

  1. 1. Sebastien Tremblay, Leah Acker, Arash Afraz, Daniel L Albaugh, Hidetoshi Amita, Ariana R Andrei, Alessandra Angelucci, Amir Aschner, Puiu F Balan, Michele A Basso, Giacomo Benvenuti, Martin O Bohlen, Michael J Caiola, Roberto Calcedo, James Cavanaugh, Yuzhi Chen, Spencer Chen, Mykyta M Chernov, Andrew M Clark, Ji Dai, Samantha R Debes, Karl Deisseroth, Robert Desimone, Valentin Dragoi, Seth W Egger, Mark AG Eldridge, Hala G El-Nahal, Francesco Fabbrini, Frederick Federer, Christopher R Fetsch, Michal G Fortuna, Robert M Friedman, Naotaka Fujii, Alexander Gail, Adriana Galvan, Supriya Ghosh, Marc Alwin Gieselmann, Roberto A Gulli, Okihide Hikosaka, Eghbal A Hosseini, Xing Hu, Janina Huer, Ken-Ichi Inoue, Roger Janz, Mehrdad Jazayeri, Rundong Jiang, Niansheng Ju, Kohitij Kar, Carsten Klein, Adam Kohn, Misako Komatsu, Kazutaka Maeda, Julio C Martinez-Trujillo, Masayuki Matsumoto, John HR Maunsell, Diego Mendoza-Halliday, Ilya E Monosov, Ross S Muers, Lauri Nurminen, Michael Ortiz-Rios, Daniel J O’Shea, Stephane Palfi, Christopher I Petkov, Sorin Pojoga, Rishi Rajalingham, Charu Ramakrishnan, Evan D Remington, Cambria Revsine, Anna W Roe, Philip N Sabes, Richard C Saunders, Hansjorg Scherberger, Michael C Schmid, Wolfram Schultz, Eyal Seidemann, Yann-Suhan Senova, Michael N Shadlen, David L Sheinberg, Caitlin Siu, Yoland Smith, Selina S Solomon, Marc A Sommer, John L Spudich, William R Stauffer, Masahiko Takada, Shiming Tang, Alexander Thiele, Stefan Treue, Wim Vanduffel, Rufin Vogels, Matthew P Whitmire, Thomas Wichmann, Robert H Wurtz, Haoran Xu, Azadeh Yazdan-Shahmorad, Krishna V Shenoy, James J DiCarlo, Michael L Platt, An open resource for non-human primate optogenetics, Neuron, 2020, 108, 6, 1075-1090, reviewed BibTeX
  2. 2. Tsutsui-Kimura I, Matsumoto H, Akiti K, Yamada MM, Uchida N, *Watabe-Uchida M, Distinct temporal difference error signals in dopamine axons in three regions of the striatum in a decision-making task., Elife, 2020, 9, e62390, reviewed BibTeX
  3. 3. *Gutierrez, Carlos Enrique, Skibbe, Henrik, Nakae, Ken, Tsukada, Hiromichi, Lienard, Jean, Watakabe, Akiya, Hata, Junichi, Reisert, Marco, Woodward, Alexander, Yamaguchi, Yoko, Yamamori, Tetsuo, Okano, Hideyuki, Ishii, Shin and Doya, Kenji, Optimization and validation of diffusion MRI-based fiber tracking with neural tracer data as a reference, Scientific reports, 2020, 10, 21285, reviewed, Open access BibTeX
  4. 4. *Arslanova I, Wang K, Gomi H, Haggard P, Somatosensory evoked potentials that index lateral inhibition are modulated according to the mode of perceptual processing: comparing or combining multi-digit tactile motion., Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020, 2020 BibTeX
  5. 5. *Sugiyama M, Tsuda K, Nakahara H, Sample Space Truncation on Boltzmann Machines, NeurIPS 2020 Workshop: Deep Learning through Information Geometry, 2020, 1-9, reviewd, & BibTeX
  6. 6. Kato A, Kunisato Y, Katahira K, Okimura T, *Yamashita Y, Computational Psychiatry Research Map (CPSYMAP): A New Database for Visualizing Research Papers, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020, 11, 578706, reviewed& BibTeX
  7. 7. Yatsuka H, Hada K, Shiraishi H, Umeda R, Morisaki I, Urushibata H, Shimizu N, Sebastian WA, Hikida T, Ishitani T, Hanada R, Shimada T, Kimoto K, Kubota T, Hanada T, Exosc2 deficiency leads to developmental disorders by causing a nucleotide pool imbalance in zebrafish, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020, 533, 4, 1470-1476, reviewed BibTeX
  8. 8. *Miyazaki, Katsuhiko, Miyazaki, Kayoko W., Sivori, Gaston, Yamanaka, Akihiro, Tanaka, Kenji F. and Doya, Kenji, Serotonergic projections to the orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal cortices differentially modulate waiting for future rewards, Science Advances, 2020, 6, eabc7246, reviewed, Open access BibTeX
  9. 9. *Tatsuya Matsushima, Naruya Kondo, Yusuke Iwasawa, Kaoru Nasuno, Yutaka Matsuo, Modeling Task Uncertainty for Safe Meta-imitation Learning, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2020, 7, 189, reviewed BibTeX
  10. 10. *Tomoki Kurikawa, Kenji Mizuseki, Tomoki Fukai, Oscillation-Driven Memory Encoding, Maintenance, and Recall in an Entorhinal-Hippocampal Circuit Model., Cerebral Cortex, 2020, 31, bhaa343, reviewed BibTeX
  11. 11. *Kurikawa T, Mizuseki K, Fukai T, Oscillation-Driven Memory Encoding, Maintenance, and Recall in an Entorhinal-Hippocampal Circuit Model., Cerebral Cortex, 2020, 31, bhaa343, reviewed BibTeX
  12. 12. Shiwaku H, Doi S, Miyajima M, Matsumoto Y, Fujino J, Hirai N, Jitoku D, Takagi S, Tamura T, Maruo T, Shidei Y, Kobayashi N, Ichihashi M, Noguchi S, Oohashi K, Takeuchi T, Sugihara G, Okada T, Fujiwara T, *Takahashi H., Novel brief screening scale, Tokyo Metropolitan Distress Scale for Pandemic (TMDP), for assessing mental and social stress of medical personnel in COVID-19 pandemic, Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2020, 75, 24-25, reviewed BibTeX
  13. 13. *Yohei Oseki, Alec Marantz, Modeling human morphological competence, Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11, 513740, reviewed& BibTeX
  14. 14. *Fujii K, Yoshihara Y, Matsumoto Y, Tose K, Takeuchi H, Isobe M, Mizuta H, Maniwa D, Okamura T, Murai T, Kawahara Y, Takahashi H., Cognition and interpersonal coordination of patients with schizophrenia who have sports habits, PLoS One, 2020, 15, e0241863, reviewed& BibTeX
  15. 15. Briones Jeric, Kubo Takatomi, Ikeda Kazushi, Extraction of Hierarchical Behavior Patterns Using a Non-parametric Bayesian Approach, Frontiers in Computer Science, 2020, 2, reviewed BibTeX
  16. 16. Yamasaki S, Aso T, Miyata J, Sugihara G, Hazama M, Nemoto K, Yoshihara Y, Matsumoto Y, Okada T, Togashi K, Murai T, Takahashi H, *Suwa T, Early and late effects of electroconvulsive therapy associated with different temporal lobe structures, Transl Psychiatry, 2020, 10, 344, reviewed BibTeX
  17. 17. Kunitomo, H., and *Iino, Y., Caenorhabditis elegans che-5 is allelic to gcy-22., MicroPubl Biol, 2020, 313, reviewed BibTeX
  18. 18. Murakami R, Tanaka H, Shinotsuka H, Nagata K, Shouno H, Yoshikawa H*, Development of multiple core-level XPS spectra decomposition method based on the Bayesian information criterion, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2020, 245, 147003, reviewed& BibTeX
  19. 19. *Tatsuya Teramae, Takamitsu Matsubara, Tomoyuki Noda, Jun Morimoto, Quaternion-based trajectory optimization of human postures for inducing target muscle activation patterns, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020, 5, 4, 6607-6614, reviewed BibTeX
  20. 20. *Briones, J., Kubo, T., & Ikeda, K., Extraction of Hierarchical Behavior Patterns Using a Non-parametric Bayesian Approach, Frontiers in Computer Science, 2020, 2, reviewed BibTeX
