasaki Y, Nakayama T, Hikida T, Childhood subclinical characteristics in schizophrenia – toward the early screening for the risk of schizophrenia, EPA 2018, 2018 BibTeX
  365. 365. Takagishi, H., Sakagami, M., & Yamagishi, T, Social Value Orientation is Associated with the Role of Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Prosocial Behavior, The 19th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2018, Atlanta BibTeX
  366. 366. Kurikawa T, Handa T, Fukai T, Different neural landscape regulates individual differences in sensory-guided decision making, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2018, 2018, Denver, USA BibTeX
  367. 367. Fung CC, Fukai T, Discrete-attractor-like motion in continuous-attractor neural field models, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2018, 2018, Denver, USA BibTeX
  368. 368. Fukai T, Information transfer during slow oscillations in cortical networks, The 4th CiNet Conference, 2018, Osaka, Japan, invited BibTeX
  369. 369. Kurikawa T, Fukai T, Dynamic modulation in communications between Hippocampus and Medial entorhinal cortex depending on cognitive state, The 4th CiNet Conference, 2018, Osaka, Japan BibTeX
  370. 370. *Shinsuke Suzuki, Value computation in the human brain: its basis and contagious nature, Neuroeconomics Seminar, 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, invited BibTeX
  371. 371. *Hiroaki Shioya, Yutaka Matsuo, Extending Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning Considering Adaptation and Diversity, International Conference of Learning Representation, 2018, Vancouver,Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  372. 372. Fukai T, Reservoir computing for chunking and decision-making, Colloquium at Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, 2018, Paris, France, invited BibTeX
  373. 373. *Joji Toyama, Yutaka Matsuo, Expert-based reward function training: the novel method to train sequence generators, International Conference of Learning Representation, 2018, Vancouver,Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  374. 374. Fukai T, Sequence learning through reverse replay and preplay in hippocampal circuit models., Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), 2018, Barcelona, Spain, invited BibTeX
  375. 375. Fukai T, Dendritic canonical correlation analysis for memory and sensory information processing., Dendritic integration and computation with active dendrites, 2018, Paris, France, invited BibTeX
  376. 376. Ryosuke Tanno*, Keiji Yanai, AR deepcaloriecam: an iOS app for food calorie estimation with augmented reality, The International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM), 2018, Bangkok, Thailand, reviewed BibTeX
  377. 377. *Gomi H, Output Modality Dependent Visual Motion Analysis in the Brain, Brain and AI symposium by Korea Society of Brain and Nerve 2018, 2018, Korea, Invited talk BibTeX
  378. 378. Doya K, Neural circuits for reinforcement learning and mental simulation, Brain and AI Symposium Korea, 2018, 2018.1.30, Gold Hall and Ruby Hall, WellyHilly park, South Korea, invited BibTeX
  379. 379. *Jun Morimoto, Learning assistive strategies for BMI exoskeleton robots, 2018 Brain and AI Symposium (2018/1/30-31), 2018, Kangwon Province, Korea, invited BibTeX
  380. 380. Masamichi Sakagami, Decoding the value related signal represented in multiple areas of the prefrontal cortex using ECoG electrodes, Joint Workshop on AI Flagship Project for Interaction(3)& Emotion(4) and AI & Brain Science Project2018, 2018, Kangwon, Korea, invited BibTeX
  381. 381. Masamichi Sakagami, Multiple Neural Circuits In Value-based Decision Making, Brain Engineering Society of Korea(BESK) Brain AI Symposium, 2018, Kangwon, Korea, invited BibTeX
  382. 382. Doya K, What should we further learn from the brain?, Joint Workshop of Krean AI flagship Project and Japanese AI and Brain Scinece Project, 2018, 2018.1.29, WellyHilly park, South Korea, oral BibTeX
  383. 383. T. Yanagisawa, Brain-machine interface to modulate cortical functions, Biomedical engineering seminar, epilepsy and brain machine interfaces, 2018, Ian Potter Auditorium, Melbourne Brain Center, invited BibTeX
  384. 384. Doya K, Neural circuits for reinforcement learning and mental simulation, SCiNDU: Systems & Computational Neuroscience Down Under, 2017, 2017.12.14, Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, invited BibTeX
  385. 385. *Hikida T, Macpherson T, Nucleus accumbens D1 receptor expressing neurons control sutoshaping behavior, 56th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017, poster BibTeX
  386. 386. Macpherson T, *Hikida T, Dopamine D2L receptors control flexible behavior, OU-ANU 2nd joint symposium Protein Structure and Function, 2017, poster BibTeX
  387. 387. Takufumi Yanagisawa, Ryohei Fukuma, Ben Seymour, Koichi Hosomi, Haruhiko Kishima, Toshiki Yoshimine, Yukiyasu Kamitani, Youichi Saitoh, MEG-Neurofeedback for phantom limb pain, rtFIN, 2017, ATR, Kyoto, invited BibTeX
  388. 388. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics:from sensorimotor information to language, Neurobiology and Neuroinformatics 2017 (NBNI2017), 2017, Wako, Japan, invited BibTeX
  389. 389. Fukai T, Unsupervised reservoir computing for chunking sequence information., NBNI 2017, 2017, Wako, Japan BibTeX
