NC unit secretary
2020-10-09 10:09:46

Prof. Josh Tenenbaum will present his Keynote “Building Machines That See, Think and Learn Like People” during the live session from 13:30 UTC, October 10th. As the primer, please watch this lecture "Reverse Engineering Common Sense” at the Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2020:

🙌 Rae Pineda, Kan Sakamoto, Takatomi-k, Yohei Oseki, Taiki Miyagawa, Charlotte, Hiroaki Gomi
Jiwon Yeon
2020-10-11 00:34:27

Will the recorded video of the talk and the discussion be uploaded?

🙏 olewow, Alex Carvalho, Christabel Wayllace, Motohiro Okaya, Rae Pineda, Pulin Gong, Seaurchinjinni, Nico, Benko Zsigmond, L Ceton
👍 Avinash Singh, Doug Lee, Div, Susana Ramirez, Steven Yamada, Machlearn14, Seaurchinjinni, Jovan ジョバン, Nico, Benko Zsigmond
NC unit secretary
2020-10-19 20:54:11

*Thread Reply:* Discussion sessions for 3 days have been updated in #discussions channel. Please visit and have a look them.