  21. 21. *Abe, Yoshifumi, Takata, Norio, Sakai, Yuki, Hamada, Hiro Taiyo, Hiraoka, Yuichi, Aida, Tomomi, Tanaka, Kohichi, Bihan, Denis Le, Doya, Kenji and Tanaka, Kenji F, Diffusion functional MRI reveals global brain network functional abnormalities driven by targeted local activity in a neuropsychiatric disease mouse model, Neuroimage, 2020, 223, 117318, reviewed BibTeX
  22. 22. *Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Tetsunari Inamura, Spatial Concept-Based Navigation with Human Speech Instructions via Probabilistic Inference on Bayesian Generative Model, Advanced Robotics, 2020, 34, 19, 1213-1228, reviewed BibTeX
  23. 23. Morioka H, Calhoun V, *Hyvärinen A, Nonlinear ICA of fMRI reveals primitive temporal structures linked to rest, task, and behavioral traits, NeuroImage, 2020, 218, 116989, reviewed BibTeX
  24. 24. *Misako Komatsu, Noritaka Ichinohe, Effects of Ketamine Administration on Auditory Information Processing in the Neocortex of Nonhuman Primates, Frontiers in psychiatry, 2020, 11, 826, reviewed BibTeX
  25. 25. Idei H, Murata S, *Yamashita Y, *Ogata T, Homogeneous Intrinsic Neuronal Excitability Induces Overfitting to Sensory Noise: A Robot Model of Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020, 11, 762, reviewed& BibTeX
  26. 26. *De Havas J, Ito S, Gomi H, On Stopping Voluntary Muscle Relaxations and Contractions: Evidence for Shared Control Mechanisms and Muscle State-Specific Active Breaking, The Journal of Neuroscience., 2020, 2020, 40, 31 BibTeX
  27. 27. *Masaaki Sato, Kotaro Mizuta, Tanvir Islam, Masako Kawano, Yukiko Sekine, Takashi Takekawa, Daniel Gomez-Dominguez, Alexander Schmidt, Fred Wolf, Karam Kim, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Masamichi Ohkura, Min Goo Lee, Tomoki Fukai, Junichi Nakai and *Yasunori Hayashi, Distinct mechanisms of over-representation of landmarks and rewards in the hippocampus., Cell Reports, 2020, 32, 107864, reviewed BibTeX
  28. 28. *Sato M, Mizuta K, Islam T, Kawano M, Sekine Y, Takekawa T, Gomez-Dominguez D, Schmidt A, Wolf F, Kim K, Yamakawa H, Ohkura M, Lee MG, Fukai T, Nakai J *Hayashi Y, Distinct mechanisms of over-representation of landmarks and rewards in the hippocampus., Cell Reports, 2020, 32, 107864, reviewed BibTeX
  29. 29. Shinotsuka H+, Nagata K, *Yoshikawa H, Mototake Y, Shouno H, Okada M, Development of spectral decomposition based on Bayesian information criterion with estimation of confidence interval, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2020, 21, 1, 402-419, reviewed& BibTeX
  30. 30. Yun M, Kawai T, Nejime M, Yamada H, *Matsumoto M, Signal dynamics of midbrain dopamine neurons during economic decision-making in monkeys, Science Advances, 2020, 6, eaba4962, reviewed BibTeX
  31. 31. Saito N, Tainaka K, Macpherson T, Hikida T, Yamaguchi S, Sasaoka T, Neurotransmission through dopamine D1 receptor is required for aversive memory formation and Arc activation in the cerebral cortex, Neuroscience Research, 2020, 156, 58-65, reviewed BibTeX
  32. 32. Mariko Tada, Kenji Kirihara, Daisuke Koshiyama, Mao Fujioka, Kaori Usui, Takanori Uka, Misako Komatsu, Naoto Kunii, Tsuyoshi Araki, Kiyoto Kasai, Gamma-Band Auditory Steady-State Response as a Neurophysiological Marker for Excitation and Inhibition Balance: A Review for Understanding Schizophrenia and Other Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 2020, 51, 4, 234-243, reviewed BibTeX
  33. 33. Nishioka T, Hamaguchi K, Yawata S, Hikida T, *Watanabe D, Chemogenetic Suppression of the Subthalamic Nucleus Induces Attentional Deficits and Impulsive Action in a Five-Choice Serial Reaction Time Task in Mice, Frontiers in System Neuroscience, 2020, 14, 38, reviewed BibTeX
  34. 34. Megumi Takasago, Naoto Kunii, Misako Komatsu, Mariko Tada, Kenji Kirihara, Takanori Uka, Yohei Ishishita, Seijiro Shimada, Kiyoto Kasai, Nobuhito Saito, Spatiotemporal Differentiation of MMN From N1 Adaptation: A Human ECoG Study, Frontiers in psychiatry, 2020, 11, 586, reviewed BibTeX
  35. 35. Takeuchi H, Tsurumi K, Murao T, Mizuta H, Kawada R, Murai T, *Takahashi H., Framing effects on financial and health problems in gambling disorder., Addict Behav., 2020, 110, 106502, reviewed& BibTeX
  36. 36. Han, Dongi, Doya, Kenji and *Tani, Jun, Self-organization of action hierarchy and compositionality by reinforcement learning with recurrent neural networks, Neural Networks, 2020, 129, 149-162, reviewed BibTeX
  37. 37. Nishioka T, Hamaguchi K, Yawata S, Hikida T, Watanabe D, Chemogenetic suppression of the subthalamic nucleus induces attentional deficits and impulsive action in a five-choice serial reaction time task in mice, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 2020, 14, 38, reviewed BibTeX
  38. 38. *Akira Kinose, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Integration of imitation learning using GAIL and reinforcement learning using task-achievement rewards via probabilistic graphical model, Advanced Robotics, 2020, 34, 16, 1055-1067, reviewed BibTeX
  39. 39. *Katahira K, Kunisato Y, Okimura T, Yamashita Y, Retrospective surprise: A computational component for active inference, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2020, 96, 202347~102347, reviewed& BibTeX
  40. 40. *Koizumi A, Hori T, Maniscalco B, Hayase M, Mishima R, Kawashima T, Miyata J, Aso T, Lau H, Takahashi H, Amano K., Atypical spatial frequency dependence of visual metacognition among schizophrenia patients, Neuroimage Clin, 2020, 27, 102296, reviewed BibTeX
  41. 41. *Yohei Oseki, Masayuki Asahara, Design of BCCWJ-EEG: Balanced corpus with human clectroencephalography, Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2020, Short Paper, 189-194, reviewed& BibTeX
  42. 42. Anan M, Higa R, Shikano K, Shide M, Soda A, Carrasco Apolinaro ME, Mori K, Shin T, Miyazato M, Mimata H, Hikida T, Hanada T, Nakao K, Kangawa K, Hanada R, Cocaine has some effect on Neuromedin U expressing neurons related to the brain reward system, Heliyon, 2020, 6, 5, e03947, reviewed# BibTeX
  43. 43. Raman Rajani, *Hosoya Haruo, Convolutional neural networks explain tuning properties of anterior, but not middle, face- processing areas in macaque inferotemporal cortex, Communications Biology, 2020, 3, 1–15, reviewed& BibTeX
  44. 44. Guilherme Maeda, Okan Koc, *Jun Morimoto, Phase portraits as movement primitives for fast humanoid robot control, Neural Networks, 2020, 129, 109-122, reviewed& BibTeX
  45. 45. Yoshihara Y, Lisi G, Yahata N, Fujino J, Matsumoto Y, Miyata J, Sugihara GI, Urayama SI, Kubota M, Yamashita M, Hashimoto R, Ichikawa N, Cahn W, van Haren NEM, Mori S, Okamoto Y, Kasai K, Kato N, Imamizu H, Kahn RS, Sawa A, Kawato M, Murai T, Morimoto J, *Takahashi H., Overlapping but Asymmetrical Relationships Between Schizophrenia and Autism Revealed by Brain Connectivit, Schizophr Bull, 2020, 46, 1210-8, reviewed& BibTeX
