1. N. Iwahashi, H. Okada, K. Funakoshi, Theory of Cooperation: Cognitive and Mathematical Principles of Cooperation and Their Application, 2020年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第34回), 2020 BibTeX
6. *Hikida T, Nishioka T, Macpherson T, Hamaguchi K, Dopamine neurotransmission mechanisms in the nucleus accumbens for flexible cognitive behavior, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
7. *Masu M, Miya K, Masu K, Okada T, Ohta K, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Suzuki E, Momiyama T, Extracellular sugar modification regulates neuronal signaling in the nucleus accumbens, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
8. *Ozawa T, Shibata T, Oyama Y, Abe M, Goto K, Yonemaru H, Matsumoto Y, Iwamoto R, Sakurai K, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Neural mechanism of salt and umami seeking behavior, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
9. *ShibataT, Ozawa T, Matsumoto Y, Iwamoto R, Oyama Y, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Analysis of expectation-modulated dynamics of dopamine release during food seeking behavior in mice, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
10. *Iwamoto R, Ozawa T, Macpherson T, Hikida T, The analysis of accumbal dopamine dynamics during observational fear in mice, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
11. *Nakagawa I, Ozawa T, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Accumbal dopamine response to salt intake depends on internal sodium level in mice, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
12. *Yonemaru H, Ozawa T, Hikida T, Neonatal MK-801 treatment and peripubertal social isolation increase impulsivity in cliff avoidance response test in adult mice, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
13. *Shimo Y, Ozawa T, Macpherson T, Hikida T, The effect of acute nicotine treatment on visual discrimination and its reversal learning in mice, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
15. *Macpherson T, Attachaipanich S, Nishioka T, Ozawa T, Hikida T, Cell-type-specific control of reward and aversive signaling in the nucleus accumbens, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
16. *Matsumoto Y, Ozawa T, Oyama Y, Iwamoto R, Shibata T, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Analysis of prefrontal and accumbal dopamine release dynamics in mice during reward prediction task, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
17. *Umemoto K, Ozawa T, Nakamura M, Matsumoto Y, Shibata T, Iwamoto R, Oyama Y, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Dynamics of cortical, striatal and amygdaloid dopamine release during differential auditory fear conditioning in mice, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
18. *Oyama Y, Aomine Y, Ozawa T, Macpherson T, Hikida T, The effects of DREADD ligands treatments on motivational food seeking in mice, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
19. *Aomine Y, Sakurai K, Macpherson T, Ozawa T, Miyamoto Y, Yoneda Y, Oka M, Hikida T, Motivational increase for sucrose reward and brain network variation in Importin α3 (KPNA3) deficient mice, 日本生理学会第100回記念大会., 2023 BibTeX
118. *Attachaipanich S, Macpherson T, Hikida T, The role of nucleus accumbens core D1- and D2-neurons in controlling reward and aversion, 第44回日本神経科学大会/CJK第1回国際会議, 2021 BibTeX
119. *Kobayashi KL, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Exploring the role of dopamine in the ventral pallidum, 第44回日本神経科学大会/CJK第1回国際会議, 2021 BibTeX
120. *Macpherson T, Kim J, Hikida T, Nucleus accumbens D2-receptor-expressing neurons regulate reversal learning in the Attentional Set Shifting Test, 第44回日本神経科学大会/CJK第1回国際会議, 2021 BibTeX