  390. 390. Tanaka S, Kawasaki K, Hasegawa I, Suzuki T, Kawato M and Sakagami M, Elucidating the role of the macaque lateral prefrontal cortex for the value-based decision making using the decoded neurofeeback, real-time Functional Neuroimaging and Neurofeedback 2017, 2017, Nara BibTeX
  391. 391. *Hirayama J, Ogawa T, Moriya H, Hyvärinen A, Kawanabe M, Exploring EEG source resting-state networks by SPLICE: A simultaneous fMRI study, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN2017), 2017, 奈良, reviewed poster BibTeX
  392. 392. *Ogawa T, Moriya H, Yamada T, Kawanabe M, Hirayama J, Prediction of resting state fMRI signatures from EEG signal: a study of EEG-fMRI simultaneous recording, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN2017), 2017, 奈良, reviewed poster BibTeX
  393. 393. *Moriya H, Ogawa T, Kawanabe M, Hirayama J, Predictability of amygdala BOLD signal from multiple-electrode EEGs, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference (rtFIN2017), 2017, 奈良, reviewed poster BibTeX
  394. 394. *Hikida T, Basal ganglia network mechanisms in cognitive learning, 12th International Symposium of the Institute Network –Driving Next-Generation Medicine: the Spirit of Pioneering Discovery in Medical Science, 2017, invited BibTeX
  395. 395. T. Yanagisawa, R. Fukuma, B. Seymour, K. Hosomi, H. Kishima, T. Shimizu, H. Yokoi, M. Hirata, T. Yoshimine, Y. Kamitani, Y. Saitoh, MEG-based BMI controlled the sensorimotor cortical plasticity and phantom limb pain, rtFIN satellite symposium on brain-computer interface and neurofeedback, 2017, ATR, Kyoto, invited BibTeX
  396. 396. Ikegami, T, Life as an Emergent Phenomenon: Studies From Large-Scale Boid Simulation and Web Data, IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life (2017/11/27-12/1), 2017, Hawaii, USA, invited BibTeX
  397. 397. *Reinke C, Doya K, Adaptation of Optimization Algorithms to Problem Domains by Transfer Learning, 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS), 2017, 2017.11.24, OIST, poster BibTeX
  398. 398. *Benucci A., Sensory Representation Plasticity Driven by Single Neurons in the Mouse Cortex, invited talk, University of California San Francisco, 2017, San Francisco, CA, Invited talk BibTeX
  399. 399. Doya K, What can we further learn from the brain?, 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP2017, 2017, 2017.11.16, Guangzhou, China, invited BibTeX
  400. 400. *Jun-ichiro FURUKAWA, Asuka TAKAI,Jun MORIMOTO, Database-driven approach for biosignal-based robot control with collaborative filtering, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots(Humanoids2017), 2017, Birmingham, UK, reviewed# BibTeX
  401. 401. Takaya Ogasawara, Masahiko Takada, *Masayuki Matsumoto, The nigrostriatal dopamine pathway transmits a stop signal during the performance of a saccadic countermanding task in monkeys, Society for Neuroscience, 2017, Washington DC, USA, poster BibTeX
  402. 402. Haga T, Fukai T, Reverse replay strengthens forward pathways to reward through Hebbian learning and short-term depression., Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washingon, D.C., U.S.A. BibTeX
  403. 403. *Yoshizawa T, Ito M, Doya K, Neural representation of sensory-state value in the striatal striosome compartment, Society for Neuroscience 47th Annual Meeting, 2017, 2017.11.14, Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC, USA, poster BibTeX
  404. 404. Ma N, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms for deciding with predicting others in human brain, The 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (sfn 2017), 2017, Washington DC, USA, poster BibTeX
  405. 405. Fukuda H, Ma N, Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms for converting social value into one’s own decision value, The 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (sfn 2017), 2017, Washington DC, USA, poster BibTeX
  406. 406. Tanaka S, Kawasaki K, Hasegawa I, Suzuki T, Kawato M and Sakagami M, Spatial and temporal distribution of value-related and the visual information in the macaque lateral prefrontal cortex, Neuroscience 2017, the 47th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2017, Washington DC BibTeX
  407. 407. Misako Komatsu, Noritaka Ichinohe, An anesthetic dose of ketamine disrupts mismatch activity in common marmosets, Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washingtom, USA, poster BibTeX
  408. 408. Tsubota T., *Benucci A., Plasticity for stimulus selectivity in the visual cortex of adult mice induced by patterned optogenetic stimulation, Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washington DC BibTeX
  409. 409. Asabuki T, Fukai T, Chunk learning from complex sequences by mutually supervising recurrent neural networks, Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washingon, D.C., U.S.A. BibTeX
  410. 410. DeCostanzo A, Fukai T, A local supervised learning rule protects memories from catastrophic interference during subsequent unsupervised learning., Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washingon, D.C., U.S.A. BibTeX
  411. 411. Watanabe K, Haga T, Tatsuno M, Euston DR, Fukai T, Blind detection of behavior related population activity by using edit similarity measurement and statistical modeling., Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washingon, D.C., U.S.A. BibTeX
  412. 412. Uezono S, Tanabe S, Fujiwara M, Tsuge H, Nakamura K, Inoue K, Takada M, Organization of multisynaptic inputs from the basal ganglia and cerebellum to the anterior and posterior cingulate cortical areas in common marmosets: Retrograde transneuronal double labeling with fluorescent rabies viral vectors., Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washington, DC, USA, poster BibTeX