  46. 46. *Rok Pahic, Barry Ridge, Andrej Gams, Jun Morimoto, Ales Ude, Training of deep neural networks for the generation of dynamics movement primitives, Neural Networks, 2020, 127, 121-131, reviewed& BibTeX
  47. 47. Wang Q, Shimizu K, Maehata K, Pan Y, Sakurai K, Hikida T, Fukada Y, Takao T, Lithium ion adduction enables UPLC-MS/MS–based analysis of multi-class, 3-hydroxyl group–containing keto-steroids, The Journal of Lipid Research, 2020, 61, 4, 570-579, reviewed BibTeX
  48. 48. *Atsushi Masumori, Lana Sinapayen, Norihiro Maruyama, Takeshi Mita, Douglas Bakkum, Urs Frey, Hirokazu Takahashi, Takashi Ikegami, Neural Autopoiesis: Organizing Self-Boundaries by Stimulus Avoidance in Biological and Artificial Neural Networks., Artificial life, 2020, 26, 130-151, reviewed BibTeX
  49. 49. Kumar, A., Baruah, A., Tomioka, M., Iino, Y., Kalita, M.C., and *Khan, M., Caenorhabditis elegans: a model to understand host-microbe interactions., Cell Mol Life Sci, 2020, 77, 7, 1229-1249, reviewed BibTeX
  50. 50. Sho Ito, Hiroaki Gomi, Visually-updated hand state estimates modulate the proprioceptive reflex independently of motor task requirements, eLife, 2020, 9, open access: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.52380 BibTeX
  51. 51. Yuji Nagai, Naohisa Miyakawa, Hiroyuki Takuwa, Yukiko Hori, Kei Oyama, Bin Ji, Manami Takahashi, Xi-Ping Huang, Samuel T Slocum, Jeffrey F DiBerto, Yan Xiong, Takuya Urushihata, Toshiyuki Hirabayashi, Atsushi Fujimoto, Koki Mimura, Justin G English, Jing Liu, Ken-ichi Inoue, Katsushi Kumata, Chie Seki, Maiko Ono, Masafumi Shimojo, Ming-Rong Zhang, Yutaka Tomita, Jin Nakahara, Tetsuya Suhara, Masahiko Takada, Makoto Higuchi, Jian Jin, Bryan L Roth, Takafumi Minamimoto*, Deschloroclozapine, a potent and selective chemogenetic actuator enables rapid neuronal and behavioral modulations in mice and monkeys, Nature Neuroscience, 2020, 23, 1157-1167, reviewed& BibTeX
  52. 52. Toshitake Asabuki and *Tomoki Fukai, Somatodendritic consistency check for temporal feature segmentation., Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 1554, reviewed BibTeX
  53. 53. Asabuki T, *Fukai T, Somatodendritic consistency check for temporal feature segmentation, Nat Commun, 2020, 11, 1554, 1-13, reviewed# BibTeX
  54. 54. Toyoshima, Y., Wu, S., Kanamori, M., Sato, H., Jang, M.S., Oe, S., Murakami, Y., Teramoto, T., Park, C., Iwasaki, Y., Ishihara, T., Yoshida, R., *Iino, Y., Neuron ID dataset facilitates neuronal annotation for whole-brain activity imaging of C. elegans, BMC Biol, 2020, 18, 1, 30, reviewed BibTeX
  55. 55. Nishimoto T, Higashi H, Morioka H, *Ishii S, EEG-based personal identification method using unsupervised feature extraction and its robustness against intra-subject variability, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2020, 17, 2, 26007, reviewed BibTeX
  56. 56. *Shinsuke Suzuki, John P. O’Doherty, Breaking human social decision making into multiple components and then putting them together again, Cortex, 2020, 127, 221-230, reviewed BibTeX
  57. 57. *Takashi Hayakawa and Tomoki Fukai, Spontaneous and stimulus-induced coherent states of critically balanced neuronal networks., Physical Review Research, 2020, 2, 13253, reviewed BibTeX
  58. 58. *Hayakawa T, *Fukai T, Spontaneous and stimulus-induced coherent states of critically balanced neuronal networks, Phys. Rev. Research, 2020, 2, 013253, reviewed# BibTeX
  59. 59. *Kentaro Katahira, Yoshihiko Kunisato, Yuichi Yamashita, *Shinsuke Suzuki, Commentary: A robust data-driven approach identifies four personality types across four large data sets, Frontiers in Big Data, 2020, 3, 8, reviewed& BibTeX
  60. 60. *Katahira K, Kunisato Y, Yamashita Y, Suzuki S, Commentary: A robust data-driven approach identifies four personality types across four large data sets, Frontiers in Big Data, 2020, 3, 8, reviewed& BibTeX
  61. 61. *Lu X, Inoue K, Ohmae S, Uchida Y, New Cerebello-Cortical Pathway Involved in Higher-Order Oculomotor Control., Cerebellum, 2020, 19, 401-408, reviewed BibTeX
  62. 62. *Lu X, Inoue K, Ohmae S, Uchida Y, New Cerebello-Cortical Pathway Involved in Higher-Order Oculomotor Control., Cerebellum, 2020, 19, 401-408, reviewed BibTeX
  63. 63. Tei S, Kauppi JP, Jankowski KF, Fujino J, Monti RP, Tohka J, Abe N, Murai T, *Takahashi H, Hari R., Brain and behavioral alterations in subjects with social anxiety dominated by empathic embarrassment, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2020, 117, 4385-4391, reviewed& BibTeX
  64. 64. *Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Tetsunari Inamura, Improved and scalable online learning of spatial concepts and language models with mapping, Autonomous Robots, 2020, 44, 6, 927-946, reviewed BibTeX
  65. 65. *Hikida T,Morita M, Kuroiwa M, Macpherson T, Shuto T, Sotogaku N, Niwa M, Sawa A, Nishi A *, Adolescent psychosocial stress enhances sensitization to cocaine exposure in genetically vulnerable mice, Neuroscience Research, 2020, 151, 38-45, reviewed# BibTeX
  66. 66. *Hikida T, Yao S, Macpherson T, Fukakusa A, Morita M, Kimura H, Hirai K, Ando T, Toyoshiba H, Sawa A, Nucleus accumbens pathways control cell-specific gene expression in the medial prefrontal cortex, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 1, 1838, reviewed# BibTeX
  67. 67. Lanillos P, Oliva D, Philippsen A, Yamashita Y, Nagai Y, *Cheng G, A Review on Neural Network Models of Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neural Networks, 2020, 112, 338-363, reviewed& BibTeX
  68. 68. *Tadahiro Taniguchi, Tomoaki Nakamura, Masahiro Suzuki, Ryo Kuniyasu, Kaede Hayashi, Akira Taniguchi, Takato Horii, Takayuki Nagai, Neuro-serket: development of integrative cognitive system through the composition of deep probabilistic generative models, New Generation Computing, 2020, 84, 23-48, reviewed& BibTeX
  69. 69. *Shirasuna, M., Honda, H., Matsuka, T., & Ueda, K., Familiarity-matching: an ecologically rational heuristic for the relationships-comparison task, Cognitive Science, 2020, 44, 2, e12806, reviewed BibTeX
  70. 70. *Lana Sinapayen, Atsushi Masumori, Takashi Ikegami, Reactive, Proactive, and Inductive Agents: An Evolutionary Path for Biological and Artificial Spiking Networks, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2020, 13, reviewed BibTeX
  71. 71. Yuuki Tada, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Hiroki Tanaka, *Tadahiro Taniguchi, Robust understanding of robot-directed speech commands using sequence to sequence with noise injection, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2020, 6, 144, 1-12, reviewed BibTeX
