A02Motor control and behaviors Computational mechanisms of implicit sensorimotor control
We human perform complex computation for skillful motor control without conscious awareness. In this study, we explore the learning and adaptive processes of implicit and involuntary sensorimotor control, which is driven automatically according to motor context, in order to characterize fundamental mechanisms of integration of explicit and implicit motor controls. As an example of implicit sensorimotor control, we first focus on an ultra-quick manual response driven by a sudden visual motion, named manual following response we found previously. Despite of its very short latency, we have shown effective modulation of this response with motor context, unlike classical idea of stereotyped reflex. We will try to clarify neural pathways and modulation mechanisms to drive and regulate this implicit motor response, which would be significantly different from the voluntary movement generation process. By classifying motor control mechanisms and those adaptive and learning processes, we will contribute to build a computational model of hierarchical integrated motor control.