  413. 413. Takaya Ogasawara, Masahiko Takada, Masayuki Matsumoto, The nigrostriatal dopamine pathway transmits a stop signal during the performance of a saccadic countermanding task in monkeys, 2017, Society for Neuroscience BibTeX
  414. 414. Inoue K, Fujiwara M, Uezono S, Tanabe S, Ishida H, Hoshi E, Takada M, Arrangement of multisynaptic inputs from the basal ganglia to the dorsal and ventral premotor cortical areas in macaques: retrograde transneuronal double labeling with fluorescent rabies viral vectors., Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washington, DC, USA, poster BibTeX
  415. 415. *Lehky SR, Phan A, Cichocki A, Tanaka K, Coding of faces by tensor components, 2017, poster BibTeX
  416. 416. Kurikawa T, Handa T, Fukai T, Instability of neural trajectories in medial frontal cortex predicts individual differences in perceptual decision making., Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washingon, D.C., U.S.A. BibTeX
  417. 417. Matsumoto J, Nishimaru H, Takamura Y, Mimura K, Asaba A, Suzuki W, Ichinohe N, Minamimoto T, Ono T, *Nishijo H, 3D-Tracker, an open-source 3D video based behavioral analysis system for laboratory animals for neuroscience, 2017, Washington DC, US BibTeX
  418. 418. Abekawa Naotoshi, Gomi Hiroaki, Modulation difference in visuomotor responses in implicit and explicit motor tasks depending on postural stability, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (2017/11/11-15), 2017 BibTeX
  419. 419. Ito Sho, Gomi Hiroaki, Rotated visual feedback of self-movement affects long-latency stretch reflex, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (2017/11/11-15), 2017 BibTeX
  420. 420. Takamuku Shinya, Abekawa Naotoshi,Gomi Hiroaki, Automatic adjustment of walking speed by optic flow benefits from binocular vision, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (2017/11/11-15), 2017 BibTeX
  421. 421. Ueda Hiroshi, Abekawa Naotoshi,Gomi Hiroaki, Temporal development of an interaction effect between internal motion and contour signals of drifting target on reaching adjustment, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (2017/11/11-15), 2017 BibTeX
  422. 422. Macpherson T, *Hikida T, Nucleus Accumbens D1 receptor expressing neurons control autoshaping behavior, Neuroscience 2017, 2017, poster BibTeX
  423. 423. *Nakajima H, Nakamura S, Kita A, Itakura M, Senami C, Kuwamura M, Hikida T, Azuma Y-T, Takeuchi T, Blockade of GAPDH nuclear translocation in the hippocampus contributes to anti-depressant-like action in stressed mice, Neuroscience 2017, 2017, poster BibTeX
  424. 424. Inoue K, Pathway-selective optogenetics for elucidating neural network function in primates., Neuroscience 2017, 2017, Washington, DC, USA, invited BibTeX
  425. 425. *Parmas P, Peters J, Doya K, The optimal-baseline estimator is not the optimal baseline-estimator, Information-based induction sciences workshop (IBIS), 2017, 2017.11.10, Tokyo, Japan, poster BibTeX
  426. 426. T. Yoshimoto, J. Chikazoe, S. Okazaki, M. Sumiya, H. K. Takahashi, E. Nakagawa, T. Koike, R. Kitada, S. Okamoto, M. Nakata, H, Kosaka, T. Yada, N. Sadato, Abstractness of value representation in orbitofrontal cortex, The 47th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 2017, Washinton D. C., poster BibTeX
  427. 427. Mao Noguchi, So Fujimoto, Akihiko Nikkuni, Yutaka Komura*, Core of neural network for conscious states and percepts in primate, Conscious Research Network, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, invited BibTeX
  428. 428. *S. Hashimoto, I. Kobayashi, A basic study on action control using deep reinforcement learning, The 5th International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (IWACIII 2017), 2017, Beijing, China, reviewed BibTeX
  429. 429. Wataru Shimoda*, Keiji Yanai, Predicting segmentation easiness from the consistency for weakly-supervised segmentation, Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), 2017, Nanjing, China, reviewed BibTeX
  430. 430. Takumi Ege*, Keiji Yanai, Estimating food calories for multiple-dish food photos, Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), 2017, Nanjing, China, reviewed# BibTeX
  431. 431. *Hikida T, Neuronal circuit mechanisms in reward and aversive behavior, Taiwan-Japan Biomedicine Conference NTHU-OU bilateral symposium 2017, 2017, invited BibTeX
  432. 432. *Masumori, A., Maruyama, N., Mita, T., Bakkum, D., Frey, U., Takahashi, H.,& Ikegami, T, Learning by Stimulation Avoidance in Cultured Neuronal Cells, The 2nd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics(SWARM 2017), 2017, 京都, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  433. 433. *Maruyama, N., Hashimoto, Y., Mototake, Y., Saito, D., & Ikegami, T, Revisiting Classification of Large Scale Flocking, The 2nd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics(SWARM 2017), 2017, 京都, reviewed BibTeX
  434. 434. *Hashimoto, Y., Ikegami, T, Novelty production in tagging crowds, The 2nd International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics(SWARM 2017), 2017, 京都, reviewed BibTeX
  435. 435. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics:Representation Learning for Real-world Communication and Collaboration, International Field Robotics Forum 2017, 2017, Seoul, Korea, keynote BibTeX