  72. 72. *Yohei Oseki, Alec Marantz, Modeling morphological processing in human magnetoencephalography, Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL), 2020, Long Paper, 209-219, reviewed& BibTeX


  1. 1. *Kurikawa T, Mizuseki K, Fukai T, Oscillation-Driven Memory Encoding, Maintenance, and Recall in an Entorhinal-Hippocampal Circuit Model., Cerebral Cortex, 2020, 31, bhaa343, reviewed BibTeX
  2. 2. 高橋英彦, 山下祐一. *銅谷賢治, AIと脳神経科学―精神神経疾患へのデータ駆動と理論駆動のアプローチ, Clinical Neuroscience, 2020, 38, 1358-1363, & BibTeX
  3. 3. 高橋英彦,山下祐一,*銅谷賢治, AIと脳神経科学―精神神経疾患へのデータ駆動と理論駆動のアプローチ, Clinical Neuroscience, 2020, 38, 1358-1363, invited& BibTeX
  4. 4. *Sato M, Mizuta K, Islam T, Kawano M, Sekine Y, Takekawa T, Gomez-Dominguez D, Schmidt A, Wolf F, Kim K,Yamakawa H, Ohkura M, Lee M.G, Fukai T, Nakai J, *Hayashi Y, Distinct mechanisms of over-representation of landmarks and rewards in the hippocampus., Cell Reports, 2020, 32, 107864, reviewed BibTeX
  5. 5. 三村喬生, 松村杏子, 松村優哉, 関家友子, R によるテキスト分析入門, 情報の科学と技術, 2020, 70, 4, 181-186, invited BibTeX
  6. 6. Asabuki T, *Fukai T, Somatodendritic consistency check for temporal feature segmentation., Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 1554, reviewed BibTeX
  7. 7. 松本英之, 内田光子, 内田直滋, 強化学習とドーパミンの多様性, ブレインサイエンス・レビュー, 2020, 77-101 BibTeX
  8. 8. *Hayakawa T, Fukai T, Spontaneous and stimulus-induced coherent states of critically balanced neuronal networks., Physical Review Research, 2020, 2, 13253, reviewed BibTeX
  9. 9. 出井 勇人、村田 真悟、尾形 哲也、山下 祐一*, 不確実性の推定と自閉スペクトラム症-神経ロボティクス実験による症状シミュレーション, 精神医学, 2020, 62, 219-229, reviewed& BibTeX
  10. 10. 井澤淳, 脳の計算理論からリハビリテーションロボットへの応用, The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2020, 57, 1, 56-63, invited BibTeX
  11. 11. 高橋英彦, 山下祐一, *銅谷賢治, AIと脳神経科学―精神神経疾患へのデータ駆動と理論 駆動のアプローチ, Clinical Neuroscience, 2020, 38, 1358-1363, invited & BibTeX

国際会議 講演・発表

  1. 1. Yohei Oseki, Towards computational cognitive neuroscience of language, What is the role of next generation of cognitive robotics?, 2020, Zoom, Online, invited BibTeX
  2. 2. *Sugiyama M, Tsuda K, Nakahara H, Sample Space Truncation on Boltzmann Machines, NeurIPS 2020 Workshop: Deep Learning through Information Geometry, 2020, online, reviewed, poster BibTeX
  3. 3. Vieillard, Nino, Kozuno, Tadashi, Scherrer, Bruno, Pietquin, Olivier, Munos, Remi and Geist, Matthieu, Leverage the average: an analysis of KL regularization in reinforcement learning, Neural Information Processing Systems Online Conference 2020 (NeurIPS 2020), 2020, online, oral BibTeX
  4. 4. Shimizu, Yu, Yoshimoto, Junichiro, Takamura, Masahiro, Okada, Go, Matsumoto, Tomoya, Fuchikami, Manabu, Okada, Satoshi, Morinobu, Shigeru, Okamoto, Yasumasa, Yamawaki, Shigeto and Doya, Kenji, Maximum credibility voting (MCV): An integrative approach for accurate diagnosis of major depressive disorder from clinically readily available data, APSIPA 2020 online, 2020, online, oral BibTeX
  5. 5. *Hikida T, Kim J, Macpherson T, Nucleus accumbens D2-receptor-expressing neurons regulate reversal learning in the Attentional Set Shifting Test, 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacolog, 2020, poster BibTeX
  6. 6. Sugiura, Iori, Irei, Tsukasa, Doya, Kenji, Kurata, Koji and Miyata, Ryota, Effects of the neural activity in basal ganglia on the choice behavior in rats, The 30th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2020), 2020, online, oral BibTeX
  7. 7. Doya, Kenji, AI and brain science, 2020 IEEE CIS Summer School on Emerging Research Trends in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  8. 8. Tomoki Fukai, Rate and temporal coding perspectives of motor processing in cortical microcircuits, Online Workshop Series Neural Control: From data to machines, 2020, online, oral, invited BibTeX
  9. 9. Tomoki Fukai, Rate and temporal coding perspectives of motor processing in cortical microcircuits, Online Workshop Series Neural Control: From data to machines, 2020, online, oral, invited BibTeX
  10. 10. Li, Yuzhe and Doya, Kenji, Extracting information flow across cortical layers from multi-depth two-photon imaging data, 第63回自動制御連合講演会, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  11. 11. Hamano Y, *Shouno H, Analysis of Texture Representation in Convolution Neural Network Using Wavelet Based Joint Statistics., The 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2020), 2020, 1, Bangkok, Thai, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  12. 12. Doya, Kenji, Communication and Self-organization of Intelligent Agents, NOLTA 2020, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  13. 13. Yohei Oseki, Building machines that process and learn natural language like people, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS), 2020, Zoom, Online, invited BibTeX
  14. 14. Yuki Katsumata, Akira Taniguchi, Lotfi El Hafi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, and Tadahiro Taniguchi, SpCoMapGAN: Spatial Concept Formation-based Semantic Mapping with Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020, Las Vegas, USA (virtual), reviewed BibTeX
  15. 15. Uchibe E, Latent brain dynamics estimation and deep generative imitation learning, 31st U.S.-Japan Technology Forum, 2020, online, oral, invited BibTeX
  16. 16. Doya, Kenji, Toward the society of AI agents: what should we learn from the brain and human society, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  17. 17. Hidehiko Takahashi, Interface between AI and schizophrenia research, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, invited BibTeX
  18. 18. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics: Pursuing Integrative Cognitive Architecture using Probabilistic Generative Models for Real-world Language Acquisition, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, Online, Japan, invited BibTeX
  19. 19. *Nakahara H, Neural Computations for Making Decisions with Others’ Rewards and Decisions, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, online, oral, invited BibTeX
  20. 20. Nishioka T, Hikida T, Choose a good option or avoid a bad option: D2-MSN in the NAc selectively contributes to the strategy to avoid a bad option under decision, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, poster BibTeX
  21. 21. Uchibe E, Parallel deep reinforcement learning with model-free and model-based methods, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, online, poster BibTeX
  22. 22. Idei H, Murata S, *Yamashita Y, *Ogata T, Unusual paradoxical sensory reactivities induced by functional disconnection: An embodied predictive processing model of neurodevelopmental disorder, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, poster BibTeX