130. Y. Takatsu, M. Imaki, N. Iwahashi, Mathematical Analysis of Physical Cooperative Behavior of Humans and Machines using RoCoCo, 2021年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第35回), 2021 BibTeX
147. Ken Nakae, Hiromichi Tsukada, Junichi Hata, Misako Komtasu, Yuki Nakagami, Henrik Skibbe, Alexander Woodward, Gong Rui, Carlos Enrique Gutierrez, Tetsuo Yamamori, Hideyuki Okano, Kenji Doya, Shin Ishii, Spatial and temporal prediction of neural activity of electrocorticography with a fusion of structural connectivity of marmosets, 第10回日本マーモセット研究会大会, 2021 BibTeX
148. Polyakova Zlata, Misako Komatsu, Tetsuo Yamamori, Masatoshi Yoshida, Ketamine affects saccadic eye movements during free-viewing, peri-saccadic activity measured from whole-cortical electrocorticogram (ECoG) arrays, and Ca signals in posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in common marmosets, 第10回日本マーモセット研究会大会, 2021 BibTeX
149. Hiroshi Matsui, Misako Komatsu, Takaaki Kaneko, Hideyuki Okano, Noritaka Ichinohe, Masatoshi Yoshida, Deviance detection in visual mismatch negativity (MMN) measured from whole-cortical electrocorticogram (ECoG) arrays in common marmosets, 第10回日本マーモセット研究会大会, 2021 BibTeX
190. *Gomi H, Abekawa N, Functional roles of visual motion for hand reaching movement – New lines of evidence dissociate posture related and target related responses, The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020 BibTeX
191. *Nakamura D, Gomi H, Spatiotemporal processing of visual motion for generating quick ocular and manual responses examined by convolutional neural network., The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020 BibTeX
192. *Takemura A, Abekawa N, Nakamura D, Gomi H, Deficits in short-latency manual responses after chemical lesions in monkey cortical area MST., The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neural Network Society, 2020 BibTeX
193. *Takemura A, Nakamura D, Abekawa N, Gomi H, Effects of cerebral/cerebellum lesions on short-latency manual responses in monkeys., The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020 BibTeX
194. Masafumi Nejime, Mengxi Yun, Takashi Kawai, Hiroshi Yamada, *Masayuki Matsumoto, Value and choice representations of the ventral striatum in monkeys performing an economic decision-making task, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020 BibTeX
195. Yawei Wang, Osamu Toyoshima, Jun Kunimatsu, Hiroshi Yamada, *Masayuki Matsumoto, Midbrain dopamine neurons monitor temporally changing reward values by gradually changing their activity, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020 BibTeX
196. Aoki R., *Benucci A., Plasticity of visual cortical circuits driven by millisecond patterned optogenetic manipulations at cellular-level resolution, JNS meeting, 2020 BibTeX
197. Lyamzin D., Aoki R., Benucci A., Orientation discrimination thresholds and task heuristics in mice, JNS meeting, 2020 BibTeX
198. Iguchi, Y, Hikishima K, Kobayashi, K, The individual history of reward learning and stress responsibility: resilience induced by contingency learning between action and reward, The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (2020/7/29-8/1), 2020 BibTeX
214. Macpherson T, Mizoguchi H, Yamanaka A, *Hikida T, A role for Enkephalin-expressing ventral pallidal neurons in controlling aversive Pavlovian Conditioning, 第97回日本生理学会, 2020 BibTeX
225. *Chiu HC, Doya K, Representation and grounding of abstract concepts: a preliminary investigation. Mechanism of Mind and Brain, The 20th winter workshop Mechanism of Brain and Mind, 2020 BibTeX