  436. 436. Tanno, T., Horie, K., Izawa, J. and Morita, M, Robustness of Selective Desensitization Perceptron Against Irrelevant and Partially Relevant Features in Pattern Classification, In International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2017 BibTeX
  437. 437. *Reinke C, Uchibe E, Doya K, Average Reward Optimization with Multiple Discounting Reinforcement Learners, ICONIP (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 2017, 2017.10.24, Guangzhou, China, oral BibTeX
  438. 438. Doya K, Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, Seminar, 2017, 2017.10.19, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, seminar BibTeX
  439. 439. Hidehiko Takahashi, Altered decision-making as endophenotypes to bridge the gap between phenomenology and neurobiology, 2017, Sapporo, invited BibTeX
  440. 440. Takanori Uka, Neural mechanism of flexible sensory decision making, The 12th Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society, 2017, Tianjin, CHINA, invited BibTeX
  441. 441. *Uchibe E, Deep inverse reinforcement learning, 3rd International Workshop on Intrinsically Motivated Open-ended learning, 2017, Rome, Italy, oral, invited BibTeX
  442. 442. Masamichi Sakagami, Dissociable functions of reward inference in the lateral prefrontal cortex and the striatum, The 44th Naito Conference on Decision Making in the Brain-Motivation, Prediction, and Learning, 2017, Sapporo, invited BibTeX
  443. 443. *Yoshizawa T, Ito M, Doya K, Coding of value information in the striatal striosome compartment, 44th Naito Conference, 2017, 2017.10.4, CHÂTERAISÉ Gateaux Kingdom SAPPORO, Japan, poster BibTeX
  444. 444. Macpherson T, *Hikida T, Nucleus accumbens dopamine D1-receptor-expresing neurons control Pavlovian approach behaviour, The 44th Naito Conference, Decision Making in the Brain -Motivation, Prediction, and Learning, 2017, poster BibTeX
  445. 445. Ikegami, T, THE FUTURE OF AI IN THE ARTS , Japan Foundation Sydeny, 2017, Sydney, Australia, invited BibTeX
  446. 446. Takufumi Yanagisawa, BMI robotic hand controls phantom limb pain, Yamada Symposium 2017 on neuroimaging of natural behaviors, 2017, Ookayama, Japan, invited BibTeX
  447. 447. Takumi Ege*, Keiji Yanai, Image-based food calorie estimation using knowledge on food categories, ingredients and cooking directions, ACM Multimedia Thematic Workshops on Understanding, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA, reviewed# BibTeX
  448. 448. Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Tadahiro Taniguchi, and Tetsunari Inamura, SpCoSLAM: Online Multimodal Place Categorization, Spatial Lexical Acquisition and Mapping by a Mobile Robot, 2nd Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics (ML-HLCR 2017), 2017, Vancouver, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  449. 449. *Masashi HAMAYA, Takamitsu MATSUBARA, Tomoyuki NODA,Tatsuya TERAMAE,Jun MORIMOTO, User-robot collaborative excitation for PAM model identification in exoskeleton robots, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2017), 2017, Vancouver, Canada, reviewed# BibTeX
  450. 450. Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Tadahiro Taniguchi and Tetsunari Inamura, Online Spatial Concept and Lexical Acquisition with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2017, Vancouver, Canada, reviewed BibTeX
  451. 451. Y. Miyuki, Y. Hagiwara, *T. Taniguchi, Unsupervised learning for spoken word production based on simultaneous word and phoneme discovery without transcribed data, IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and the International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob2017), 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, reviewed BibTeX
  452. 452. Y. Tada, Y. Hagiwara, *T. Taniguchi, Comparative study of feature extraction methods for direct word discovery with npb-daa from natural speech signals, IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and the International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob2017), 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, reviewed BibTeX
  453. 453. Hayakawa T, Fukai T, Interplay of microscopic and macroscopic dynamics in randomly connected neuronal networks. , Bernstein Conference 2017, 2017, Goettingen, Germany BibTeX
  454. 454. Inoue K, Pathway-selective manipulation of neural circuits, NIMH Workshop “Neural Circuits: Gaps and Opportunities”, 2017, Bethesda, USA, invited BibTeX
  455. 455. *Sinapayen, L., & Ikegami, T, Online fitting of computational cost to environmental complexity: Predictive coding with the ε-network, 14th European Conference on Artificial Life(ECAL2017), 2017, Lyon, France, reviewed BibTeX
  456. 456. *Hiroki Kojima,Takashi Ikegami, VAEGAN as a New Perception Model, ECAL, Late-Breaking, 2017, Lyon, France, reviewed BibTeX
  457. 457. *Masumori, A., Sinapayen, L., & Ikegami, T, Learning by Stimulation Avoidance Scale to Large Neural Networks, 14th European Conference on Artificial Life, 14th European Conference on Artificial Life(ECAL2017), 2017, Lyon, France, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  458. 458. *Doi, I., Ikegami, T., Masumori, A., Kojima, H., Ogawa K., & Ishiguro, H, A new design principle for an autonomous robot, 14th European Conference on Artificial Life(ECAL2017), 2017, Lyon, France, reviewed, poster BibTeX