  23. 23. Soda T, Ahmadi A, Tani J, Hoshino M, Honda M, Hanakawa T, *Yamashita Y, Early stopping effects stochastic dynamics and flexible prediction in variational recurrent neural network model, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, poster BibTeX
  24. 24. Yamaguchi H, Hashimoto Y, Sugihara G, Miyata J, Murai T, Takahashi H, Honda M, *Yamashita Y, Feature extraction for Schizophrenia brain image using Convolutional neural network, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, poster BibTeX
  25. 25. *Makoto Kawano, Wataru Kumagai, Akiyoshi Sannai, Yusuke Iwasawa, and Yutaka Matsuo, Group Equivariant Conditional Neural Processes, International Conference on Learning Representations 2021, 2020, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  26. 26. Li, Yuzhe and Doya, Kenji, Neuron hubs distributed differently in deep layers and superficial layers in different brain states, The 1st Asia-Pacific Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience Conference. (2020 AP-CCN), 2020, online, Poster BibTeX
  27. 27. Doya, Kenji, What can we further learn from the brain for artificial intelligence?, Neurotheory Forum, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  28. 28. Doya, Kenji, How to let robots learn, develop, communicate and evolve, Latin American Summer School on Cognitive Robotics (LACORO), 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  29. 29. Inoue K, Pathway-selective activity manipulation in the primate brain by means of modified viral vectors, 7th ESI Systems Neuroscience Conference 2020 (ESI SyNC 2020), 2020, Online, invited BibTeX
  30. 30. Haga Y , Hata J, Kaneko T, Yamada T, Komaki Y, Seki F, Okano H, Okano JH, Yamamori T, Ichinohe N, Yamashita Y, Furukawa A, and *Komatsu M, Resting-State Functional Connectome Analysis of Awake Common Marmoset with Functional MRI and Electrocorticographic, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2020, Online, poster BibTeX
  31. 31. Komatsu M, Hierarchical predictions in the marmoset cerebral cortex, the 43th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020, Online, symposium BibTeX
  32. 32. *大村優,岩見謙太郎,笹森瞳,杉浦千瑛,Youcef Bouchekioua, 西谷直也,吉岡充弘, 背側縫線核セロトニン神経活動の抑制はモデルベース的意思決定を抑制する, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020, Online, psoter BibTeX
  33. 33. Doya, Kenji, What can we further learn from the brain for artificial intelligence, Neuroscience2020, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  34. 34. Hikishima-Kasahara, Kazumi and Doya, Kenji, Changes in the basal ganglia-thalamic functional connectivity induced by longitudinal motor training in mice, Neuroscience 2020, 2020, online, oral BibTeX
  35. 35. Mineki Oguchi, Jiang Jiasen, Toshihide W Yoshioka, Yasuhiro Tanaka, Kenichi Inoue, Masahiko Takada, Takefumi Kikusui, Kensaku Nomoto, Masamichi Sakagami, Endomicroscopic Calcium Imaging from the Macaque Primary Visual Cortex, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020, web, poster BibTeX
  36. 36. Li, Yuzhe and Doya, Kenji, Investigation of temporal and spatial origination of neural network in sensory cortex., The 30th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2020), 2020, online, Poster BibTeX
  37. 37. *Miyawaki H, Mizuseki K, Dynamics of inter-regional cellular interactions during slow-wave sleep., The Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020, On line, oral BibTeX
  38. 38. Ichigozaki S, Kawashima T, *Shouno H, Bayesian Sparse Covariance Structure Analysis for Correlated Count Data, The 26th Int’l Conf on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA20), 2020, Las Vegas, USA, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  39. 39. Kobayashi G, *Shouno H, Interpretation of ResNet by Visualization of Preferred Stimulus in Receptive Fields, The 26th Int’l Conf on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA20), 2020, Las Vegas, USA, reviewed, oral BibTeX
  40. 40. Honda, H., Matsuka, T., Ueda, K., The effect of context on decisions: Decision by sampling based on probabilistic beliefs., Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (COGSCI 2020) (2020/7/26-29), 2020, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  41. 41. Gu, Y., Honda, H., Matsuka, T., Ueda, K., The rational side of decision “bias” based on verbal probabilities., Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (COGSCI 2020) (2020/7/26-30), 2020, Virtual, reviewed BibTeX
  42. 42. *Haruo Hosoya, A deep generative model explaining tuning properties of monkey face processing patches, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020, online, reviewed oral BibTeX
  43. 43. Doya, Kenji, Toward multi-scale brain data assimilation, CNS*2020 Workshop: Machine learning and mechanistic modeling for understanding brain in health and disease, 2020, online, invited BibTeX
  44. 44. *Milena Menezes Carvalho, Tomoki Fukai, Self-supervision mechanism of multiple dendritic compartments for temporal feature learning, 29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2020), 2020, online, poster BibTeX
  45. 45. *Milena Menezes Carvalho, Tomoki Fukai, Self-supervision mechanism of multiple dendritic compartments for temporal feature learning, 29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2020), 2020, online, poster BibTeX
  46. 46. *De Havas J, Ito S, Gomi H, Brain responses to tactile oddballs are modulated by illusory pulling direction., Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Forum (FEN2020), 2020, online, poster BibTeX
  47. 47. *Koji Ishihara, Jun Morimoto, MPC for fumanoid control, Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS2020)Workshop (2020/7/12-16), 2020, Online, reviewed BibTeX
  48. 48. Tadahiro Taniguchi, Symbol Emergence in Robotics: Integrative Probabilistic Generative Models for Developmental Human-Robot Communication in the Real-world Environment, IEEE Ubiquitous Robots 2020, 2020, Online, Japan, keynote BibTeX
  49. 49. Doya K, How Can the Brain Connect Predictors and Actors on the Fly?, Workshop on Learning for flexible, context-sensitive behavior, 2020, 2020/3/12-3/13, Bielfeld, GERMANY, invited BibTeX
  50. 50. *Yamashita Y, Computational psychiatry: understanding psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders using computational modeling, The 3rd Kyutech International Workshop on Robotics and Innovation, 2020, Online, invited, oral BibTeX
  51. 51. *Tatsuya Haga, Tomoki Fukai, Multiscale associative memory recall by modulation of inhibitory circuits, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2020, 2020, Denver, USA, poster BibTeX
  52. 52. *Tatsuya Haga, Tomoki Fukai, Multiscale associative memory recall by modulation of inhibitory circuits, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2020, 2020, Denver, USA, poster BibTeX