227. Soda T, Ahmadi A, Tani J, Hoshino M, Honda M, Hanakawa T, *Yamashita Y, Simulating altered inference of uncertainty in autism spectrum disorders using a variational recurrent neural network model, The winter workshop 2020 on Mechanism of brain and mind, 2020 BibTeX
236. *岩橋直人, Theory of Cooperation: Cognitive and Mathematical Principles of Cooperation and their Applications – Motion, Dialogue, and Evolution, 情報処理学会東海支部講演会, 2019 BibTeX
237. Ayaka Matsumoto, Yu Toyoshima, Yuichi Iino, Investigating the mechanisms of integration of sensory and motor information in salt chemotaxis of C. elegans, 第42回日本分子生物学会年会, 2019 BibTeX
239. *Gupta S, Tanaka K, Waggoner RA, Temperature increase in a phantom and living human tissue: comparison of numerical simulations, MR thermometry, and optical thermocouples, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 4th Scientific Meeting, 2019 BibTeX
248. Macpherson T, *Hikida T, A role for nucleus accumbens circuit in controlling learning impaired in psychiatric disorders, 大阪大学蛋白質研究所セミナー「精神疾患の分子・回路病態研究の最前線」, 2019 BibTeX
254. Morioka H, Nonlinear spatial ICA of resting-state fMRI via space-contrastive learning, Neuro-inspired AI Workshop, 2019 BibTeX
255. Doya K, Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, The Joint Symposium of WPI-IIIS, Ph.D. Program in Humanics, and 36th Takamine Conference, 2019 BibTeX
256. Yu Toyoshima, Stephen Wu, Manami Kanamori, Hirofumi Sato, Moon Sun Jang, Yuko Murakami, Suzu Oe, Terumasa Tokunaga, Osamu Hirose, Sayuri Kuge, Takayuki Teramoto, Yuishi Iwasaki, Ryo Yoshida, Takeshi Ishihara, Yuichi Iino, Bio-image informatics for whole brain activity imaging and analysis of neural activity of C. elegans, 第57回日本生物物理学会年会, 2019 BibTeX
257. *Waggoner RA, Gupta S, Tanaka K, Chemical-Shift Selective Imaging Using Slice-Selective Gradient Reversal in the Presence of Incomplete Spectral Separation, 第47回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2019 BibTeX
262. Yamaguchi H, Hashimoto Y, Sugihara G, Miyata J, Murai T, Takahashi H, Honda M, *Yamashita Y, Extracting features from structural brain image using convolutional autoencoder, 第3回ヒト脳イメージング研究会, 2019 BibTeX
263. *Haruhana K, Suzuki C, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Ueno K, Evaluation of Head Motion Suppression Using a Bite-Bar System for Human MRI Scans, 第3回ヒト脳イメージング研究会, 2019 BibTeX
268. *Uchibe E, Parallel reward and punishment learning under entropy regularization, 第29回日本神経回路学会全国大会 (JNNS 2019), 2019 BibTeX
269. *中村大樹, 五味裕章, What kind of analysis can be obtained by CNN from the statistical relationship between sequential images and self-motion?, 第29回日本神経回路学会大会 全国大会, 2019 BibTeX
270. 遠藤 瑛泰,永田 賢二,木戸 尚治, *庄野 逸, Analysis of Diffuse Lung Disease X-ray CT Images based on Feature Selection using Bolasso, 第29回神経回路学会全国大会(JNNS2019), 2019 BibTeX
271. *Naoto Iwahashi, Intelligence in Loop, 人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会(SLUD)第86回研究会, 2019 BibTeX
279. Yu Toyoshima, Hirofumi Sato, Manami Kanamori, Stephen Wu, Moon Sun Jang, Suzu Oe, Yuko Murakami, Terumasa Tokunaga, Osamu Hirose, Sayuri Kuge, Takayuki Teramoto, Yuishi Iwasaki, Ryo Yoshida, Takeshi Ishihara, Yuichi Iino, Exploring the origin of brain and central nervous system through monitoring the neural activity of the whole animal, 第42回日本神経科学大会, 2019 BibTeX
280. *Li N, Wang Y, Jing F, Zha R, Wei Z, Tanaka K, Zhang X, dlPFC is more than conflict-based regulation: a tDCS study on the congruency sequence effect, 第42回日本神経科学大会, 2019 BibTeX