  459. 459. *Lana Sinapayen, Takashi Ikegami, Online fitting of computational cost to environmental complexity: Predictive coding with the ε-network, Proc of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL2017), 2017, Lyon, France, oral BibTeX
  460. 460. *Nakahara H, Reinforcement learning with environmental structures and mind of others, The 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS 2017), 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, oral, invited BibTeX
  461. 461. Akihiko Nikkuni, Yutaka Komura*, Self-evaluation in vision in monkeys and humans, ICCS, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, invited BibTeX
  462. 462. Macpherson T, *Hikida T, Nucleus accumbens dopamine D1-receptor-expresing neurons control attribution of incentive salience in an autoshaping task, EBPS Biennial meeting 2017, 2017, poster BibTeX
  463. 463. Takumi Ege*, Keiji Yanai, Comparison of two approaches for direct food calorie estimation, International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management (MADIMA), 2017, Catania, Italy, reviewed# BibTeX
  464. 464. Ikegami, T, Passive Touch, Stimulus Avoidance, and the Android “Alter”, International Society for Theoretical Psychology (2017/8/21-25), 2017, Tokyo, Japan, invited BibTeX
  465. 465. Doya K, Reinforcement learning: basic concepts and recent advances, Workshop on “Human & Machine Learning”, 2017, 2017.8.16-18, Beijing Institute of Technology, China, invited BibTeX
  466. 466. Doya K, Neural mechanisms of reinforcement learning and mental simulation, Workshop on “Human & Machine Learning”, 2017, 2017.8.16-18, Beijing Institute of Technology, China, invited BibTeX
  467. 467. T. Yanagisawa, R. Fukuma, B. Seymour, K. Hosomi, H. Kishima, T. Shimizu, H. Yokoi, M. Hirata, T. Yoshimine, Y. Kamitani, Y. Saitoh, Magnetoencephalographic-based brain–machine interface robotic hand for controlling sensorimotor cortical plasticity and phantom limb pain, ECCN, 2017, Budapest, invited BibTeX
  468. 468. Mimura K, Sato C, Matsumoto J, Aoki I, Ichinohe N, Suhara T, *Minamimoto T, Atypical Behavioral and Neural Phenotypes in a Common Marmoset Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2017, Yokohama, Japan, invited BibTeX
  469. 469. Doya K, Decoding the contents of mental simulation, Neuroscience 2017 Sattelite Symposium: Computational Principles of the Nervous System, 2017, 2017.7.24, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, invited BibTeX
  470. 470. Doya K, Neural coding, brain imaging and information extraction by circuit modeling, Neuroscience 2017 Sattelite Symposium / CREST Symposium, 2017, invited BibTeX
  471. 471. Asabuki T, Hiratani N, Fukai T, Chunking by mutual supervision in reservoir computing., Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics (NWP-2017) – Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity (NWP-1), 2017, Moscow-St. Petersburg, Russia, invited BibTeX
  472. 472. Tohru Kurotani, Toshiki Tani, Kazuhisa Sakai, Naoto Kitamura, Hiroshi Abe, Misako Komatsu, Noritaka Ichinohe, Intrinsic functional connectivity in cortical area 24 of the common marmoset investigated by optical mapping, The 40nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2017, Chiba, poster BibTeX
  473. 473. Doya K, Exploring the deep brain network for reinforcement learning, Neuroscience 2017; 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society; Luncheon Seminar: From mouse to monkey: illuminating neural circuits in action, 2017, 2017.7.21, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, invited BibTeX
  474. 474. Misako Komatsu, Eriko Sugano, Noritaka Ichinohe, Hiroshi Tomita, Naotaka Fujii, Whole-cortical recordings reveal spreading photo-stimulation effects: A optogenetics study in marmosets, The 40nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2017, Chiba, poster BibTeX
  475. 475. Hamaguchi K, Tanaka M, *Mooney R, Brain cooling and intracellular recording in singing birds revealed distributed coding of song timing,, The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2017, Makuhari, Japan, poster BibTeX
  476. 476. Fukuda H, Ma N, Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H., Neural processes for converting social value into one’s own decision value, The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2017, Ciba, Japan, poster BibTeX
  477. 477. Ma N, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms of predicting others’ decisions for one’s better decisions, The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2017, Ciba, Japan, poster BibTeX
  478. 478. Tanaka S, Kawasaki K, Hasegawa I, Suzuki T, Kawato M and Sakagami M, Distribution of value related information in the multiple areas of the macaque prefrontal cortex, The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2017, Chiba BibTeX
  479. 479. *Tanaka K, Object recognition in inferotemporal cortex: from visual features to semantics, 2017, invited plenary lecture BibTeX
  480. 480. *Benucci A., Plasticity for stimulus selectivity in the visual cortex of adult mice induced by patterned optogenetic stimulation, Asia Pacific Conference on Vision, 2017, Tainan, Taiwan, Invited talk BibTeX
  481. 481. *Uchibe E, Doya K, Model-free deep inverse reinforcement learning by logistic regression, Proc. of the 3rd Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making, 2017, reviewed# BibTeX
  482. 482. Doya K, What should we further learn from the brain?, Brain-AI Workshop, 2017, 2017.7.7, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai, China, invited BibTeX