  53. 53. *Hikida T, The role of the parallel pathways in the nucleus accumbens for reward and aversive learning, MACS International Symposium: COMPUTATIONAL PRINCIPLES IN ACTIVE PERCEPTION AND REINFORCEMENT LEARNING IN THE BRAIN, 2020, invited BibTeX
  54. 54. Rahman F, Doya K, Mickheyev A, Identifying the Evolutionary Conditions for the Emergence of Alternative Reproductive Tactics in Simulated Robot Colonies, AROB 25th 2020, 2020, 2020/1/22-1/24, Beppu, Oita and ONLINE, oral BibTeX
  55. 55. Macpherson T, Yao S, Fukakusa A, Morita M, Kimura H, Hirai K, Ando T, Toyoshiba H, Sawa A, Hikida T, Altered medial prefrontal cortex gene expression following nucleus accumbens pathway neurotransmission blocking, The 10th Takeda Science Foundation Symposium on PharmaSciences – Mental Illness: Human Biology and Preclinical Modeling for Translation, 2020, poster BibTeX
  56. 56. Doya K, What can we further learn from the brain for artificial intelligence?, The 20th winter workshop Mechanism of Brain and Mind, 2020, 2020/1/8-1/10, Rusutsu, HOKKAIDO, invited BibTeX


  1. 1. 高橋友太、大関洋平、酒井弘、幕内充、大須理英子, LSTMとMEGを用いた脳内言語処理メカニズムの推定, 第30回日本神経回路学会全国大会, 2020 BibTeX
  2. 2. *伊藤翔, 五味裕章, 伸張反射は多感覚統合を介した身体状態の不確かさに応じて調整される, The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neural Network Society (JNNS2020), 2020 BibTeX
  3. 3. Samejima K, Striatal neural dynamics during cognitive choice, 日本神経回路学会大会, 2020 BibTeX
  4. 4. 樋口 陽光,鈴木 聡志,*庄野 逸, 視覚野構造に基づいたシフト不変な深層学習モデルの確立, 第30回神経回路学会全国大会(JNNS2020), 2020 BibTeX
  5. 5. Doya, Kenji, 人工知能は脳から何を学べば良いのか, 応用脳科学アカデミーアドバンスコース「脳とAI」第1回, 2020 BibTeX
  6. 6. 永田 賢二, 角谷 正友, 篠塚 寛志, 田沼 繁夫, 登坂 弘明, 原田 善之, 松波 成行, *吉川 英樹, 庄野 逸, 村上諒, BIC自動ピークフィッティング技術を用いたXPSデータセットのハイスループット解析手法, 2020年度 実用表面分析講演会, 2020 BibTeX
  7. 7. Tomoki Fukai, 情報圧縮:脳的アプローチ, 第12回数理モデリング研究会 数理モデリングの哲学–数理モデルは何のためにあるのか –, 2020 BibTeX
  8. 8. Tomoki Fukai, 情報圧縮:脳的アプローチ, 第12回数理モデリング研究会 数理モデリングの哲学–数理モデルは何のためにあるのか –, 2020 BibTeX
  9. 9. 内田裕輝,山下祐一,*疋田貴俊, 人工的神経回路操作によるマウス食塩欲求の変化を強化学習モデルで再現する, 第39回日本動物行動学会大会, 2020 BibTeX
  10. 10. 髙橋 英彦, 脳画像から見た統合失調症の身体的問題, 日本総合病院精神医学会, 2020 BibTeX
  11. 11. 篠塚 寛志, 永田 賢二, *吉川 英樹, 本武 陽一, 庄野 逸, 岡田 真人, 情報量規準を用いた信頼区間推定付きのXPSスペクトルの自動解析, 2020年日本表面真空学会学術講演会, 2020 BibTeX
  12. 12. 村上 諒, 庄野 逸, 永田 賢二, 篠塚 寛志, *吉川 英樹, 参照スペクトルを使った多元素XPSスペクトルの解析手法の開発, 2020年日本表面真空学会学術講演会, 2020 BibTeX
  13. 13. *疋田貴俊, 適切な行動選択のための柔軟な脳のしくみ, 令和2年度国立大学附置研究所・センター会議 第2部会シンポジウム「コロナ新時代における蛋白質科学研究」, 2020 BibTeX
  14. 14. Doya, Kenji, 人工知能と脳科学の融合と社会, 第8回神経法学研究会, 2020 BibTeX
  15. 15. Doya, Kenji, 脳とAIの接点から何を学びうるのか, 第5回全脳アーキテクチャシンポジウム, 2020 BibTeX
  16. 16. *坂上雅道, 前頭前野における情報の抽象化と演繹的情報創生の神経メカニズムの研究, 新学術領域研究「人工知能と脳科学」第9回領域会議, 2020 BibTeX
  17. 17. *勝又勇貴,兼近晃徳,谷口彰,エルハフィロトフィ,萩原良信,谷口忠大, 深層生成モデルを用いた地図補完とSLAMの統合, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2020 BibTeX
  18. 18. *徐貺哲, 松香敏彦, 川端良子, 長田典子, 顔の印象評定における観察者の性格特性と視線の軌跡の関係: 状態空間モデルを用いた分析, 日本顔学会, 2020 BibTeX
  19. 19. 大関洋平, 心理言語学における計算論的転回, 慶應義塾大学医学部計算論的精神医学研究室 第7回研究会, 2020 BibTeX
  20. 20. *山下祐一, 脳の計算理論を用いて運動主体感異常の病態メカニズムに迫る, 第116回日本精神神経学会学術総会, 2020 BibTeX
  21. 21. *Naoto Iwahashi, Hiroyuki Okada, Kotaro Funakoshi, Theory of Cooperation: Exploring Human and Machine Capabilities, 日本認知科学会第37回大会, 2020 BibTeX
  22. 22. *本田秀仁・藤崎樹・松香敏彦・植田一博, 記憶の制約がヒューリスティックの合理性を促進する, 日本認知科学会第37回大会, 2020 BibTeX
  23. 23. *疋田貴俊, 意思決定における側坐核ネットワークの制御機構, 生理学研究所研究会 意思決定研究の新展開〜社会共感・主観価値の生成・葛藤に関わる神経メカニズム〜., 2020 BibTeX
  24. 24. 小澤貴明,柴田智弘,疋田貴俊, マウスにおける塩味とうま味の相乗作用, 生理学研究所研究会 第5回食欲・食嗜好の分子・神経基盤研究会., 2020 BibTeX
  25. 25. *濱口航介, 予測に基づく意思決定を可能にするマウス前頭皮質の神経活動, 生理研研究会2020 意思決定研究の新展開 社会共感・主観価値の生成・葛藤に関わる神経メカニズム, 2020 BibTeX
  26. 26. *濱口航介, 予測に基づく意思決定を可能にするマウス前頭皮質の神経活動, 生理研研究会2020 意思決定研究の新展開 社会共感・主観価値の生成・葛藤に関わる神経メカニズム, 2020 BibTeX
  27. 27. 村上 諒,庄野 逸,篠塚 寛志,永田 賢二,*吉川 英樹, 多量のスペクトルデータを利用した参照スペクトルの推定手法の開発, 第81回日本応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2020 BibTeX
  28. 28. 篠塚 寛志,永田 賢二,*吉川 英樹,本武 陽一,庄野 逸,岡田 真人, 多量のスペクトルデータを利用した参照スペクトルの推定手法の開発, 第81回日本応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2020 BibTeX
  29. 29. *小口峰樹, 新学術領域研究「人工知能と脳科学」第10回領域会議, 生理学研究所部門公開セミナー, 2020 BibTeX
  30. 30. 内田裕輝,疋田貴俊,*山下祐一, 報酬/罰となる食塩;浸透圧維持の強化学習モデル, 日本数理生物学会, 2020 BibTeX
  31. 31. 峰尾太陽,*庄野 逸, 自然勾配法によるSignアルゴリズムの収束性能改善, 電子情報通信学会信号処理研究会, 2020 BibTeX
  32. 32. 髙橋 英彦, 物質依存と行動嗜癖の脳画像の共通点と差異点, NPBPPP2020, 2020 BibTeX
  33. 33. 髙橋 英彦, 精神科臨床からシナプス機能を考える, NPBPPP2020, 2020 BibTeX
  34. 34. 高橋雄太,村田真悟,出井勇人,富田博秋,*山下祐一, 予測符号化理論に基づくニューラルネットワークを用いた自閉スペクトラム症における表情認知特性に関する検討, 第42回日本生物学的精神医学会年会, 2020 BibTeX
  35. 35. 吉野 倫太郎, 木村 慧, 田辺 創思, 大原 慎也, 中村 晋也, 井上 謙一, 高田 昌彦、筒井健一郎, マカクザル内側前頭皮質の側坐核及び扁桃体への投射様式の違いによる領域区分, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020 BibTeX
  36. 36. 髙橋 英彦, Interface between AI and schizophrenia research, 日本神経科学会, 2020 BibTeX
  37. 37. 小口-田中 峰樹, 蔣 嘉森, 吉岡 敏秀, 田中 康裕, 井上 謙一, 高田 昌彦, 菊水 健史, 野元 謙作, 坂上 雅道, マカク一次視覚野における微小内視鏡を用いたカルシウムイメージング, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020 BibTeX
  38. 38. 稲垣 未来男, 井上 謙一, 田辺 創思, 木村 慧, 高田 昌彦, 藤田 一郎, マカカ属サルにおける上丘から扁桃体への多シナプス性経路, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020 BibTeX
  39. 39. *Gomi H, Abekawa N, Functional roles of visual motion for hand reaching movement – New lines of evidence dissociate posture related and target related responses, The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020 BibTeX
  40. 40. *Nakamura D, Gomi H, Spatiotemporal processing of visual motion for generating quick ocular and manual responses examined by convolutional neural network., The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020 BibTeX
  41. 41. *Takemura A, Abekawa N, Nakamura D, Gomi H, Deficits in short-latency manual responses after chemical lesions in monkey cortical area MST., The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neural Network Society, 2020 BibTeX
  42. 42. *Takemura A, Nakamura D, Abekawa N, Gomi H, Effects of cerebral/cerebellum lesions on short-latency manual responses in monkeys., The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2020 BibTeX
  43. 43. Masafumi Nejime, Mengxi Yun, Takashi Kawai, Hiroshi Yamada, *Masayuki Matsumoto, Value and choice representations of the ventral striatum in monkeys performing an economic decision-making task, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020 BibTeX
  44. 44. Yawei Wang, Osamu Toyoshima, Jun Kunimatsu, Hiroshi Yamada, *Masayuki Matsumoto, Midbrain dopamine neurons monitor temporally changing reward values by gradually changing their activity, 第43回日本神経科学大会, 2020 BibTeX
  45. 45. Aoki R., *Benucci A., Plasticity of visual cortical circuits driven by millisecond patterned optogenetic manipulations at cellular-level resolution, JNS meeting, 2020 BibTeX
  46. 46. Lyamzin D., Aoki R., Benucci A., Orientation discrimination thresholds and task heuristics in mice, JNS meeting, 2020 BibTeX