281. Mengxi Yun, Takashi Kawai, Masafumi Nejime, Hiroshi Yamada, *Masayuki Matsumto, Signal dynamics of midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal cortex neurons corresponding to value-to-choice transformation during economic decision-making in monkeys, 第42回日本神経科学大会, 2019 BibTeX
282. Iguchi Y, Kato S, Nishizawa K, Kobayashi K, Chemogenetic inhibition of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons reveals multidimensional roles in motivated behavior reinforced by natural reward, The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuro2019) (2019/7/25-28), 2019 BibTeX
283. Lyamzin D., *Benucci A., Bayesian regularization of undersampled cortical dynamics during natural behaviour, JNS meeting, 2019 BibTeX
284. Bolanos F., Aoki R., *Benucci A., Quantifying the contribution of body movements to the dynamics of the mouse parietal cortex during decision-making using videography and deep convolutional neural networks, JNS meeting, 2019 BibTeX
285. Aoki R., *Benucci A., Reliable optogenetic stimulation of single neurons in-vivo with digital micro-mirror technology, JNS meeting, 2019 BibTeX
311. Takufumi Yanagisawa, Semantic decoding of visual stimulus using electrocorticogram and application for BCI, 第5回CiNet Conference, 2019 BibTeX
312. *Jun Morimoto, Model-based approaches to humanoid motor learning, 5th CiNet Conference, Computation and Representation in Brains and Machines (2019/2/20-22), 2019 BibTeX
320. *Yamane Y, Ito J, Joana C, Fujita I, Tamura H, Maldonado P, Doya K, Grun S, Neuronal activity of macaque visual cortices during free viewing, The 19th winter workshop Mechanism of Brain and Mind, 2019 BibTeX
321. *Takamuku S, Gomi H, Ohta H, Kanai C, Grip force and hand movement with spring-mass-damper dynamics in adults with ASC., 第19回脳と心のメカニズムワークショップ, 2019 BibTeX
323. *高椋慎也, 五味裕章, Grip force and hand movement with spring-mass-damper dynamics in adults with ASC., 第19回脳と心のメカニズムワークショップ, 2019 BibTeX
324. Suzuki K, Wada M, *Yamashita Y, Modeling tactile temporal order judgement process using Hierarchical Gaussian Filter, Winter Workshop on Mechanism of Brain and Mind 2019, 2019 BibTeX
325. *Yamashita Y, Psychiatric and developmental disorders as failures in hierarchical predictive process: neurorobotics approach, Winter Workshop on Mechanism of Brain and Mind 2019, 2019 BibTeX
326. *Waggoner RA, Ueno K, Tanaka K, In-Plane Signal Leakage in GRAPPA Reconstructions, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 3rd Scientific Meeting, 2018 BibTeX
327. *Haruhana K, Suzuki C, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Ueno K, Head Motion Suppression Using The Bite-bar System for Human MRI scans, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 3rd Scientific Meeting, 2018 BibTeX
328. *Suzuki C, Waggoner RA, Haruhana K, Tanaka K, Ueno K, Motion correction for improving k-space physiological noise correction in fMRI studies, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 3rd Scientific Meeting, 2018 BibTeX
329. *Gupta S, Tanaka K, Waggoner RA, Calibration of Proton Resonance Frequency Shift Coefficient in a Phantom for 4-T MRI, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 3rd Scientific Meeting, 2018 BibTeX
344. *Paramas P, Total stochastic gradient algorithms with application to model-based reinforcement learning, The 21st Information -based induction science workshop (IBIS2018), 2018 BibTeX
371. *De Havas J, Ito S, Gomi H, The inhibition of voluntary muscle relaxations depends on similar mechanisms to the inhibition of muscle contractions., 第12回モーターコントロール研究会, 2018 BibTeX
373. 小口峰樹,*坂上雅道, Chemogenetic Inactivation Using Double Virus Vector Infection Elucidates the Function of the Prefronto-striatal Circuit in the Macaque Brain, 国際ワークショップ 「遺伝子導入技術の利用による霊長類脳機能操作とイメージング」, 2018 BibTeX