  483. 483. *Nakahara H, Learning to make reward-guided decisions: sequential, successive, and social, 2017 Brain-AI Workshop, 2017, Shanghai, China, oral, invited BibTeX
  484. 484. Doya K, What should we further learn from the brain?, Korean AI Flagship Project Workshop, 2017, 2017.7.3, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, invited BibTeX
  485. 485. *Tanaka K, Object recognition in inferotemporal cortex: from visual features to semantics, 2017, invited plenary lecture BibTeX
  486. 486. *M. Shirasuna, H. Honda, T. Matsuka, K. Ueda, Familiarity-matching in decision making: experimental studies on cognitive processes and analyses of its ecological rationality, the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society(COGSCI2017), 2017, London, UK, reviewed BibTeX
  487. 487. *H. Honda, T. Matsuka, K. Ueda, Decisions based on verbal probabilities: decision bias or decision by sampling?, the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society(COGSCI2017), 2017, London, UK, reviewed BibTeX
  488. 488. Shin Matsuo, Wataru Shimoda*, Keiji Yanai, Partial style transfer using weakly-supervised semantic segmentation, ICME Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis (MMArt), 2017, Hong Kong, reviewed BibTeX
  489. 489. Inoue K, Fujiwara M, Uezono S, Tanabe S, Ishida H, Hoshi E, Takada M, Organization of multisynaptic inputs from the basal ganglia to the premotor cortex in macaque monkeys – Retrograde transneuronal dual tracing using rabies viral vectors., Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference: Primate Neuroscience, 2017, 蘇州市, 中華人民共和国, poster BibTeX
  490. 490. Macpherson T, *Hikida T, Nucleus accumbens dopamine D1-receptor-expresing neurons control incentive salience to reward-predictive cues, IBNS2017, 2017, invited BibTeX
  491. 491. *Hikida T, Morita M, Macpherson T, D2L receptor-expressing striatal neurons control visual discrimination learning in a touchscreen operant system, IBNS2017, 2017, oral BibTeX
  492. 492. Ishida H, Inoue K, Hoshi E, Takada M, Cells of origin of multisynaptic projections from amygdala to ventral premotor cortex in macaques, Different elements of Primate Neural Networks in the Connectome Era, 2017, Sicily, Italy, poster BibTeX
  493. 493. Masamichi Sakagami, Categorical coding of stimulus and inference of the value in the monkey lateral prefrontal cortex, Max Pranck Institute Germany招聘講演, 2017, Germany, invited BibTeX
  494. 494. Shinomoto S, Inferring the source of fluctuation in neuronal activity, ICERM on Integrating Dynamics and Statistics in Neuroscience (2017/6/19-8/11), 2017, Providence, USA, invited BibTeX
  495. 495. *Reinke C, Uchibe E, Doya K, Fast Adaptation of Behavior to Changing Goals with a Gamma Ensemble, 3rd Multidisciplinary conference on reinforcement learning and decision making, 2017, 2017.6.12, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, poster BibTeX
  496. 496. Fukuda H, Ma N, Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms for social value conversion in decision-making, 3rd Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM 2017), 2017, Michigan, USA, poster BibTeX
  497. 497. *Koji ISHIHARA,Jun-ichiro FURUKAWA,Jun MORIMOTO, A forward and inverse optimal control framework to generate humanoid robot movements with hierarchical MPC, 3rd Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making(RLDM2017), 2017, Michigan, USA, reviewed# BibTeX
  498. 498. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Semantic Segmentation of Driving Behavior Data: Double Articulation Analyzer and its Application, The 4th Workshop on Naturalistic Driving Data Analytics, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle 2017 (IV2017), 2017, California, USA, invited BibTeX
  499. 499. Keiji Yanai*, Ryosuke Tanno, Conditional fast style transfer network, ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2017, Bucharest, Romania, reviewed BibTeX
  500. 500. *Masashi HAMAYA, Takamitsu MATSUBARA, Tomoyuki NODA,Tatsuya TERAMAE,Jun MORIMOTO, Learning task-parametrized assistive strategies for exoskeleton robots by multi-task reinforcement learning, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2017), 2017, Singapore, reviewed# BibTeX
  501. 501. *Rok Pahic, Jan Babic, Tadej Petric, Luka Peternel, Jun Morimoto, Power-augmentation control approach for arm exoskeleton based on human muscular manipulability, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2017), 2017, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, reviewed BibTeX
  502. 502. Mimura K, Nakagaki K, *Ichinohe N, Distrbed Vocal Communication in Common Marmoset Family with an Autism-Model Child, 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia, invited BibTeX
  503. 503. *Nakahara H, Neural computations underlying social decision-making, The Seventh International Symposium on “Biology of Decision Making” (SBDM 2017), 2017, Bordeaux, France, oral, invited BibTeX
  504. 504. Masamichi Sakagami, Categorical Coding of Stimulus and Inference of the Value in the Monkey Lateral Prefrontal Cortex, Joint Workshop on AI and Neuroscience, 2017, England BibTeX
  505. 505. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics: Language Acquisition via Real-world Sensorimotor Information, Gatsby-Kaken Joint Workshop on AI and Neuroscience, 2017, London, UK, invited BibTeX
  506. 506. *Nakahara H, Learning to make reward-guided decisions: sequential, successive, and social, Gatsby-Kaken Joint Workshop on AI and Neuroscience, 2017, London, Britain, oral, invited BibTeX