  47. 47. Iguchi, Y, Hikishima K, Kobayashi, K, The individual history of reward learning and stress responsibility: resilience induced by contingency learning between action and reward, The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (2020/7/29-8/1), 2020 BibTeX
  48. 48. *川端 良子, 松香 敏彦, 不確定な対象の対話への導入方略, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会, 2020 BibTeX
  49. 49. *松嶋 達也, 古田 拓毅, 顧 世翔, 松尾豊, オフラインデータを利用したモデルベース強化学習, 人工知能学会全国大会2020, 2020 BibTeX
  50. 50. *阿久澤圭, 岩澤有祐, 松尾豊, Posterior Collapseの情報識別可能性による解釈と条件付き相互情報量最大化を用いた対策, 人工知能学会全国大会2020, 2020 BibTeX
  51. 51. *谷口尚平, 岩澤有祐, 松尾豊, 集合を扱う償却変分推論, 人工知能学会全国大会2020, 2020 BibTeX
  52. 52. *鈴木雅大, 松尾豊, 深層生成モデルのエネルギー関数を用いた補助情報に基づく条件付き画像修復, 人工知能学会全国大会2020, 2020 BibTeX
  53. 53. *相良 陸成, 田口 亮, 混合分布を用いた発話音声からの相対位置概念の学習, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会, 2020 BibTeX
  54. 54. *冠野 仁志, 相良 陸成, 田口 亮, 参照点に依存した連続動作の二重分節解析, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会, 2020 BibTeX
  55. 55. Naoto Iwahasahi, Theory of Cooperation: Cognitive and Mathematical Principles of Cooperation and Their Application, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会, 2020 BibTeX
  56. 56. *内部英治, モデルフリーとモデルベースの協同による並列深層強化学習, 第34回人工知能学会全国大会 (JSAI 2020), 2020 BibTeX
  57. 57. *谷口 彰,田渕 義基,エル ハフィ ロトフィ,萩原 良信,谷口 忠大, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2020), 2020 BibTeX
  58. 58. *勝又 勇貴,谷口 彰,エル ハフィ ロトフィ,萩原 良信,谷口 忠大, Generative Adversarial Networksと場所概念形成の確率モデルの融合に基づくSemantic Mapping, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2020), 2020 BibTeX
  59. 59. *室 茉央子,久保 孝富,谷口 忠大, 二重分節構造への認知反応における感覚モダリティ依存性に関する基礎的検証, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2020), 2020 BibTeX
  60. 60. *山口 皓太郎,岡 夏樹,谷口 忠大,尾崎 僚, ビデオゲーム環境における自然な発話の教師無し二重分節と意味獲得, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2020), 2020 BibTeX
  61. 61. *國安 瞭,中村 友昭,長井 隆行,谷口 忠大, 確率モデルと深層生成モデルの相互作用によるマルチモーダル学習, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2020), 2020 BibTeX
  62. 62. *吉田 悠人,谷口 彰,林 楓,谷口 忠大, マルチモーダル変分オートエンコーダを用いた実物体のカテゴリ形成, 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI2020), 2020 BibTeX
  63. 63. Macpherson T, Mizoguchi H, Yamanaka A, *Hikida T, A role for Enkephalin-expressing ventral pallidal neurons in controlling aversive Pavlovian Conditioning, 第97回日本生理学会, 2020 BibTeX
  64. 64. *岩橋直人, 「協力の理論」構築へ向けて:協力する人工知能のための機能と認知と数理, ゲーム理論ワークショップ, 2020 BibTeX
  65. 65. *山口 皓太郎, 岡 夏樹, 谷口 忠大, 尾崎 僚, ビデオゲーム環境における自然な発話の教師無し二重分節と強化学習による意味付け, HAIシンポジウム2020, 2020 BibTeX
  66. 66. Toshitake Asabuki, Giorgia Dellaferrera, *Tomoki Fukai, Learning complex temporal features by neurons with dendrites, OIST-Hitachi Joint Symposium, 2020 BibTeX
  67. 67. Toshitake Asabuki, Giorgia Dellaferrera, *Tomoki Fukai, Learning complex temporal features by neurons with dendrites, OIST-Hitachi Joint Symposium, 2020 BibTeX
  68. 68. Komatsu M, Whole-cortical Electrocorticography in Common Marmoset, 第9回日本マーモセット研究会大会, 2020 BibTeX
  69. 69. Morioka H, Nonlinear spatial ICA of resting-state fMRI via space-contrastive learning, The 6th CiNet Conference, 2020 BibTeX
  70. 70. *山口皓太郎, 岡夏樹, 谷口忠大, ビデオゲーム環境における自然な発話の教師無し二重分節 ~ 言語獲得の構成的理解に向けて ~, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会 (HCS), 2020 BibTeX
  71. 71. 上坂 佳史,*庄野 逸, スパースコーディングを用いた惑星表面画像のための圧縮手法の提案, 電子情報通信学会 ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 2020 BibTeX
  72. 72. 一期﨑 翔,川島 貴大,*庄野 逸, スパース推定を用いた潜在的な犯罪の高リスクエリアの推定と犯罪発生メカニズムの考察, 電子情報通信学会 ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 2020 BibTeX
  73. 73. *疋田貴俊, 報酬・忌避行動と精神疾患病態における神経回路機構の解析, 第5回包括的神経グリア研究会UNG2020, 2020 BibTeX
  74. 74. *Chiu HC, Doya K, Representation and grounding of abstract concepts: a preliminary investigation. Mechanism of Mind and Brain, The 20th winter workshop Mechanism of Brain and Mind, 2020 BibTeX
  75. 75. *石原弘二, 階層モデルを用いた人型ロボットの運動生成, 異分野融合ワークショップ「脳型情報処理によるロボットラーニングの技術革新」, 2020 BibTeX
  76. 76. Soda T, Ahmadi A, Tani J, Hoshino M, Honda M, Hanakawa T, *Yamashita Y, Simulating altered inference of uncertainty in autism spectrum disorders using a variational recurrent neural network model, The winter workshop 2020 on Mechanism of brain and mind, 2020 BibTeX

書 籍

  1. 1. 谷口忠大, イラストでで学ぶ人工知能概論 第二版, 2020 BibTeX
  2. 2. 井上謙一、高田昌彦, 大型霊長類脳神経系への遺伝子導入による活動操作・活動計測, 羊土社, 2020, # BibTeX
  3. 3. 谷口忠大, 心を知るための人工知能: 認知科学としての記号創発ロボティクス (越境する認知科学), 共立出版, 2020 BibTeX
  4. 4. 松本英之, 内田光子, 内田直滋, 強化学習とドーパミンの多様性, クバプロ, 2020 BibTeX
  5. 5. *山下 祐一, 脳の計算理論に基づく発達障害の病態理解, 星和書店, 2020 BibTeX
  6. 6. 髙橋 英彦, 社会脳とギャンブル, 日本学術協力財団, 2020 BibTeX
  7. 7. 宗田卓史,国里愛彦,片平健太郎,沖村宰,*山下祐一, 計算神経科学と精神医学―情報の観点から精神疾患を見る, 学樹書院, 2020 BibTeX


  1. 1. 坂上雅道, 第3回ヤフー株式会社コマースカンパニー金融統括本部, 優秀論文賞, 2020 BibTeX
  2. 2. 庄野 逸,寺本陶冶, VGGモデルの視覚野的解釈における解析の検討, 神経回路学会 最優秀研究賞, 2020 BibTeX
  3. 3. 山口 博行(山下Lab), 深層学習を使った精神疾患脳構造画像の特徴量抽出, 第116回日本精神神経学会学術総会 優秀発表賞, 2020 BibTeX
  4. 4. Yuzhe Li (Doya Unit), 2020 AP-CCN Poster Award, the Asia-Pacific Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience (AP-CNN) conference., 2020 BibTeX
  5. 5. 飯野雄一(飯野Lab), 線虫の化学物質への応答行動を制御する分子機構と神経回路機構の解明, 日本動物学会賞, 2020 BibTeX
  6. 6. 谷口忠大, イラストで学ぶロボット工学, 一般社団法人日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門部門教育表彰, 2020 BibTeX
  7. 7. 上坂 佳史(庄野Lab), スパースコーディングを用いた惑星表面画像のための圧縮方法の提案, IEEE Young Researcher Award, 2020 BibTeX
  8. 8. 遠藤 瑛泰(庄野Lab), 特徴選択手法を用いたびまん性肺疾患陰影の分析, IEEE Young Researcher Award, 2020 BibTeX
  9. 9. Kenji Doya, Outstanding Achievement Award, Asia-Pacific Neural Network Society, 2020 BibTeX


  1. 1. Takatomi Kubo, プログラム理解能力に関連する脳活動パターンの特定に成功 〜習熟度の高いプログラマーほど、 プログラム理解のために脳活動が洗練されている可能性〜, 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学, 2020, 国内,ネットニュース BibTeX
  2. 2. Kenji Doya (OIST), Machine intelligence accelerates research into mapping brains, OIST News Center, 2020, https://www.oist.jp/news-center/press-releases/machine-intelligence-accelerates-research-mapping-brains BibTeX
  3. 3. 山下祐一(NCNP), 計算論的精神医学のデータベースの構築~精神疾患の理解と治療法の解決に向けて~, Press release, 2020, https://www.ncnp.go.jp/topics/2020/20201204.html BibTeX
  4. 4. Kenji Doya (OIST), Scientists reveal regions of the brain where serotonin promotes patience, OIST News Center, 2020, https://www.oist.jp/news-center/press-releases/scientists-reveal-regions-brain-where-serotonin-promotes-patience BibTeX
  5. 5. 山下祐一(NCNP), 神経発達障害の認知行動異常のメカニズムを解明, Press release, 2020, https://www.ncnp.go.jp/topics/2020/20200812.html BibTeX
  6. 6. Masayuki Matsumoto (University of Tsukuba), Dopamine neurons mull over your options, MedicalXpress他9件, 2020, https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-07-dopamine-neurons-mull-options.html BibTeX
  7. 7. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), NTT脳の仕組みで新発見 伸張反射が視覚による身体情報に依存, 電経新聞, 2020, http://www.denkeishimbun.co.jp/ BibTeX