376. Inoue K, Development of viral vectors for delivering functional molecules into nonhuman primate brains, International Workshop “Monitoring and manipulating brain function in non-human primates”, 2018 BibTeX
377. Kimura K, Tanabe S, Fujiwara M, Nagai Y, Minamimoto T, Inoue K, Takada M, Neuron-specific efficient gene transduction in the primate brain with Morphological modified AAV vectors., International Workshop “Monitoring and manipulating brain function in non-human primates”, 2018 BibTeX
378. Mimura K, Nagai Y, Inoue K, Matsumoto J, Suhara T, Nishijo H, Takada M, Minamimoto T, Using PET imaging to monitor chemogenetic manipulation of nigrostriatal dopamine system in common marmoset., International Workshop “Monitoring and manipulating brain function in non-human primates”, 2018 BibTeX
379. Inoue K, Development of viral vectors for delivering functional molecules into nonhuman primate brains., 第41回日本神経科学大会, 2018 BibTeX
382. *Kento Suzuki, Tatsuya Haga, Tomoki Fukai, A neural circuit model of pattern classification with dendritic activities, 第41回日本神経科学大会, 2018 BibTeX
383. *Toshitake Asabuki, Tomoki Fukai, Chunking information streams by dendritic minimization of surprise signals, 第41回日本神経科学大会, 2018 BibTeX
384. *Takashi Hayakawa, Tomoki Fukai, Spontaneous and stimulus-induced coherent states of dynamically balanced neuronal networks, 第41回日本神経科学大会, 2018 BibTeX
385. Mimura K, Nagai Y, Inoue K, Suhara T, Takada M, Minamimoto T, Using PET imaging to monitor chemogenetic manipulation of nigrostriatal dopamine system in common marmoset., 第41回日本神経科学大会, 2018 BibTeX
386. Kimura K, Tanabe S, Fujiwara M, Nakano M, Nagai Y, Minamimoto T, Inoue K, Takada M, Neuron-specific efficient gene transduction in the primate brain with modified AAV vectors., 第41回日本神経科学大会, 2018 BibTeX
387. *Yamane Y, Ito J, Joana C, Fujita I, Tamura H, Maldonado P, Doya K, Grun S, Inferring fixated objects in free viewing from parallel neuronal spiking activities in macaque monkeys, The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2018 BibTeX
392. *Benucci A., Sensory Representation Plasticity Driven by Patterned Optogenetic Stimulation in the Mouse Cortex, Japan Neuroscience meeting, 2018 BibTeX
406. Doya K, Neural circuits for reinforcement learning and mental simulation, OIST-KAIST Symposium: Intelligence in Biological Systems and Its Application to Machines, 2018 BibTeX
423. *Tanskanen T, Kao CH, Waggoner RA, Ueno K, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Category selectivity in the human face-selective cortex assessed with columnar resolution fMRI, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 2nd Scientific Meeting, 2018 BibTeX
424. *Suzuki C, Waggoner RA, Haruhana K, Tanaka K, Ueno K, Evaluation of motion effects on physiological noise correction in fMRI studies, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 2nd Scientific Meeting, 2018 BibTeX
425. *Haruhana K, Suzuki C, Tanaka K, Ueno K, Evaluation of combining method for RF array coil data in fMRI study, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 2nd Scientific Meeting, 2018 BibTeX
426. *Gupta S, Tanaka K, Waggoner RA, Simulations of various numerical leg models to ensure safety during parallel transmission MRI, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 2nd Scientific Meeting, 2018 BibTeX
436. *Zobnin S, Li Y, Doya K, Experimental investigation of hierarchical Bayesian inference in sensory and motor cortices, 脳と心のメカニズム第18回冬のワークショップ, 2018 BibTeX