  507. 507. Hidehiko Takahashi, The interface between AI and psychiatry (schizophrenia) research, Gatsby-Kaken Joint Workshop on AI and Neuroscience, 2017, London, UK, invited BibTeX
  508. 508. *Jun Morimoto, Motor learning methods for humanoid control, Gatsby-Kakenhi Joint Workshop on AI and Neuroscience, 2017, London, UK, invited BibTeX
  509. 509. Takumi Ege*, Keiji Yanai, Simultaneous estimation of food categories and calories with multi-task CNN, IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), 2017, Nagoya, Japan, reviewed BibTeX
  510. 510. *Waggoner RA, Ueno K, Pfeuffer J, Tanaka K, Cheng K, High-resolution fMRI of the visual system at 3T using zoomed excitation via Tx-SENSE, 2017, reviewed poster BibTeX
  511. 511. *Gupta S, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Variation of RF-induced temperature increase in a phantom: comparison of numerical simulations, MR thermometry and measurements from temperature sensors, 2017, reviewed poster BibTeX
  512. 512. Haga T, Fukai T, Dendritic computing gives a meso-scopic level framework of brain’s leaning rule. , Forum on Cognitive Neuroscience in Hangzhou, 2017, Hangzhou, China, invited BibTeX
  513. 513. Masamichi Sakagami, The reward prediction error signal of midbrain dopamine neuron is modulated by the cost paid for the reward, The Forum on Cognitive Neuroscience Frontier, 2017, China, invited BibTeX
  514. 514. J. Chikazoe, Integrated Taste Type Representations in Human Insula, 2017 Yonsei Univ-Korea Univ-NIPS Symposium, 2017, Seoul, oral BibTeX
  515. 515. T. Yoshimoto, J. Chikazoe, S. Okazaki, M. Sumiya, H. K. Takahashi, E. Nakagawa, T. Koike, R. Kitada, S. Okamoto, M. Nakata, H, Kosaka, T. Yada, N. Sadato, State-dependent and -independent representations of food revealed by multi voxel pattern analysis, 2017 Yonsei Univ-Korea Univ-NIPS Symposium, 2017, Seoul, poster BibTeX
  516. 516. Hidehiko Takahashi, Altered decision-making as endophenotypes to bridge the gap between phenomenology and neurobiology, Naito Coference, 2017, Sapporo, Japan, invited BibTeX
  517. 517. Keiji Yanai*, Unseen style transfer based on a conditional fast style transfer network, International Conference on Learning Representation Workshop Track (ICLR WS), 2017, Toulon, France, reviewed BibTeX
  518. 518. Shin Matsuo, Wataru Shimoda*, Keiji Yanai, Twitter photo geo-localization using both textual and visual features, International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BIGMM), 2017, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, reviewed BibTeX
  519. 519. Wataru Shimoda*, Keiji Yanai, Learning food image similarity for food image retrieval, International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BIGMM), 2017, Laguna Hills, CA, USA, reviewed BibTeX
  520. 520. Doya K, Coding of action and state values in the striatal compartments, 12th International Basal Ganglia Society Meeting – IBAGS 2017, 2017, 2017.3.29, Merida, Mexico, invited BibTeX
  521. 521. *Tanaka K, Changes in deoxygenation level of bloods and cortical tissues following neuronal activity changes as the bases for intrinsic optical recordings and fMRI, 2017, invited oral BibTeX
  522. 522. Shinomoto S, Emergence of cascades in the linear and nonlinear Hawkes processes, Brain Dynamics and Statistics: Simulation versus Data (2017/2/26-3/3), 2017, Banff, Canada, invited BibTeX
  523. 523. *Koji Ishihara,Jun Morimoto, A hierarchical model predictive control approach to generate biped robot movements in real-time, IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots(SIMPAR2016) Workshop, 2016, San Francisco, USA, reviewed# BibTeX
  524. 524. *Nakahara H, Neural computations for making decisions with others’ choice and reward, Workshop “Arrowhead 10 years on: what have we learned and what is there still to learn about the neural bases of decision-making?, 2016, Sydney, Australia, oral, invited BibTeX
  525. 525. Masamichi Sakagami, Signal interaction between primate prefrontal cortex and striatum in an asymmetric reward task, Neural Basis for Decision Making Conference 2016, 2016, Sydney BibTeX
  526. 526. Hidehiko Takahashi, Flexible modulation of risk attitude during decision-making under quota and its disorder, Arrowhead 10 years on: What have we learned and what is there still to learn about the neural bases of decision-making?, 2016, Sydney, Australia, invited BibTeX
  527. 527. *Hikida T, Yao S, Fukakusa A, Morita M, Kimura H, Hirai K, Ando T, Toyoshiba H, Sawa A, Expression changes in prefrontal cortex after neurotransmission blocking of the nucleus accumbens pathways, 55th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016, poster BibTeX
  528. 528. Masamichi Sakagami, Decoding the value of juice from electrocorticographic signals in monkey prefrontal cortices and its modulation through the decoded neurofeedback, ANS 2016 HOBART Australasian Neuroscience Society 36th Annual Scientific Meeting, 2016, Australia BibTeX
  529. 529. Mineki Oguchi and Masamichi Sakagami, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Chemogenetic Double Virus Vector Infection, NHP Chemogenetics workshop 2016, 2016, Bethesda, invited BibTeX
  530. 530. *Hikida T, Activity in dopamine D2-receptor-expressing nucleus accumbens is necessary for behavioral flexibility in an IntelliCage place discrimination task, International Symposium “Wiring and Functional Principles of Neural Circuits, 2016, poster BibTeX
