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  2. 2. Takeuchi H, Kawada R, Tsurumi K, Yokoyama N, Takemura A, Murao T, Murai T, *Takahashi H., Heterogeneity of Loss Aversion in Pathological Gambling., J Gambl Stud, 2016, 32, 4, 1143-1154, reviewed# BibTeX
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  7. 7. Kameda T*, Inukai K, Higuchi S, Ogawa A, Kim H, Matsuda T, Sakagami M , Rawlsian maximin rule operates as a common cognitive anchor in distributive justice and risky decisions , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  , 2016, 113, 42, 11817-11822, reviewed& BibTeX
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  12. 12. Yamada H, Inokawa H, Hori Y, Pan X, Matsuzaki R, Nakamura K, Samejima K, Shidara M, Kimura M, Sakagami M, Minamimoto T* , Characteristics of fast-spiking neurons in the striatum of behaving monkeys , Neuroscience research, 2016, 105, 2-18, reviewed BibTeX