437. Takamuku Shinya, Gomi Hiroaki, Constancy of walking speed adjustment based on optic flow depends on monocular and binocular depth cues, 第17回 脳と心のメカニズム 冬のワークショップ, 2018 BibTeX
438. *Gomi H, Implicit visuomotor control and its effect on self-awareness, Workshop on mechanism of brain and mind. 2018., 2018 BibTeX
439. *安部川直稔, 五味裕章, Vestibular contribution to egocentric body representation., 第18回脳と心のメカニズムワークショップ, 2018 BibTeX
440. *高椋慎也, 五味裕章, Constancy of walking speed adjustment based on optic flow., 第18回脳と心のメカニズムワークショップ, 2018 BibTeX
441. *Takemura A, Abekawa N, Gomi H,, Effects of lesions in the Medial Superior Temporal (MST) Area on shortlatency manual following responses (MFR) of monkeys, 第18回 脳と心のメカニズム 冬のワークショップ, 2018 BibTeX
444. *Zobnin S, Li Y, Doya K, Experimental investigation of hierarchical Bayesian inference in sensory and motor cortices, 新学術領域研究「人工知能と脳科学」第3回領域会議, 2017 BibTeX
445. Frandi E. *Benucci A., Modeling responses to visual stimuli in the mouse cortex with recurrent neural networks, 2017 BibTeX
453. Ishida H, Inoue K, Hoshi E, Takada M, Cells of origin of multisynaptic projections from amygdala to ventral premotor cortex in macaques , 2017 BibTeX
464. Ueda Hiroshi, Abekawa Naotoshi, Gomi Hiroaki, Temporal integration of sensory evidence for position representation of a moving object containing motion signal in perceptual and motor decision making, The 44th Naito Conference, 2017 BibTeX
474. *Haruhana K, Suzuki C, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Ueno K, Optimization of Data Acquisition and Processing for the Macaque Brain 3D MPRAGE using a human Whole-Body 3T MRI System, 第45回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2017 BibTeX
475. *Ueno K, Suzuki C, Haruhana K, Tanaka K, Optimization of head motion parameter regression procedure in the data preprocessing for fMRI studies, 第45回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2017 BibTeX
476. *Gupta S, Cheng K, Tanaka K, Waggoner RA, RF-induced temperature increase in a phantom: comparison of numerical simulations, MR Thermometry and temperature sensor measurements, 第45回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2017 BibTeX
505. Doya K, Neural coding, brain imaging and information extraction by circuit modeling, Neuroscience 2017 Sattelite Symposium / CREST Symposium, 2017 BibTeX
506. T. Yoshimoto, *J. Chikazoe, S. Okazaki, M. Sumiya, H. K. Takahashi, E. Nakagawa, T. Koike, R. Kitada, S. Okamoto, M. Nakata, H, Kosaka, T. Yada, N. Sadato, State-dependent and -independent food representations revealed by multivoxel pattern analysis, 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017 BibTeX
507. Uezono S, Tsuge H, Tanabe S, Fujiwara M, Nagaya N, Nagaya K, Inoue K, Takada M, Organization of multisynaptic inputs from the basal ganglia and cerebellum to the cingulate cortex in common marmosets as revealed by retrograde transneuronal labeling with rabies virus., 2017 BibTeX
508. *Lam AM, Tanskanen T, Kao CHT, Kuno Y, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Reconstructing perceived faces from human brain activity, 日本神経科学学会第40回大会, 2017 BibTeX
509. *芳賀 達也、深井 朋樹, 2コンパートメントニューラルネットワークモデルにおける頑健なシーケンス記憶の形成 Robust formation of sequential memory in two-compartment neural network model, Neuroscience2017 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017 BibTeX
510. *朝吹俊丈、深井朋樹, リカレント神経回路による時系列からの教師無しチャンク学習 Unsupervised chunking learning from sequences by recurrent neural networks, Neuroscience2017 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017 BibTeX
511. *鈴木 堅斗、芳賀 達也、深井 朋樹, 順伝播型深層神経回路網における樹状突起の計算 Dendritic computing in deep feedforward neural networks, Neuroscience2017 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017 BibTeX
