"AI&BRAIN" Summer School was held
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “AI & BRAIN” Summer School was held. You can download our programs with abstracts here.
Wednesday, 31 Jul 2019
Lecture 1: “ AI& BASIC” Koji Tsuda, The University of Tokyo/RIKEN AIP Professor
Lecture 2: “BRAIN & BASIC” Keiji Tanaka, RIKEN BSI Senior Team Leader
Thursday, 01 Aug 2019
Lecture 3: “AIxDL”, Yutaka Matsuo, University of Tokyo Professor
Lecture 4: “BRAIN x DL”, Shinji Nishimoto, CiNet/Osaka University Guest Professor
Lecture 5: “AIxRL”, Jun Morimoto, ATR Department of Brain Robot Interface(BRI) Head of Department
【Coming Soon】
Lecture 6: “BRAINxRL”, Hiroyuki Nakahara, RIKEN BSI Senior Team Leader
Friday, 02 Aug 2019
Lecture 7: “AIxBAYES”, Tadahiro Taniguchi, Ritsumeikan University/Panasonic Professor
Lecture 8: “BRAINxBAYES”, Kenji Doya, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Professor
Lecture 9: “AIxAPPLICATION”, Hiroaki Kitano, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University/SONY CSL Professor
【Coming Soon】
Lecture 10: “BRAINxAPPLICATION”, Satoshi Tsujimoto, The Nielsen Company Singapore Pte. Ltd.