  8. 8. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), 運動を支える脳の仕組み「伸縮反射」 調整に視覚による身体情報が関与、NTTの研究所が世界で初めて発見, 科学新聞, 2020, 2020/6/12 1面 https://sci-news.co.jp/ BibTeX
  9. 9. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), NTT、運動中の伸張反射の調整と脳内情報処理の関連性を発見, WebMagazine AXIS, 2020, https://www.axismag.jp/posts/2020/06/217671.html BibTeX
  10. 10. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), NTT、脳の「伸張反射」が視覚による身体情報に依存して調整されることを発見, 日本経済新聞, 2020, https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLRSP535033_R00C20A6000000/ BibTeX
  11. 11. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), NTT、脳の「伸張反射」が視覚による身体情報に依存して調整されることを発見, 日経クロステック, 2020, https://xtech.nikkei.com/ BibTeX
  12. 12. Hidehiko Takahashi (Tokyo Medical and Dental University), 脳機能的結合から統合失調症・自閉症の判別法を開発し、両者の関係も明らかに―人工知能を用いた疾患判別法による精神疾患の関係性の解明に道!―, 2020, https://www.tmd.ac.jp/archive-tmdu/kouhou/20200417_1.pdf BibTeX
  13. 13. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Study shows how the brain balances sensory information to control muscle movement, News Medical, 2020, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20200401/Study-shows-how-the-brain-balances-sensory-information-to-control-muscle-movement.aspx BibTeX
  14. 14. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, eLife Press Release, 2020, https://elifesciences.org/for-the-press/27c84381/visual-feedback-enhances-activation-of-muscle-movement-in-response-to-bodily-sensation BibTeX
  15. 15. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, Sciene Daily, 2020, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200331130002.htm BibTeX
  16. 16. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, Eurekalert, 2020, https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-03/e-vfe033120.php BibTeX
  17. 17. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, News Break, 2020, https://www.newsbreak.com/news/0OdPLV9V/visual-feedback-enhances-activation-of-muscle-movement-in-response-to-bodily-sensation BibTeX
  18. 18. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, Agenparl, 2020, https://agenparl.eu/visual-feedback-enhances-activation-of-muscle-movement-in-response-to-bodily-sensation/ BibTeX
  19. 19. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, The better Parent, 2020, https://thebetterparent.com/2020/03/visual-feedback-enhances-activation-of-muscle-movement-in-response-to-bodily-sensation/ BibTeX
  20. 20. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, Bioengineering facebook, 2020, https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=155114304512496&story_fbid=3096827447007819 BibTeX
  21. 21. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, 365newsx, 2020, https://365newsx.com/gb/article/visual-feedback-enhances-activation-of-muscle-movement-in-response-to-bodily-sensation BibTeX
  22. 22. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, into.ai, 2020, https://into.ai/blog/news-stories/visual-feedback-enhances-activation-of-muscle-movement-in-response-to-bodily-sensation/ BibTeX
  23. 23. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, BrightSurf, 2020, https://www.brightsurf.com/news/article/033120506602/visual-feedback-enhances-activation-of-muscle-movement-in-response-to-bodily-sensation.html BibTeX
  24. 24. Hiroaki Gomi (NTT), Visual feedback enhances activation of muscle movement in response to bodily sensation, NewsLocker, 2020, https://www.newslocker.com/en-uk/profession/psychology/visual-feedback-enhances-activation-of-muscle-movement-in-response-to-bodily-sensation/ BibTeX
  25. 25. Yuichi Iino (Univ Tokyo), 線虫の全脳神経活動を1細胞レベルで神経回路にマッピングする方法の開発, 2020, https://www.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/press/2020/6724/ BibTeX
  26. 26. Takashi Ikegami, オーケストラを用いたヒューマンアンドロイドによる演奏表現の共同研究, 国立音楽大学, 2020, https://www.kunitachi.ac.jp/NEWS/introduction/20200111_01.html BibTeX


  1. 1. Takashi Ikegami, 傀儡神楽, MUTEK TOKYO 2020, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, Performance BibTeX
  2. 2. *五味裕章, 挑戦する研究者 多面的に考えて、自らが楽しくなるように発想転換。自分だけでなく、社会を楽しませようとすることも, NTT技術ジャーナル, 2020, Vol.32, NO.12, 2020.12 p56-61 BibTeX
  3. 3. 疋田貴俊, 適切な行動選択のための柔軟な脳のしくみ, 令和2年度国立大学附置研究所・センター会議第2部会シンポジウム「コロナ新時代における蛋白質科学研究」, 2020, オンライン開催, 一般向け講演会 BibTeX
  4. 4. Doya, Kenji, 脳内シミュレーションの神経機構, Online 東京大学医学部 機能生物学セミナー, 2020, online, Seminar BibTeX
  5. 5. 三村 喬生, Narrative of iris data, 第88回 Tokyo.R, 2020, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX
  6. 6. 高橋 英彦, 脳イメージングでみる依存症-ギャンブル依存を中心に-, 第28回脳の世紀シンポジウム, 2020, 朝日ホール(WEB配信), 一般向け講演会 BibTeX
  7. 7. Doya, Kenji, Neural circuits for mental simulation, Online seminar NeuFo Monday Seminar, University of Geneva, 2020, online, Seminar BibTeX
  8. 8. *伊藤翔,五味裕章, AIと脳科学であなたをもっと知る──人に迫り人を究めるコミュニケーション科学 巧みで素早い運動を支える脳内情報処理──視覚的な身体情報による伸張反射の調整, NTT技術ジャーナル, 2020, Vol.32, NO.9, 2020.9 p23-28 BibTeX
  9. 9. Rahman, Farzana, Identifying the evolutionary conditions for the emergence of alternative reproductive tactics in simulated robot colonies, 2020, Dissertation BibTeX
  10. 10. 三村 喬生, BeggineR Session – Data analysis -, 第86回 Tokyo.R, 2020, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX
  11. 11. 五味裕章, 意識より賢い無意識 ~環境に応じた顕在・潜在的視覚運動応答の調節, NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所オープンハウス 2020, 2020, オンライン開催, 一般・研究開発者向けデモ展示 BibTeX
  12. 12. 五味裕章, 巧みで素早い運動を支える脳の中の身体表現 ~手の位置推定の不確かさは伸張反射を調節する, NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所オープンハウス 2020, 2020, オンライン開催, 一般・研究開発者向けデモ展示 BibTeX
  13. 13. 三村 喬生, BeggineR Session – Data visualization -, 第85回 Tokyo.R, 2020, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX
  14. 14. Doya, Kenji, Neural implementation of reinforcement learning, Virtual Seminar at DeepMind Paris, 2020, online, Seminar BibTeX
  15. 15. Kozuno, Tadashi, Efficient and Noise-Tolerant Reinforcement Learning Algorithms via Theoretical Analysis of Gap-Increasing and Softmax Operators, 2020, Dissertation BibTeX
  16. 16. Takashi Ikegami, 傀儡神楽, TOKYO ALIFE 2020 ver.0, 2020, Tokyo, Japan, Performance BibTeX
  17. 17. 谷口忠大, 記号創発ロボティクスによる人間と表象の理解 ~表象概念の探求とAIの芸術制作~, Panel talk, 表象文化論研究会 シンポジウム, 立命館大学, 2020, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX
  18. 18. Doya, Kenji, ロボット作りから脳科学へ:探究の楽しみ方, 2020, 沖縄県立向陽高校(SSH指定校), Seminar BibTeX
  19. 19. Komatsu M, Predictive coding on auditory processing: spatio-temporal structure of signal flow in the primate neocortex, MACS International Symposium: COMPUTATIONAL PRINCIPLES IN ACTIVE PERCEPTION AND REINFORCEMENT LEARNING IN THE BRAIN, 2020, 京都, invited BibTeX
  20. 20. Parmas, Paavo, Total stochastic gradient algorithms and applications to model-based reinforcement learning, 2020, Dissertation BibTeX
  21. 21. 三村 喬生, Landscape with R, 第83回 Tokyo.R, 2020, 一般向け講演会・セミナー BibTeX