512. Inoue K, Fujiwara M, Uezono S, Tanabe S, Tsuge H, Nagaya N, Nagaya K, Ishida H, Hoshi E, Takada M, Organization of multisynaptic inputs from the basal ganglia to the dorsal and ventral premotor cortices in macaque monkeys: retrograde transneuronal dual tracing with fluorescent rabies viral vectors., 2017 BibTeX
513. Yutaka Komura*, The primate model with metacognitive ability and disability, JNS, 2017 BibTeX
516. *Waggoner RA, An overview of high-resolution fMRI studies at RIKEN-BSI from V1 to the temporal lobe, 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017 BibTeX
517. *Tanskanen T, Kao CHT, Waggoner RA, Ueno K, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Category tuning in the human face selective areas assessed with high0resolution fMRI., 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017 BibTeX
520. 伊藤 翔, 五味 裕章, Impact of adaptation to mirror-reversed visual feedback on modulation of long-latency stretch reflex, 第40回 日本神経科学大会, 2017 BibTeX
521. Takaya Ogasawara, Masahiko Takada, *Masayuki Matsumoto, Primate dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra transmit a stop signal to the caudate nucleus during the performance of a saccadic countermanding task, 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017 BibTeX
548. 柳澤琢史、福間良平、Ben Seymour、細見晃一、清水豪士、貴島晴彦、平田雅之、横井浩史、吉峰俊樹, MEG Neurofeedbackによる幻肢痛治療, 第19回日本ヒューマンブレインマッピング学会, 2017 BibTeX
549. *Waggoner RA, Tanskanen T, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Impact of multi-band EPI on serial autocorrelations, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 1st Scientific Meeting, 2017 BibTeX
550. *Gupta S, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Size and Position of load affects the mutual coupling between the elements of array coil, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 1st Scientific Meeting, 2017 BibTeX
551. *Gupta S, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Comparison of temperature increase in a phantom, calculated by the numerical simulations, measured by the MR thermometry and by the temperature sensors, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Japanese Chapter 1st Scientific Meeting, 2017 BibTeX
557. Sho Ito, Hiroaki Gomi, Impact of changes in visual feedback on long-latency stretch reflex during visually guided movement, 第16回 脳と心のメカニズム 冬のワークショップ, 2017 BibTeX
558. Takamuku S, Forbes P, Hamilton A, Gomi H , Inverse dynamics computation in adults with autism – Examination based on perceptual biases., 第16回 脳と心のメカニズム 冬のワークショップ, 2017 BibTeX
559. 福田 玄明, Ning Ma, 鈴木 真介, 原澤 寛浩, 上野 賢一, Gardner Justin L, 一戸 紀孝, 春野 雅彦, Cheng Kang, *中原 裕之, Neural mechanisms and computation that mediates value by others’ reward for decision making, 脳と心のメカニズム 第17回冬のワークショップ脳の感覚情報処理 ―データマイニングと計算モデル―, 2017 BibTeX
560. Ning Ma, 原澤 寛浩, 上野 賢一, 一戸 紀孝, 春野 雅彦, Cheng Kang, *中原 裕之, Neural mechanisms for deciding with predicting others, 脳と心のメカニズム 第17回冬のワークショップ脳の感覚情報処理 ―データマイニングと計算モデル―, 2017 BibTeX
564. Macpherson T, Morita M, Wang Y, Sasaoka T, Sawa A, *Hikida T, Activity in dopamine D2-receptor-expressing nucleus accumbens neurons is necessary for behavioral flexibility in an IntelliCage place discrimination task, 日本生理学会第109回近畿生理学談話会, 2016 BibTeX
570. *Waggoner RA, Tanskanen T, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Serial autocorrelations and multiband fMRI, 第44回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2016 BibTeX
571. *Gupta S, Waggoner RA, Tanaka K, Cheng K, Effect of load size and load position on coupling between the elements of an array coil, 第44回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会, 2016 BibTeX