  531. 531. Ma N, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms for deciding with predicting others, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (sfn 2016), 2016, San Diego, USA., poster BibTeX
  532. 532. Fukuda H, Ma N, Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms and computation that mediates value by others’ reward for decision making, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (sfn 2016), 2016, San Diego, USA., poster BibTeX
  533. 533. Mineki Oguchi, Shingo Tanaka, Xiaochuan Pan, Takefumi Kikusui, Shigeki Kato, Kazuto Kobayashi, and Masamichi Sakagami, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Double Virus Vector Infection , Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience 2016, 2016, San Diego BibTeX
  534. 534. *Hikida T, Yao S, Fukakusa A, Morita M, Kimura H, Hirai K, Ando T, Toyoshiba H, Sawa A, Expression changes in prefrontal cortex after neurotransmission blocking of the nucleus accumbens pathways, Neuroscience 2016, 2016, poster BibTeX
  535. 535. Morita M, Macpherson T, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Learning deficits involving nucleus accumbens D2-receptor expressing neurons in a DISC1 mouse model, Neuroscience 2016, 2016, poster BibTeX
  536. 536. Itakura M, Kubo T, Kaneshige A, Azuma Y, Hikida T, Takeuchi T, *Nakajima H, A novel therapeutic target for stroke by inhibition of GAPDH aggregation, Neuroscience 2016, 2016, poster BibTeX
  537. 537. Macpherson T, Morita M, Wang Y, Sasaoka T, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Activity in dopamine D2-receptor-expressing nucleus accumbens is necessary for behavioral flexibility in an IntelliCage place discrimination task, Neuroscience 2016, 2016, invited BibTeX
  538. 538. Akira Taniguchi, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Angelo Cangelosi, Multiple categorization by icub: learning relationships between multiple modalities and words, IROS Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics, 2016, Daejeon,Korea, reviewed BibTeX
  539. 539. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Nonparametric Bayesian Word Discovery for Symbol Emergence in Robotics, Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics 2016 ML-HLCR2016, in IROS2016, 2016, Daejeon, Korea, invited BibTeX
  540. 540. HaiLong Liu, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Kazuhito Takenaka, Yuusuke Tanaka, and Takashi Bando, Reducing the negative effect of defective data on driving behavior segmentation via a deep sparse autoencoder, IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2016, Kyoto Japan, reviewed BibTeX
  541. 541. *Ales Ude,Rok VugaA,Bojan Nemec,Jun Morimoto, Trajectory representation by nonlinear scaling of dynamic movement primitives, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2016), 2016, Daejeon, Korea, reviewed# BibTeX
  542. 542. *Masashi Hamaya, Takamitsu Matsubara, Tomoyuki Noda, Tatsuya Teramae, Jun Morimoto, Learning assistive strategies from a few user-robot interactions: Model-based reinforcement learning approac, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA2016), 2016, Daejeon, Korea, reviewed# BibTeX
  543. 543. Masamichi Sakagami, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Double Virus Vector Infection, Rochester Conte Center Symposium, 2016, Rochester, invited BibTeX
  544. 544. *Tanaka K, Brain Mechanisms of intuitive problem solving in experts, 2016, Invited symposium BibTeX
  545. 545. T. Taniguchi, Symbol emergence in robotics for long-term human-robot collaboration, IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, 2016, Kyoto Japan, reviewed BibTeX
  546. 546. M. Sakagami, Signal Interaction between Primate Prefrontal Cortex and Striatum in Asymmetric Reward Task , The third Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics , 2016, China, invited BibTeX
  547. 547. Ma N, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural mechanisms for decision-making with predicting others: human fMRI, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2016, Kanagawa, Japan, poster BibTeX
  548. 548. Fukuda H, Ma N, Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, *Nakahara H, Neural computation underlying value-based decisions including rewards to others, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2016, Kanagawa, Japan, poster BibTeX
  549. 549. Macpherson T, Morita M, Wang Y, Sasaoka T, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Nucleus accumbens dopamine D2-receptor expressing neurons control behavioural flexibility in a place learning task in the IntelliCage, 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, 2016, poster BibTeX
  550. 550. Tanaka S, Oguchi M, Sakagami M, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Virus Vector Infection, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2016, Yokohama BibTeX
  551. 551. Mineki Oguchi, Shingo Tanaka, Xiaochuan Pan, Takefumi Kikusui, Shigeki Kato, Kazuto Kobayashi, and Masamichi Sakagami, Elucidating the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit of the Macaque Brain Using the Double Virus Vector Infection, The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2016, Yokohama BibTeX
  552. 552. *Waggoner RA, Tanskanen T, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Enhancement of event-related fMRI studies of the human visual system using multi-band EPI, 2016, reviewed poster BibTeX